Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

mlk quote first step

Happy Easter everyone! Persevere. Laugh and love. Rejoice! You are an overcomer!


Sometimes in order to inspire myself I do something I a little bit different in order to feel differently.  Sometime a change as simple as drinking Irish black tea instead of Earl Grey has been the change I needed to feel inspired.  Of course, going about thinking to oneself, "if I only.....had this or that, then I would" is not purposeful.  But sometimes a little change now and then is what I need.  So since I'm feeling slumpy.  The next time I have the opportunity to get something new, I'm going to try a different brand or a different kind of thing instead.  Just to jazz up my life a little and make it exciting. 

I know now since I drift into fantasy often that maybe I feel my life is not exciting enough or not pleasant enough.  These little changes and adjustments are something that help me to think differently.  Areas where I may want to diversify:

*different hand soap

*different body soap

*different toothpaste or a different kind of toothbrush sometimes inspires me to brush my teeth more often

*different laundry detergent

*running or jogging to the gym instead of walking there with everything

*taking the stairs

*a new jobbing site

*different lotion

*different toning lotion

*different floss

*different pens

*different meals, or trying out a different item on the menu at a local restaurant

*going to a different restaurant than usual

*talking to a different person from 12 step on the phone

*attending a new or different 12 step meeting

*dating someone totally different or seeking someone out, who is totally different

*seeing a different massage therapist

*seeing a different chiropractor

*reacting in a different way to how people act to me

*trying out a different sport than usual

*trying out a different hobby

*going to a new meetup on

kromer 5 CI

Happy easter, all!

Today there's not much to do, but I'd like to call two friends, finish my stats pset, cook dinner for my parents and brother, spend some time with my brother. Will call a friend now and then work on stats.

Update 10:30--I called friends, did one problem from stats pset, spent some time with my brother, cooked dinner for my family.

Now, I want to try and finish the last problem from my stats pset, then I can shower and go to bed. Heading to the chatbox now to work on this. 

kromer 11 CO

Finished the above, now pack, shower, and bed. Good night, all!

12-Step PA meeting in "meetings chatbox" -- come on in.

Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".

Time in USA Eastern Daylight Time:
Sunday 3:30 PM

Time in British Daylight Time:
Sunday 8:30 PM

Time in Sydney Australia STANDARD Time:
Monday 5:30 AM

(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT -
STANDARD time year round -- click on links in RED below)

Meeting is held:

  • Sunday morning/midday in Hawaii/Alaska and Pacific Time
  • Sunday afternoon in the Americas
  • Later Sunday evening in Europe/Africa
  • Very early Monday morning in Asia/Australia/NZ

> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.

> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.

It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.


Edge's CI - 10:17pm

Before I hit the sack, must:

- Finish writing an initial brochure draft
- Wash up

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

isabo ci 311pm

ugh, chocolate.  Had enough for today!  

Yesterday was good, gots lots done in the am, then went to visit family til late.  This morning not productive at all, been on here all day, the bottom of this laptop would sear me if I laid my hands on it!

I do want to make a decent supper tonight.  Something that totally counteracts all that sugar!   Course, I need to get up off this super comfy chair first.  I want to check the laundry too, I am pretty sure I have a load done in the dryer. 

Tomorrow my son has a play date in the morning, I hope the weather is fine so I can clean the outside windows...the lower ones anyway.

Happy Bunny Day!

Nothing is worth more than this day  - Goethe

sunday check in mj

Most important thing: spend quality time with my extended family today.

2nd M i t: easter eggs, cooking, the whole domestic bit, contributing my part

3rd most important thing papers

4th grades


Journey 1 pm

Good morning!  I worked last night til 4 am so I am just getting up :)  I don't sleep as well in the daytime but I slept 7 or 8 hours and I feel pretty good.  I've had quiet time, and I'm going to give myself an hour to drink coffee and wake up.   I bought a new coffee because it was on 1/2 price sale, Folger's Black Silk.   It's very good!  Not your mother's folgers lol.

I am not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of the day, I know I will feel tired so I don't want to plan TOO much . . . maybe bathe the dogs and deep clean the big bathroom, then take a nice hot bath myself before making dinner.  that doesn't leave much time but maybe I can get in one load of clothes.  That sounds like a plan.  I can do a bit more housework on my work-at-home days this week, but bathing the dogs and cleaning bathrooms is hard to fit in a work day.  

