Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
As of right now I still have sobriety from the following sites, and exactly these ones, but I was considering bottomlining. As I did go on a pr0n site, due to feeling ineffective; and that person who said he would call did not, so it was "porn" to the rescue.
social networking sites, including facebook, twitter, youtube
dating sites
chatting sites: woome, chat with a stranger, etc. I cannot be on a
chatting site. MMORPGs count as "chat sites". IRC. The only
exception is 12 step-related chat.
chat programs
YouTube, Google videos, Crackle, and calling anyone's associated fan line
It's so inspiring for me personally to just see the one post that I did celebrating that I had three days. That makes me feel like, if I could do three days, I could do it again.
I'm not exactly on a diet or anything, but I really want to eat some ice cream--strawberry shortcake from Stricklands. The problem is that it's a waste of time and a waste of money going to the ice cream shoppe, also prolly not the healthiest thing in the world. But the thing is I am always eating crazy healthfood and vitamins and I just feel like if I just eat something I'd really like then I'd have enough energy to get done what I got to do or....that I'd feel like I owe it to myself to finish things.
This strategy worked sometimes in undergrad. Like if I had a big paper to finish, I'd take myself to an expensive restaurant, eat very well and then suddenly be like cramming for three hours, b/c it was my way of saying to myself: "See now you have to do it, you got everything you want, and you can't complain that you're deprived."
--Sometimes that actually works, but yeah... I basically am freaked about not having the rent, and I am scarily hoping to receive my form from my car company in the mail still.
The flavor of the day is blueberry.... Hell yeah. I'm goin'.
It was a really long and wonderful day today: my children and mother came home from LA in time for father's day: my sister and I went for a very long walk with her baby and Patches the Dog, I had a nap, my son made supper and I got to an AA meeting and was given the opportunity to share my story. Happily, I am not triggered today. There is a lot to do, the house is messy, and I am content with my lot. Great opportunities for growth in all directions. This evening I would like to get things in order for the week (boy is it nice that no one will be rushing off to school or worried about homework!) and then get to bed before midnight so the day starts well.
For tomorrow: financial aid stuff. mail in residency stuff. do the daily routine. write first draft of resume for part time job I would love.
I didn't mean to not post a CI until this late... too many deadlines has gotten to me a bit - i am easily distracted, side-tracked this weekend. Just caught myself working on a small at cost job instead of a BIG urgent job... thankfully the awareness came pretty quickly and my instinct was to pray and post here - so there is that progress! Lots of posts lately with lots of great thoughts - one from agnus regarding balance really struck me - that has been my goal - but as was said i often only find it swinging by from one extreme to another :( BUT, maybe my swings aren't quite as wild these days and at least I am moving - i have had some periods in my life of being stuck in the extreme of complete avoidance/doing nothing/just getting by - so swining is better than sticking! Sorry if that made no sense! I do know that God has a plan for all of us here and if we keep at it, He will bring it to pass.
Just posting for awareness and to get back to work - with a LIST and TIMER this time - my crazy avoidant mind will have me back to working on the wrong thing in no time without serious intervention!
I didn't have the time to thank you enough for listening and for your support last night after the meeting! Your words made a big impact on me and I think about what you said very often today!
says "sorry for my silly English, not a native speaker here :-) "
As of this morning I have three days without the following:
'Right now what I need in order to feel good and be effective again
is to face the things that need to be accomplished so that I can get
over this "hurdle" that causes me to feel lack of esteem. I am going
to avoid the following sites for one day, then a week, then a month:
social networking sites, including facebook, twitter, youtube
dating sites
chatting sites: woome, chat with a stranger, etc. I cannot be on a
chatting site. MMORPGs count as "chat sites". IRC. The only
exception is 12 step-related chat.
chat programs
YouTube, Google videos, Crackle, and calling anyone's associated fan line'
These sites may seem innocuous, but I am addict, I don't quit, I just keep on going when I get there. I have no sense of compunction.
Happy Father's Day to all - and a special hug to Journey.
I've done alot already today - sponsor call, food plan, some house cleaning, some quiet time, a walk - but feel the focus drifting. So perhaps a rare Sunday check-in is in order. I observed my sabbath yesterday so had planned some work today - but the step-kids want us to come at 4pm for a Father's Day picnic and now I am stumped on the next right thing to do. I had planned wkly update, comm invoice, mn est, address lists (mom, aps), cover ltr, folo-up repro's, backlogged reading, paying bills.
This morning I realized if I don't plant my pretty little heirloom beefsteak tomato plant today, I'm in danger of losing it. And, since I don't really know how to do this - can't decide where it will get enough sun without burning vs where I will see it daily so remember to water it, how to manage pests, etc. - I'll need to research this. Going to chat to time-limit my wander-ey focus now.
