Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday 27 February 2009
Happy Friday to all pro-buddies.
wisdom serenity courage hope I can keep starting
Each moment is a gift.
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Recycler CI 6:55pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
An end of the day "emergency" at work ((sigh)). After 45 minutes tending to the emergency ((sigh)), I still had to do the things I would have been easily finishing if emergency hadn't shown up ((sigh)). Also had a concern about if I was setting off the alarm by leaving after 6pm on Friday, but it looked like the custodian(s) were still there, so hopefully not. I also didn't hear any alarms or police sirens, so I think it was ok. Custodians car was still on-site, so if security system called in, he could probably tell them everything was ok.
Morning: gym, cardio, ab workout, stretching.
Work: spun some wheels this morning, but mid-morning and afternoon, got some deadline projects done.
Mid-day. Bought can of paint at store. I think I am pleased with the color chosen. It may be Sunday before I get to paint, but I am supplied!
Afternoon: a mixture of things getting done, looking ahead to a volunteer project, then emergency lady walks in.
5pm. Emergency lady left, so I did a quick check-list review. I think I have everything in place for the workshop tomorrow. After clocking out, did volunteer project. It did not go perfectly, but I did get it done. Came home. Wanted to waste money at a fast food place, but decided to have can of soup at home instead.
Next: 12-step meeting. Being still pre-occupied after emergency, I am too dazed to evaluate whether or not I need to go, so I will go anyway ;) I hope to drive safely.
10pm EST. Still dazed. Someone's sharing at the meeting made me feel fearful. I need to call my sponsor in another program, but can't find the phone list. I've got to get up early in the morning, so should probably just go to sleep now. Jeesh, what a night!
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
tiptree ci
to do:
- set up licensed vs. of extJS
- add date range support to report
- 1500 in test
- test 1501 pre meeting
- test 1445 pre meeting
- p/br issue in 1336
- image click to viewer in 1120
- meeting
- get programs printed
- wash dishes
1 year, sortof
today is the day that marks exactly 1 year since pro registered my acct.
Of course i procrastinated coming back here for another 2 weeks, so i'll have to mark that real beginning day 2 weeks hence.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Happy Anniversary!
Good for you, clement :)
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
ByGodsGrace todays CI
Try to enjoy the process… progress not perfection!
My Word and prayer for the day is still: Psalm 25:5 Lord, Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
My music today: Worship
Give me one pure and holy passion… Give me one magnificent obsession…. Give me one glorious ambition for my life, to know and follow hard after You! Lead me on… I WILL RUN AFTER YOU!
My to do list:
DD schoolPray,Read the BibleDaily CIJOB2 Client Email and ApprovalCall BankConfirm paypal linkCalc/Order Rib.Call P
Lunch Meeting 11:30-1Pm –Be on time! I was, yay! :-)Papers to SPrinter – see for proof printingPost MtgDD pickup 2.30pOrder tapeEmail Job3 invoice
Something fun before bedtimeJourney 11 am
Technically I'm off work today but I am working from home instead to finish up some stuff that has to be done for this weekend!
It's been a very busy week and I'm Dad-sitting this weekend, so I went to Mal-wart after the gym this morning to pick up a few things.
I haven't gotten much done so far this morning except for making some fattening cinnamon rolls. I'm going to spend 30 minutes on MIT #1 for the day and then take a break to clean up and change clothes.
See y'all in the chatbox.
Show up. Do your work. Go home.
kromer 9:10 CI
A bit of a late start this morning, oh well...
My main task today is to get started on research project in new lab. I'm a little intimidated by this, but I know it's time to jump in. Today I'll spend at least 4 hrs in lab, but if I don't make much progress that's fine.
I also need to do a couple hour's work on EYL's project...I'd like to document how I got list of TFs, write an overview of the workflow and test out compiled code.
Finally, I have student seminar 1-2, youth group 4:10-9:00 and bday party 9-11.
Right now, I'm heading out to new lab, will work there 10-1.
kromer 10:15 CI
I finished all the work I wanted to get done in WG's lab. Yay! I'm quite proud of that.
I also did a little work on EYL's project, though not as much as I had hoped. So I'd like to get about another 30 min done on that tonight.
Finally, I went to youth group, where I had a kid throw up on me :P Oh well, at least I know next week will be better. I decided to skip the bday party...
Now I really want to talk to a friend, and he's not home. Oh well, he well call me today or tomorrow, and for now I can make progress on EYL's project so I'll have time to talk on the phone later. Specifically, I'd like to:
*Try to track done updated files on T website (30 min?)
*Write brief overview of how parameters were chosen (15 min)
Heading to the chatbox now to work on this.
kromer 2:10 CI
Went to student seminar, and spent almost 3 hours working in WG's lab. I'm going to work on stuff in WG's lab for another hour, then I'll do an hour's work for EYL's project.
kromer oops dupe!
kromer 10:35 CI
OK, made it to new lab, got set up w/ desk, password, etc.
Now I'm going to review my notes from mtg w/ WG and figure out some good first steps on my project.