We used to get a day off for working more than 8 hours on a weekend but no more! Now they say 'it's part of the job'.  :(  But you can bet I won't be putting in many 10 hour days this week!

anyway, I'm ramblilng and grumbling so I'm going to drink some coffee and read my book for a little while, then start the rest of the day!



There is a proper balance between not asking enough of oneself and asking or expecting too much.  - May Sarton

Falcon CI Sunday

Hi pro buddies,

Happy Easter!  Spring is underway!  Where I am, it's chilly out but the sun is shining and plants are starting to bloom.

I'm feeling a little out-of-it.  For some reason, my sleep cycles have been off, and I'm either not sleeping at night or sleeping way longer in the morning than I mean to.  We'll see if it evens out once I'm back on a regular work schedule this week.

Today I need to:

  • Make chocolate bunnies
  • Exercise - DONE
  • Finish taxes
  • Get groceries

There are lots of other things that it would also be good to get done today, but I think I'll be more productive if I just focus on the few things that really need to be done.

I guess it makes sense to do the bunnies first.  Then if I run out of frosting for them, I can pick up more when I get the groceries.  Before I do that, I need to get dressed; lounging around in my pajamas is making me want to just head back to bed.


Changed the order of things -- decided I'd better exercise first to perk myself up, and so I could shower & change for the day.  Going to go shower now.


chocolate bunnies!

There is a proper balance between not asking enough of oneself and asking or expecting too much.  - May Sarton

come as you are

I am going to sleep now.  List of things I don't like about my life:

  1. *I don't brush my teeth before I sleep.
  2. *I don't get enough sleep.I stay up wayyy too late.
  3.  *I overdue things...even having fun.  Whatever I do, I tend to binge.   It's either three hours of karaoke, five hours of homework, six hours of talking to my significant other (when we were together) or seven hours of watching Murder She Wrote, three hours of working out(it's not enough just to swim or run or do yoga or walk, I have to do all of them), with no cessation from any of these.  I just need a LITTLE bit from these things.  Right now I need more of work, though, evidently.  But I'm willing to keep things realistic, since I know I'm running away from, dreading...and I don't need to overwhelm myself or freak myself out.  "Just do it" is a phrase for normal people.  "We'll give you less to do," is a phrase for ME.
  4. *I watched between six and seven hours of Murder She Wrote in one night, which is nothing.
  5. *My eyes are bothering me.  My skin still feels oddly burned, despite the use of moisturizing soap.  I can only presume that *I* am allergic to the light perfumes in the soap, since it keeps making my skin red and my eyes itchy.  Now, I finally get it.  I will have to invest in some hypoallergenic moisturizer soap.  Perhaps something natural.  I will have to experiment.  I cannot believe this.
  6. *I need to get a job.
  7.  * I feel like I am not attractive to those to whom I'm attracted.
  8. I have yet to finish my course work for this last quarter.
  9. I haven't taken a shower in two and a half days.
  10. I don't get enough sleep. 
  11. I am sick of being late most of the time.  I know I've made a concerted effort in this area, but I am fed up with bailing on myself. 
  12. I'm tired of making plans, only not to follow through with them.  I'm tired of being such an agorophobic that I have to get everything ready to go, whenever I leave the house so that I have absolutely no excuse to go back.  I hate knowing that if I go back then I will never leave the house again.  I don't want to be this way.
  13. I lack self-esteem, and that is the reason I don't follow through on projects.  I literally do not value myself, and my time as much as getting a hit or my depression, but beyond that--  I do not esteem myself highly enough to take action on my own behalf.  I am literally afraid of helping myself.  I have done something great on Friday on my own behalf, but I still lack esteem for myself.
  14. I have trouble letting go.  MY problems with third step are the same problems I have with my writing.  Writing is the act of letting go, and that activity is VERY hard.  Accepting imperfection.  Accepting where I'm at.
  15.  I feel incapable of self-acceptance.  People in program talk to me about acceptance, and I never, ever got it; I just found it annoying that they should trouble me that I'm not accepting so and so.  I never got it that *I* am the one that I don't accept.  The acceptance that I lack is for myself.
  16. I feel socially isolated.  Sometimes I run away from people, even though I feel that the situation is involuntary.  Today I saw a professor.  I felt so ashamed I darted away.  Before I saw a person I felt affection for and I also darted away, because I didn't want the person to think that I were stalking them.