I had a party so we all stayed busy and had fun! My brother inherited the "secret family recipe" so he made the main dish and we all had a nice day. Boy am I tired today though!
PS. I have tomatoes to plant too! I'm hoping to get that done on Tuesday.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
This morning I cleaned my bathroom, tidied my kitchen and went to church. I'm about to go get lunch with a friend.
After that, my MITs for the day are
*Write up VAD expt
*Copy article, return library book, deal w/ lost library book :blush:, get out other book
*Finish significance analysis
*Work for an hour on QTL idea (did about 30 min of work on this)
*Card, call home for father's day
*List of Qs about TA, quals, committee
Other tasks:
*Write up tranplantation expts
*Draft deacon letter
*Memorize stages
*Lunch w/ friend
*Call AG
*Cook dinner
Heading off to lunch now, when I come back I'll make list of Qs, then I'll deal w/ library book stuff
Update 4:45--had lunch, made list of Qs, dealt w/ library book stuff, now I'm going to write up the VAD experiments (should take less than an hour), then I'll go home, call my dad, call AG, make card, and cook dinner. Working in chatbox now, will update CI when I finish writing up VAD experiments.
Update 6--done writing up VAD expts, now going to call dad, go home, call AG.
Update 10:30--not doing so great...called dad, went home, called AG, made and ate dinner, did laundry, now I'm totally exhausted for some reason, but I still want to make a little more progress. I'm going to quickly take a shower, then I'll spend half an hour working on QTL idea.
Well, I didn't make quite as much progress as I would have liked (and I also think I overestimated what I could reasonably get done) but I worked pretty steadily, made some decent progress and also got some rest so I will be recharged for the week. First thing tomorrow morning I need to do ironing, make card and then head to lab.
I like the thread-starter, too. Thanks, fudo_shin!
This morning I had my bike ride & qigong meditation. I've eaten breakfast, and bought minutes for my cell phone.
Sunday is a tough day to have a car fixed, so most likely on Monday I will drive my car to a repair place. This is a tough decision for me. Last night my car broke down. A friend was able to get to me before AAA could, so the friend helped temporarily fix my car & followed me home. I didn't get to go to the easy social activity, which was disappointing, in addition to the frustration of the car breakdown. Oh well, at least my car didn't break down on my long out-of-town trip earlier this month. Next: on the Internet find out what time the car place opens in the morning, then putter around here for a while.
10am. Plans are made for taking the car to the repair shop on Monday. I've started a load of clothes and a load of dishes to wash. I baited the wasp trap and put it on the balcony. (We'll see if it works during the next few days). I have a couple more things in mind, but will wait until after the dishes finish in the dishwasher.
12:35pm. I'm still washing clothes here. I've cooked and eaten lunch, and have the dishwasher running again. There are some things I am feeling overwhelmed about. However, I will continue puttering around, and hope to update my CI later.
2pm. Gym bags are packed. There are other things for the week that I need to be working on now. It's a process. I am just going to trust myself to keep doing a little bit at a time. I may check in a time or two before, but I hope by 4pm or 5pm that I will have made the progress that I am looking for!!!
4:30pm. Backpack for my trip is packed :) I still have to pack the "last-minute" things later this week, but the main part is done (as compactly as I can ;) I've also colored my hair, which was my other main project for the afternoon ;)
5:05pm. I called some people in my other program. Just to touch base, but also talked about some panic-attack-y feelings I've been having. I've started cooking dinner, so I will see how that turns out.
6:10pm. After dinner, I've put the leftovers in containers. I can do a few more things, then will call my dad.
9:35pm. I had talked to Dad earlier. I continued to do things around the condo. I wrote emails to 2 friends. Now I need to sleep!
fudo_shin : bottomlines - 12:56am
Please no advice.
As of right now I still have sobriety from the following sites, and exactly these ones, but I was considering bottomlining. As I did go on a pr0n site, due to feeling ineffective; and that person who said he would call did not, so it was "porn" to the rescue.
chatting site. MMORPGs count as "chat sites". IRC. The only
exception is 12 step-related chat.
It's so inspiring for me personally to just see the one post that I did celebrating that I had three days. That makes me feel like, if I could do three days, I could do it again.
fudo_shin: on craving (7:52pm)
Please no advice, thank you.
I'm not exactly on a diet or anything, but I really want to eat some ice cream--strawberry shortcake from Stricklands. The problem is that it's a waste of time and a waste of money going to the ice cream shoppe, also prolly not the healthiest thing in the world. But the thing is I am always eating crazy healthfood and vitamins and I just feel like if I just eat something I'd really like then I'd have enough energy to get done what I got to do or....that I'd feel like I owe it to myself to finish things.
This strategy worked sometimes in undergrad. Like if I had a big paper to finish, I'd take myself to an expensive restaurant, eat very well and then suddenly be like cramming for three hours, b/c it was my way of saying to myself: "See now you have to do it, you got everything you want, and you can't complain that you're deprived."