GeorgeSmiley 7:30 AM; Update 11 PM
The last two days are reminders that I really do need to check in here first thing to get started right. Today I'm going to remember what works best for me and follow through.
No. 2 son is home sick (3rd day) from school and will go back to his mother's today.
I have some things to do later today to get ready for Project Y session tonight.
My No. 1 MUT is to finishe Project E/E-B.
Beyond that I'm continuing to experiment with the "autofocus" technique as I deal with the list on my task pad.
11 PM Update
Well, I finally just finished Project E/E-B.
But I also did the Project Y program tonight.
Stayed on task pretty well. Now to bed and sleeping in in the morning.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
isabo 857am
What a wonderful picture, CHickadee! Thank you :)
So, my butt still hurts, not quite as bad, but still annoying. Everytime I go to bend or sit down I am reminded. Somehow over the last couple of days the house turned inside out. So where I would vastly prefer to creat a tada list instead of todo, today needs a todo list. Here goes
ci 1230pm got some things done for tada list, talked with my brother and his wife, talked to pharmicist about horrible tasting meds for ds...trying to find a really great calorie and daily value site, so for nothing...ah well
ci 545pm mmm, what have I done... rebooted laundry, ran dishwasher, made and ate lunch. Picked up ds from school - I was talking with a mom, looked over at ds who was standing by the van, and saw he was sobbing. Asked what was wrong, thinking he slipped on the snow and, a boy who walked by him hit him in the stomach dropped, I grabbed his hand to attempt to find this boy, of course that led nowhere. That just burns me up, that he is being bullied, and he doesn't even really realize it. He knows someone hit him, he doesn't know why, but when the pain subsides, he just goes on. We went in to talk to his teacher, but really, without being able to identify the boy, what can one do?????? DH and I will talk to him this weekend about bullying, and apparently Const. Vicki came by and talked about bullying to the whole school during this past week.... *sigh* ...came home from that and had to dig trenches in the snow to release water buildup around the base of the house...that took an hour. I called dh, he went and bought some wine for me, we are having fish and chips for supper and then I am vegging on the couch. Hope my weekend is better than this afternoon!!
unload dishwasher,load dishwasher,wipe countersclean blue boxes,one at a time, let dry outside (sunny and 0)bring folded laundry upstairs,
make beds,gather laundry,start washgrab garbage can, scoop up garbage from all areas from living room, dining room, rec room
clean top of fridge, sort items and place in their homes
neaten and organize kitchen closet
clean out and organize cupboard on top of fridge to prevent things from falling out
remember to
eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, set timers, and take breaks!!onward I go...
I really need to actually do these "promises" to myself! It is depressing at the end of the day to see this simple list, and see that I haven't done anything near to what I set out to do. That is why I like the TADA list much better. :)
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
Sammy ci :: 1:00 am
Thanks for the neat starter, Chickadee.
Well, I've got myself in a rut again. All this week I did next to nothing (on homework, at least), and now I'm up late finishing (starting) assignments I should have started a week ago.
It frustrates me that when a project is assigned to me, I'm actually pretty excited about it. But as soon as I walk out of class, I lose my ambition, and start with the "its not due for another week" attitude. And then I end up here, starting projects that are due the next day in the early hours of the morning.
To Do (before sleep): 25 examples, Brand paragraphs, Read Chapter 4
To Do (before class at 8:30 am): Shower, Pack for trip
Prayer: Lord, as I sit here awake in the early hours of the morning, I thank you for the quiet times in life that let us think clearly and focus on what needs to be done. I thank you also for the times that aren't so quiet, the sounds of your creation which we often take for granted. I pray that You would help me find the will to start projects sooner, and I know I can never overcome this hurdle called "procrastination" without you!
re: sammy
i totally relate to the project thing. "its not due for another week" attitude. Yep.
Thanks for sharing that prayer. i pray it myself.
HP can give us the perspective and proper attitude toward tasks, if we let him.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
"i have all day" attitude
recently i've been suffering from another form of this syndrome. I start out my day and i feel like i have "all day" which seems like an unending supply of time to get the things done that i need to do. So i "spend" a bit of it surfing, etc. This can go on for 1-2 hrs, until i realize that the day is going past and i better get to work.
so i pray for the wisdom to see this for what it is, outside the rational selection of tasks, and a bit escapism. If i want to surf, i should allocate time for it in my day.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
I know that feeling
and I fall into the same trap a lot.
As I move forward I am trying to start projects sooner and devote whole days to one thing or two, with the idea of getting it finished a lot sooner. For instance, the week after next I have an appointment which is necessarily the starting point for a project. Now I've blocked out the next two days to complete it. As other items come up I'll block them to certain other days. And so on.
I've got a lot of backlog still so I'm not all the way where I want to be with this mode, but I'm getting there.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
chick friday intentions--completed!
I'm putting a self portrait in again to celebrate a good day ! A little chickadeedeedee
mktr prepplumber gratitude....apptsmtngapptmtnguse evening time well