Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday 8 April 2009
One small step is not just much more than nothing, it is infinitely more. (Clement)
And the task that seems infinite is finite, even if it seems big.
Help me find the courage and faith to start and to keep going.
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My core addiction is
My core addiction is procrastination. It affects every facet of my life and motivates my other addictions. I have half an hour between now and my meeting with the other people in my other twelve step program. Part of my addiction is being late so I am going to do the following:
put my phone in my backpack. Take enough with me to be able to run and swim at the gym when I come home, put my car keys and wallet in my backpack and leave. Also I need to shut off both my puters.
I did it! Woohoo. Came
I did it! Woohoo. Came semi-on time. Was two minutes late. But I congratulate myself on being there that early. Then I took myself out to eat. Skipped out on myself and got coffee, which I didn't need to do. But ultimately went running and walking, which was terrific. Ialso had fun and played pool.
congrats on being on time !
I'm one of those people who is perpetually 5 minutes late, and I'm working on this myself. I'm doing better at making appointments and meetings on time, but still struggle with getting out of the house on time in the am.
There is a proper balance between not asking enough of oneself and asking or expecting too much. - May Sarton
Recycler CI 6pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
I like the threadstarter, too! :) Thanks, chickadee! :)
This morning I did a couple small chores around the condo before going to the gym. At the gym, I did my cardio, ab exercises, and stretches.
At work, I kept on various projects all day. At the end of the day, I updated my project list for tomorrow. Several things were kind of scary for me today, and one of them I hadn't done before, but it turned out ok.
I am staying home tonight. I haven't totally re-stabilized since last week's long drive & other challenging events. I go from ok to totally scared in less than a minute, then it takes an hour or more for me to calm down. (not noticeable to other people, it all happens internally).
Next I will type an email to my friend, then see what else I can do to chill out tonight.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Journey late checkin 1:30
It's been a crazy day full of meetings and phone calls - I'm on call for my team at work so I'm getting all the trouble calls and there have been a few of those as well as lots of meetings. I've had no time to get any actual work done yet and I'm feeling stressed out. Gonna take a lunch break then see you all in the chat box!
There is a proper balance between not asking enough of oneself and asking or expecting too much. - May Sarton
isabo ci 153pm
Doing well, today, started with painting my easter ornament. Not done yet, have to figure out the Easter bunny figure. Laundry on the go, dishes loaded, counters wiped down. Avocado for breakfast, yogurt and muesli for lunch. I guess I should include the chocolate muffin with icing and sprinkles. And the Eatmore. Ah well. Progress not perfection!
I want to vacuum and fold laundry when we get back from picking up my son.
til later...
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
Have a meeting all day.
Thank you all for being the thread starter too.
By Gods Grace todays CI
Chickadee & Clement he starter is inspiring and i thought of footprints poem to vic - so glad you posted it!
Got some sleep- yay! Like 10 hours I think! Today is easter egg hunt field trip day – not sure how long I will be there – but be here to work when I get back!
Word and prayer for the day: Psalm 119:114
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.
God does not just want to give you strength - He wants to be your strength! Joyce Meyer
Soundtrack of my day: the wheels on the bus!
My to do list:
Read Bible/Praydd school 9a field tripjobK email job1 revisions email
new clients A, C, M emails
Clear email/inbox for daybday invitations – finish!! or just start at least!!
Change with God
I love the April 8 starter comment as well,
it reminded me of the poem below:
Also Known As "I Had a Dream"
One night I dreamed a dream.
I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to me and one to my Lord.
When the last scene of my life shot before me I looked back at the footprints in the sand. There was only one set of footprints. I realized that this was at the lowest and saddest times of my life. This always bothered me and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma.
"Lord, You told me when I decided to follow You, You would walk and talk with me all the way. But I'm aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints. I just don't understand why, when I need You most, You leave me."
He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you."
Thank you all for being here. It's funny because I am on vacation (alone) and all I have been doing is walk on the beach. Although I only see one set of footprints, I must remember that my HP is carrying me.
Right now I need to go out the door. There is a meeting at 10 am that I can go to-I am scared ? why? I don't know- I just want to isolate and sabatoge and hide. at the same time I want to connect, share, and live.
I will use the tools and check in later.
Take caare,
kromer 8:35 CI
Getting a bit of a late start (I'd like to check in every day by 8), but at least I'm starting.
Lab mtg+mtg w/ DG 12-2 (heading to this now)*
Class 3-6*
Harambee 6-8:30MITs:
Prep for mtg w/ DG*
Harambee prep
*Email out deacon notes, email KS
Research ribosome regulon, do motif scanning, write MoD summary*Read papers for class (Read 2, still have read 1)
*Send email about seminar,
order pop. genetics bookOther tasks:
*Practice presentation
*2 stats problems
*Secondary structure analysis
30 min work on rug*
Call RHI'll work at home for a couple hours this I'm going to start by working on the ribosome regulon etc. task for an hour or so, then I'll prep for mtg w/ DG.
Update 1:30--finished lab mtg/mtg w/ DG a little early, now I'm going to spend 10 min following up on that (send email to DG, send email to DP, take some notes), then spend 45 min quickly reading papers for class, then spend 45 min prepping for Harambee, then head to class.
Update 5:35--finished Harambee class, read 2 papers for class, went to class.
Now I'm going to take care of seminar+pop. gen book, then head to Harambee, then go home to work some more. When I get home I'm going to take care of deacon stuff, read last paper, and write MoD seminar, then take a break (call RH, work on rug for a bit)
kromer 11:25
Got home from Harambee at 8:00 and haven't done anything productive since...whoops! I'm going to push myself to do 30 min of work before bed. I'll do deacon stuff, send email about seminar, and practice my presentation. Heading to the chatbox.
Chick CI
I have just done about a half dozen small scary things I had deferred. :)
Thank you for sharing. I never realized how much fear was associated with my procrastination and avoidance and once again, I am so grateful that I can share in a safe place and know that I am not alone.
I really could not describe it to anyone- like so many shares, there was always the comment “you have sooooooo much potential….“or “I don’t like doing_____either” and the only way I could make any sense of it was to believe the standard explanations of laziness, poor time management, laziness, poor planning, laziness, less than, trying to get away with……. Which always confirmed my thoughts of self loathing.
I love people sharing their victories (miracles).
I did get out, the meeting was not there, but I found out where the library was (a really nice one) and of a meeting tomorrow. I don’t think I would have gotten there without this site.
Thanks again.
Thanks vic, I think you're
Thanks vic, I think you're doing really well getting out and finding things and places.Courage to you and keep going :)
Well, for me a bit of fear is a huge part of p. I don't know if I'm extra sensitive to it, or if I have an extra measure to deal with. But for me a lot a recovery is about becoming aware of the styles of thinking that create and reinforce obstacles. Fear, negativity, thinking tasks are impossible when they are not.... that sort of stuff.
I've been much more generous with praising and appreciating my small steps in household chore success than work success, and Ive made much more progress with the household stuff. So there's a lesson for me there...
Thank you chickadee
Well one step forward, 2 steps back. I want to walk to the store now and feel the fear, paralysis, panic, anxiety. I really have become aware of it in PA- I never knew how much I still had and I don't know why. I do feel such shame for having it and really defective and want to hide.
Not only do I have to be aware of my "obstacle thinking" but I have to find a way to take away the power, sort out the false negative statements that I seem to have an endless supply of and go through it. It is scarey.
Right now, I called home and talked to my son. The family is fine.My other son is lifting and has not spoken to me, so my feelings are hurt and I feel shame.
I feel very bored and there is nothing I really want to do alone here- panic, guilty, fear, I feel like I made a mistake for coming here alone and now I will be somehow PUNISHED! More fear, guilt, shame, etc.
Truth- I took a risk by coming here alone, but it is ok. , That doesn't make me a bad person.
I will be ok if I stop beating myself up and get out.
I will be home soon enough and probably it was the best thing for everyone to see that I could do something for myself instead of being a cronic martyr and procratinator.
I know I sound like a nut, but I am leaving now and will touch base later. Thanks.
I think you have a good thing there. Most people talk about "dreaded tasks", difficult things, etc. Breaking them down to just scary and non-scary really makes them look attainable. Thanks
This threat starter is just
This threat starter is just what I needed to read. Thank you!
byGodsGrace todays CI
I'm too tired to post my ci tonight - but wanted to say how inspired i think the starter is and I will go to sleep thinking of it and the promise of tomorrow!
God is showing me a little at a time that there is even a grace in mistakes - to not be hurt by them but grow from them - new idea but i see glimpses of that hope even in the hardest things and it gives me courage and faith and the desire to start again - that is such a gift!
How awesome to have this fellowship for support and encourgment! Sleep is a blessing and tomorrow is a new day!! Half will be spent easter egg hunting on a field trip - but have faith I can do that and get work done too!
My dd helped me post this and she likes to say "chickadee" now!