--Sometimes that actually works, but yeah... I basically am freaked about not having the rent, and I am scarily hoping to receive my form from my car company in the mail still.
The flavor of the day is blueberry.... Hell yeah. I'm goin'.
fudo_shin: on craving (8:57pm)
I have decided not to get ice cream. I've decided to make popcorn instead, since I already have popcorn.
e's sunday ci/o
It was a really long and wonderful day today: my children and mother came home from LA in time for father's day: my sister and I went for a very long walk with her baby and Patches the Dog, I had a nap, my son made supper and I got to an AA meeting and was given the opportunity to share my story. Happily, I am not triggered today. There is a lot to do, the house is messy, and I am content with my lot. Great opportunities for growth in all directions. This evening I would like to get things in order for the week (boy is it nice that no one will be rushing off to school or worried about homework!) and then get to bed before midnight so the day starts well.
For tomorrow: financial aid stuff. mail in residency stuff. do the daily routine. write first draft of resume for part time job I would love.
Peace, everyone
asking for help to do the next right thing
byGodsGrace todays CI
I didn't mean to not post a CI until this late... too many deadlines has gotten to me a bit - i am easily distracted, side-tracked this weekend. Just caught myself working on a small at cost job instead of a BIG urgent job... thankfully the awareness came pretty quickly and my instinct was to pray and post here - so there is that progress! Lots of posts lately with lots of great thoughts - one from agnus regarding balance really struck me - that has been my goal - but as was said i often only find it swinging by from one extreme to another :( BUT, maybe my swings aren't quite as wild these days and at least I am moving - i have had some periods in my life of being stuck in the extreme of complete avoidance/doing nothing/just getting by - so swining is better than sticking! Sorry if that made no sense! I do know that God has a plan for all of us here and if we keep at it, He will bring it to pass.
Just posting for awareness and to get back to work - with a LIST and TIMER this time - my crazy avoidant mind will have me back to working on the wrong thing in no time without serious intervention!
weekly 12-Step PA meeting in "meetings chatbox"
Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".
This meeting follows a 12-Step Meeting format.
Meeting is held:
(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT -
STANDARD time year round.
Click on links in RED below -- to give exact time in your time zone)
> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.
> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.
Sunday 3:30 PM, USA Eastern DAYLIGHT Time
Sunday 8:30 PM, British DAYLIGHT Time
Monday 5:30 AM, Sydney Australia STANDARD Time
It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.
No obligation to attend. No need to "report in". No attendance taken.
Come when you feel called to come!
All are welcome!
Thank you, movingalong!
Dear movingalong,
I didn't have the time to thank you enough for listening and for your support last night after the meeting! Your words made a big impact on me and I think about what you said very often today!
says "sorry for my silly English, not a native speaker here :-) "
"Failing to plan is planning to fail"
fudo_shin: Three Days! (12:07pm)
Please, no advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
As of this morning I have three days without the following:
'Right now what I need in order to feel good and be effective again
is to face the things that need to be accomplished so that I can get
over this "hurdle" that causes me to feel lack of esteem. I am going
to avoid the following sites for one day, then a week, then a month:
chatting site. MMORPGs count as "chat sites". IRC. The only
exception is 12 step-related chat.
These sites may seem innocuous, but I am addict, I don't quit, I just keep on going when I get there. I have no sense of compunction.
Agnus 1:10 pm
Happy Father's Day to all - and a special hug to Journey.
I've done alot already today - sponsor call, food plan, some house cleaning, some quiet time, a walk - but feel the focus drifting. So perhaps a rare Sunday check-in is in order. I observed my sabbath yesterday so had planned some work today - but the step-kids want us to come at 4pm for a Father's Day picnic and now I am stumped on the next right thing to do. I had planned wkly update, comm invoice, mn est, address lists (mom, aps), cover ltr, folo-up repro's, backlogged reading, paying bills.
This morning I realized if I don't plant my pretty little heirloom beefsteak tomato plant today, I'm in danger of losing it. And, since I don't really know how to do this - can't decide where it will get enough sun without burning vs where I will see it daily so remember to water it, how to manage pests, etc. - I'll need to research this. Going to chat to time-limit my wander-ey focus now.
Thanks Ag
I had a party so we all stayed busy and had fun! My brother inherited the "secret family recipe" so he made the main dish and we all had a nice day. Boy am I tired today though!
PS. I have tomatoes to plant too! I'm hoping to get that done on Tuesday.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
kromer 1 CI
This morning I cleaned my bathroom, tidied my kitchen and went to church. I'm about to go get lunch with a friend.
After that, my MITs for the day are
Write up VAD expt*
Copy article, return library book, deal w/ lost library book :blush:, get out other book*Finish significance analysis
*Work for an hour on QTL idea (did about 30 min of work on this)
call home for father's day*
List of Qs about TA, quals, committee
Other tasks:
*Write up tranplantation expts
*Draft deacon letter
*Memorize stages
Lunch w/ friend*
Call AG*
Cook dinnerHeading off to lunch now, when I come back I'll make list of Qs, then I'll deal w/ library book stuff
Update 4:45--had lunch, made list of Qs, dealt w/ library book stuff, now I'm going to write up the VAD experiments (should take less than an hour), then I'll go home, call my dad, call AG, make card, and cook dinner. Working in chatbox now, will update CI when I finish writing up VAD experiments.
Update 6--done writing up VAD expts, now going to call dad, go home, call AG.
Update 10:30--not doing so great...called dad, went home, called AG, made and ate dinner, did laundry, now I'm totally exhausted for some reason, but I still want to make a little more progress. I'm going to quickly take a shower, then I'll spend half an hour working on QTL idea.
kromer 11:50 CO
Well, I didn't make quite as much progress as I would have liked (and I also think I overestimated what I could reasonably get done) but I worked pretty steadily, made some decent progress and also got some rest so I will be recharged for the week. First thing tomorrow morning I need to do ironing, make card and then head to lab.
Hope-Faith CI 9:20
Yay! :)
I finished fixing my WIPs (works in progress) spreadsheet last night. I started it back on February 1st of this year.
Printing it out now; I'm happy :-)
Gentlemen, I believe we have much to discuss.
(Robert Lansing as Control, The Equalizer, Trial by Ordeal.)
It must feel good to get that done, great job :)
Falcon Sunday CI
Hi everyone,
Lots to do today. . .
Let's see if I can finish everything before my folks arrive for father's day dinner! Happy father's day to the dads out there!
Sunday evening: Yay! All done except for changing clothes, and in plenty of time.
mj sunday check in
Nice starter, fudo_shin. Good advice, too, but difficult for me to implement. Today, I'll visualize, do the work, and let go of the outcome, however.
"The work"
sign up for something I'll follow through on
call for home visit
wish al happy fathers day
Recycler CI 8:40am EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
I like the thread-starter, too. Thanks, fudo_shin!
This morning I had my bike ride & qigong meditation. I've eaten breakfast, and bought minutes for my cell phone.
Sunday is a tough day to have a car fixed, so most likely on Monday I will drive my car to a repair place. This is a tough decision for me. Last night my car broke down. A friend was able to get to me before AAA could, so the friend helped temporarily fix my car & followed me home. I didn't get to go to the easy social activity, which was disappointing, in addition to the frustration of the car breakdown. Oh well, at least my car didn't break down on my long out-of-town trip earlier this month. Next: on the Internet find out what time the car place opens in the morning, then putter around here for a while.
10am. Plans are made for taking the car to the repair shop on Monday. I've started a load of clothes and a load of dishes to wash. I baited the wasp trap and put it on the balcony. (We'll see if it works during the next few days). I have a couple more things in mind, but will wait until after the dishes finish in the dishwasher.
12:35pm. I'm still washing clothes here. I've cooked and eaten lunch, and have the dishwasher running again. There are some things I am feeling overwhelmed about. However, I will continue puttering around, and hope to update my CI later.
2pm. Gym bags are packed. There are other things for the week that I need to be working on now. It's a process. I am just going to trust myself to keep doing a little bit at a time. I may check in a time or two before, but I hope by 4pm or 5pm that I will have made the progress that I am looking for!!!
4:30pm. Backpack for my trip is packed :) I still have to pack the "last-minute" things later this week, but the main part is done (as compactly as I can ;) I've also colored my hair, which was my other main project for the afternoon ;)
5:05pm. I called some people in my other program. Just to touch base, but also talked about some panic-attack-y feelings I've been having. I've started cooking dinner, so I will see how that turns out.
6:10pm. After dinner, I've put the leftovers in containers. I can do a few more things, then will call my dad.
9:35pm. I had talked to Dad earlier. I continued to do things around the condo. I wrote emails to 2 friends. Now I need to sleep!
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Thank you for the beautiful starter.
1. procrastination log,walk by 6:30am, visualize and listen to my downloads, church, store, connect with others
Someone sent me a site with free downloads on living in the present if anyone is interested
Michael Brown’s Presence Process
Thanks for being here
chick checks in
thanks for the beautiful and inspiring starter, fudo_shin. Visualizing dreams is one of the things I need to do to find more positive motivation.
project l
cycle trip
one clutter pile
hang out laundrydp foodfudo_shin: To-do list (1:00 am)
Please no advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome
Action items:
attend the PA online meeting at 12:30pm my time, and be on timewalk for 30 minutesor run/walk for 30 minutes or swimcall Cheryl back