Later, I will address these topics and write down one thing for each item that I can do to turn it around.  One concrete, small thing, I can do in one day.

I think life is challenging

Hi fudo shin!

Thanks for your post.

My experience is that life is more challenging than a lot of people let on. You are using your tools and you have a lot of awareness. I think this will give you better-than-average chances to move closer to the way you want things to be. Good luck with everything and let us know how it goes!



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Thanks, recycler.  That was

Thanks, recycler.  That was an uplifting note.

I am hearing you, fudo_shin...

and I understand your pain.  I have felt it as well. 

Please keep posting.  Take those babysteps.

Nothing is worth more than this day  - Goethe

Take a deep breath first...

Many people here have been where you are. Chances are things aren't nearly as bad as you think they are. First of all, start by simplifying things. Do some of the things that are easiest. Make a simple list, post them as a daily check in here, and start doing them. Sometimes you'll almost have to commit yourself. For example, if you stick you toothbrush in your mouth in the evening, chances are you'll brush your teeth. Same goes with other daily tasks. Put a gob of shampoo on the top of your head, and you're probably going to have a shower before long. If you need help doing something else, ask someone for their support, even if you barely know them. Most folks would be happy to remind you later to pay a bill, do a bit of homework, etc. Just starting is the bigget step. Good luck.


Maybe you don't see it fudo_shin but I see your thoughts getting more organized and your thinking more positive.  Keep up the good work!


There is a proper balance between not asking enough of oneself and asking or expecting too much.  - May Sarton



Recycler CI 4:40am EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

So far today is starting out a lot better than yesterday!!! Whew!!! Yesterday ended up being ok, but my whole morning was "off" from the previous night's unexpected circumstances.

Today may be a jumble, too. I'm up early. This may give me a chance to sort things before going to a social activity this morning, after which I may get a chance to ride my bike? If I can do some wall painting today, that will be great, too! I'm not going to press myself too hard, though! I'm off from work tomorrow, so maybe can paint some both days!

1:35pm. Yay, the first coat of paint is on the dining room :) Tomorrow I will give it a second coat of paint.

This morning I sorted some things before going to my activity this morning. When I got back, even though it was more chilly than I expected this morning, I went for a bike ride. It turned out ok.

Arriving back at the condo, I decided I could put up painting tape while the dishwasher was going. I had 90% of the tape up by the time the dishwasher finished. I put up the rest of the painting tape while the oven was pre-heating for a lunch casserole. I continued paint prep until the casserole was cooked. Then I ate an early lunch in the courtyard. I wanted to eat lunch before starting to paint, for maximum energy. Fortunately that plan worked. It took just over 2.5 hours to do the painting, plus another 30 minutes of clean-up + moving things back into place. Now: time to rest for a while! :)

3:55pm. I'm back up & have had a snack. While I took a nap, it was mostly just lying there resting after all the painting! lol

The wall color turned ok, I was hoping the color would look more saturated. I'll see how it looks after the second coat of paint tomorrow. However, even at it's current tone, it's an improvement! :) Next: some straightening up of the condo, write an email to a friend -- OR ... watch a DVD? :D

5:50pm. I've cooked some more, and now have the dishwasher running. Still puttering around.

Have a great day, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

ByGodsGrace todays CI

Standing on the word and praying over my day has been so good for me, allows me to work the tools here better than I am able

Word and prayer for the day: Phil. 3:10-12 (niv, message)

All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him to life. I want to suffer and die as he did, so that somehow I also may be raised to life.

Running toward the Goal I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize.

I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back. 

My to do list: 

 Church 9.30a

library, store,Meet jobA deliver product

jobK email new clients A, C, M emails

Confirm Mon. appt/prepare - pending

plan job1 - 2 wk schedule

Clear email/inbox for day 

 job 2 continue tools: