Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Our family is finally pretty much better, and tomorrow my dstepm is coming out to look after the girls so I will finally get some time to work on my thesis (which I could be doing now, but have been in deeply resistant mode since the school holidays started, which is 9 days now!!! Scary when I think of it that way).
I shouldn't have taken so much time off, have been avoiding thinking about how long it is since I worked on it and coming on here is making me feel anxious, so my plan for tomorrow is to get a solid chunk of it done. The reason I have not been on here is so that I don't have to think about the fact that I haven't been working on my thesis, because I can't really use the excuse of the family being sick any more :(
Tonight I just want to get the house cleaned up (it is pretty tidy but just finish unpacking the dishwash, spin a load of laundry and dry it, fold dry laundry, vacuum the downstairs) and spend some time with dh (i.e. not messing round on the computer).
Oh dear, I wish I didn't have to face my thesis procrast :(
And good luck to you. :cool: ...the only thing more painful than facing big-important-project-procras. year on, not having done so?
I can really identify with what you are writing about. I am still managing to avoid the BIG MITs which include The Book. I have many ITs and Uts that HAVE to be done, so it's easy for me to slip along. Then when I think about what I want to have accomplished a year from now, it gives me a chill.
I once read about whether you pour sand into a jar first, and have no room for pebbles, or put pebbles in first, and then there's room for the sand. It's a metaphor about big and little tasks.
One of the goals I've been moving towards now is making more of a routine, with the idea of doing a little every day at the same time. Not there yet. But I do have a better routine than I have had for many months and it means i have more will-power left..
spent most of the morning doing Toastmasters stuff, which was MIT #1. Now on to MIT #2, deal with issues that occurred over the weekend.
UPDATE 5 pm:MITs #1 and #2 done, also got called into an unexpected meeting with the boss this afternoon (which turned out to be about a good thing!) I had anticipated getting more done today, but I'm feeling tired and I want to make dinner rather than picking something up, so I'm calling it a day! Tomorrow is a work at home day so I can get an early start.
Tonight, I MUST stop by Petsmart and pick up dog food. I keep forgetting to do that. Unload/load dishwasher, 15 mins. of laundry, and download some new audio books. I'm down to my last audio book on my mp3 player, if I don't get some new books soon, the only thing I'll have left to listen to is Spanish lessons.
Hope everyone is having a great Monday
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C. S. Lewis
It's a late start today. Mrs. GS and I began the day w/ a meeting with younger son's teachers; his mother (my ex-) was also there. Bright kid but completely disorganized. With two households the challenge is greater. So we're figuring out how to work together to ensure he gets and stays on track.
I've got 3 different projects to focus on today, plus I'm paying a short visit this afternoon to my part-time job to learn about some changes in procedure there. I'm also fighting fatigue--got to bed too late and up too early. (But the poor Mrs. GS has it worse--she had insomnia in the middle of the night.)
And I need to implement some of the ideas for younger son that my ex- and I agreed upon to help him stay organized.
MIT#1: Younger son organizing stuff UPDATE 5:40 PM:Mostly finished
MIT#2: Project P-12 Update 5:40 PM: One interview, another planned
MIT#3: Project D Update 5:40 PM: No progress
MIT#4: Project U Update 5:40 PM: No progress
Update 5:40 PM
This day ended up being taken up by lots of other stuff, including a mid-afternoon catnap on the couch when I was just overtaken by fatigue.
I'm hopeful for tomorrow, though.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Good morning all! Happy to be here, erhm, celebrating Monday with you.
Busy day today, have issues from the test over the weekend to follow up on, and I'm Toastmaster today at my club meeting, so I have stuff to do to prepare for that. This Toastmasters stuff really works, I've been a Toastmaster for 3 years now and I'm totally not nervous about being the toastmaster. The first time I did it I was a wreck.
So, coffee break, then prep for meeting.
CYA later!
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C. S. Lewis
Good morning everyone. I'm probably procrastinating by being here, as there's lots to do, but it's the lesser of two evils today. It's so nice to see others' posts here when I log on, though.
(X)spiritual (not me) time
(X)get supplies
(X)finish project A (my own, so that's a tough one)
(I did, but it didn't work out! Ugh!)spend an hour on project B
(X)try to finish project C
(X)check in around dinner time
Today is mostly urgent tasks (but they're important too, so it's OK).
I need to prepare for meeting with PT at 10 today, prep for mtg w/ PF at 1 tomorrow, and read 2 papers for class tomorrow. I also need to go to class, go to lab mtg, and prep for and go to Harambee.
I'm going to spend 5 min reading the news, then start a calculation for tomorrow's mtg, then head to school to prep for the mtg w/ PT. Frequent updates, back with a new plan after the mtg w/ PT.
Update 9:05--started calculation, tidied room, went to lab, goofed off/checked email for 10 min, now sitting down to work. I'd like to work out one equation, read over my brainstorming notes from earlier in the week, and make a graph. I'm going to start with working on the equation...I'll take 30 min to work on it, and if I don't finish it's OK. Back at 9:40.
Update 9:45--Made good progress working out the equation, but didn't get all the way done...that's OK, I'll finish after the meeting. Made graph. Now I'm going to review my brainstorming notes and head to meeting.
Got out of mtg around 11:30, then had some lunch, now ready to work.
I also got through part of the papers for tomorrow's class while waiting for the mtg to start.
Right now I need to take notes from the mtg w/ PT and make a schedule for the week. Then I need to finish retrieving the PGC1alpha dataset and start rand. runs. Then I need to talk with labmates about why computer is down.
I have lab mtg 1-2 and class 2:30-4.
After class I'll prep for and go to Harambee.
Update 12:45--I took notes from mtg w/ PT and made a schedule for the week. No one knows why the computer is down. I'm not going to be able to make any progress on retrieving PGC1alpha dataset before lab mtg, so I'm going to spend 15 min reading papers for tomorrow's class instead. Lab mtg should be relatively short, and I'll work on retrieving the dataset after that. Update after lab mtg.
Lab meeting went a bit long, but now I'm going to work on getting the dataset. I won't be able to finish in 30 min, but I should be able to make some progress. Every little helps!
Back from class. Made some progress getting dataset, I think I see how to do it now. I'm going to work on that now, and I hope finish by 5:00. Then I'll have 30 min to prep for Harambee.
Update 4:35--I've worked out how to get dataset, code to do this is running and requires minimal monitoring.
Now I need to document how I got the dataset...this is a task I'm not looking forward to, so I'm going to work in the chatbox to get through my resistance.
Once I get done with that, if I have time I'll send email to TH, NM and EA. Then I'll quickly think about what I want to do for Harambee (but I'm not going to spend too much time planning).
Made progress documenting the dataset, sent emails (except to EA, I decided that would be better to do tomorrow after I've done some bg reading), planned to and went to Harambee (it didn't go great, but it's over and I can take steps to make it go better next week), biked home, then ended up spending 2 hrs on the phone with AG (I think it made sense to do this, but it did really throw me off). It's okay, I'll just get as much done as I can (and if I'm a little sleep deprived tomorrow I can deal).
I think that getting the PGC1alpha dataset isn't going to happen for tomorrow's mtg w/ PF (since code to do first step of extraction is still running...)
For tonight I'm going to do randomization runs on p300 and brca1 datasets with some reasonable parameters. Then I'll finish reading one of the papers for tomorow's seminar. I'll get up at 6:15 tomorrow and try to get to lab by 7:30, so I can look at rand. run results.
Have started with the first few essential tasks...done. It's feels good to do all these in a bunch. Once I would have left them, scattered across the day.
I'm new here and know I really could use this program. Just saying I'm procrastinating can hopefully help me get on the right track as I know that has helped me in the past with other issues. I have a paper to complete for school, and I have the time as I'm not working (school is my job right now), but I seem to waste time away very easily. I feel I'm dealing with some consequences now as I was not able to see my boyfriend tonight because I need to work on my homework. Okay, I won't beat myself up, but I need to keep plugging away at my assignments. Thanks for reading!
Photocopy B-F stuff b/f work did some photocopying
work on 11 stuff p2 done
workon 9 stuff at break done
check in p6 doing now
should feel pleased but I feel overwhelmed, anxious, ashamed and angry with self.....I did not do enough diring the holidays and did not priorotise properly. Must keep going. So NEXT:
tidy up classroom
think about tasks for tomorrow and make a list
pack what I need.
do a few errands on the way home
walk with doggy
fix and eat a healthy dinner
check in
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
tidy up classroom sort of done....How do I deal with the folders and books?????
think about tasks for tomorrow and make a list
pack what I need. done
do a few errands on the way home done
walk with doggy done
fix and eat a healthy dinner done but ate just a lttle too much
also saw mother and did a few things for her, chatted with sons who were here for dinner....Next:
have a sleep, get up at 1am and work on house, self and school untill 7am is what I feel like doing. Not a positive thing....and something I want to change
maybe I wiil do my tapping EFT exercises for a little while and see how I feel in 20 minutes.....
bedtime ! I have been awake since 3am
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
Thank you for the support chikadee...I know I do a lot, but not always the right tasks..and usually the "wrong" ones. I do know that I resisit and resent the work related stuff....This eats up the energy and makes a difficult job seem overwhelming and at that stage I procrastinate and now I am facing the consequences....
I had a rest and a sleep from about 20.45 untill about 12.30 and then rested in bed had a coffee and did a houe hold tsak.
Feel calmer and less resisitant.
I have 5 hours before I leave for work. The Plan is to work/do stuff in 30 minute chunks with frequent check ins. Perhaps in chat if I can get in.
It is 1.50 and I am going to:
think about the things I need to do for today and make a list
bring stuff in from car
look for and find I hope the att folder
Above done as well as a number of other tasks. Chat helped and I have worked effectielly for 2 hours. Now a coffee and a strech an then some grading.
Check in again before I leave for work.
What am I doing up at 4.17???
Decided to go back to bed and try to sleep for a bit longer. If I do 2 hours at home every day that shuld be enough and I have done this.
Get Up at about 5.30 and get on with morning routine.
Check in before I leave for work.
Did not do all of morning routine.
chugging along.....keeping busy with UT's
I have 1 hour and 20 minutes befoew I have to teach again so the plan is:
eat lunch done
tidy books sort of
rebook 1 prac done
cut and paste activity
tidy attendance folder
upload activity done
then teach, attend meeting drive home and check in. checking in at 4am wednesday morning. Exhaustion set in when I got home and I went to sleep at about 8pm.
Have to learn to work in the venenings but how......??? The agitation and anxiety are often overwhelming.
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
Chemgirl 8.23pm Tuesday
Our family is finally pretty much better, and tomorrow my dstepm is coming out to look after the girls so I will finally get some time to work on my thesis (which I could be doing now, but have been in deeply resistant mode since the school holidays started, which is 9 days now!!! Scary when I think of it that way).
I shouldn't have taken so much time off, have been avoiding thinking about how long it is since I worked on it and coming on here is making me feel anxious, so my plan for tomorrow is to get a solid chunk of it done. The reason I have not been on here is so that I don't have to think about the fact that I haven't been working on my thesis, because I can't really use the excuse of the family being sick any more :(
Tonight I just want to get the house cleaned up (it is pretty tidy but just finish unpacking the dishwash, spin a load of laundry and dry it, fold dry laundry, vacuum the downstairs) and spend some time with dh (i.e. not messing round on the computer).
Oh dear, I wish I didn't have to face my thesis procrast :(
Solidarity Chemgirl!
And good luck to you. :cool: ...the only thing more painful than facing big-important-project-procras. year on, not having done so?
I can really identify with what you are writing about. I am still managing to avoid the BIG MITs which include The Book. I have many ITs and Uts that HAVE to be done, so it's easy for me to slip along. Then when I think about what I want to have accomplished a year from now, it gives me a chill.
I once read about whether you pour sand into a jar first, and have no room for pebbles, or put pebbles in first, and then there's room for the sand. It's a metaphor about big and little tasks.
One of the goals I've been moving towards now is making more of a routine, with the idea of doing a little every day at the same time. Not there yet. But I do have a better routine than I have had for many months and it means i have more will-power left..
Journey 1:30 UPDATE 5 pm
spent most of the morning doing Toastmasters stuff, which was MIT #1. Now on to MIT #2, deal with issues that occurred over the weekend.
UPDATE 5 pm:MITs #1 and #2 done, also got called into an unexpected meeting with the boss this afternoon (which turned out to be about a good thing!) I had anticipated getting more done today, but I'm feeling tired and I want to make dinner rather than picking something up, so I'm calling it a day! Tomorrow is a work at home day so I can get an early start.
Tonight, I MUST stop by Petsmart and pick up dog food. I keep forgetting to do that. Unload/load dishwasher, 15 mins. of laundry, and download some new audio books. I'm down to my last audio book on my mp3 player, if I don't get some new books soon, the only thing I'll have left to listen to is Spanish lessons.
Hope everyone is having a great Monday
Sunflower 10:30
Hey all. My to do list for today:
Finish meeting minutes
Clean apartment
Start report
Read 5-10 chapters
GeorgeSmiley 9:30 AM; 5:40 PM Update
It's a late start today. Mrs. GS and I began the day w/ a meeting with younger son's teachers; his mother (my ex-) was also there. Bright kid but completely disorganized. With two households the challenge is greater. So we're figuring out how to work together to ensure he gets and stays on track.
I've got 3 different projects to focus on today, plus I'm paying a short visit this afternoon to my part-time job to learn about some changes in procedure there. I'm also fighting fatigue--got to bed too late and up too early. (But the poor Mrs. GS has it worse--she had insomnia in the middle of the night.)
And I need to implement some of the ideas for younger son that my ex- and I agreed upon to help him stay organized.
MIT#1: Younger son organizing stuffUPDATE 5:40 PM:Mostly finishedMIT#2: Project P-12 Update 5:40 PM: One interview, another planned
MIT#3: Project D Update 5:40 PM: No progress
MIT#4: Project U Update 5:40 PM: No progress
Update 5:40 PM
This day ended up being taken up by lots of other stuff, including a mid-afternoon catnap on the couch when I was just overtaken by fatigue.
I'm hopeful for tomorrow, though.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Journey 10:15
Lark @ 9:13am, 2:53pm, 11:12pm
Good morning everyone. I'm probably procrastinating by being here, as there's lots to do, but it's the lesser of two evils today. It's so nice to see others' posts here when I log on, though.
(X)spiritual (not me) time
(X)get supplies
(X)finish project A (my own, so that's a tough one)
(I did, but it didn't work out! Ugh!)spend an hour on project B
(X)try to finish project C
(X)check in around dinner time
kromer 7:40 CI
Today is mostly urgent tasks (but they're important too, so it's OK).
I need to prepare for meeting with PT at 10 today, prep for mtg w/ PF at 1 tomorrow, and read 2 papers for class tomorrow. I also need to go to class, go to lab mtg, and prep for and go to Harambee.
I'm going to spend 5 min reading the news, then start a calculation for tomorrow's mtg, then head to school to prep for the mtg w/ PT. Frequent updates, back with a new plan after the mtg w/ PT.
Update 9:05--started calculation, tidied room, went to lab, goofed off/checked email for 10 min, now sitting down to work. I'd like to work out one equation, read over my brainstorming notes from earlier in the week, and make a graph. I'm going to start with working on the equation...I'll take 30 min to work on it, and if I don't finish it's OK. Back at 9:40.
Update 9:45--Made good progress working out the equation, but didn't get all the way done...that's OK, I'll finish after the meeting. Made graph. Now I'm going to review my brainstorming notes and head to meeting.
kromer 11:55 CI
Got out of mtg around 11:30, then had some lunch, now ready to work.
I also got through part of the papers for tomorrow's class while waiting for the mtg to start.
Right now I need to take notes from the mtg w/ PT and make a schedule for the week. Then I need to finish retrieving the PGC1alpha dataset and start rand. runs. Then I need to talk with labmates about why computer is down.
I have lab mtg 1-2 and class 2:30-4.
After class I'll prep for and go to Harambee.
Update 12:45--I took notes from mtg w/ PT and made a schedule for the week. No one knows why the computer is down. I'm not going to be able to make any progress on retrieving PGC1alpha dataset before lab mtg, so I'm going to spend 15 min reading papers for tomorrow's class instead. Lab mtg should be relatively short, and I'll work on retrieving the dataset after that. Update after lab mtg.
kromer 2 CI
Lab meeting went a bit long, but now I'm going to work on getting the dataset. I won't be able to finish in 30 min, but I should be able to make some progress. Every little helps!
kromer 4:15 CI
Back from class. Made some progress getting dataset, I think I see how to do it now. I'm going to work on that now, and I hope finish by 5:00. Then I'll have 30 min to prep for Harambee.
Update 4:35--I've worked out how to get dataset, code to do this is running and requires minimal monitoring.
Now I need to document how I got the dataset...this is a task I'm not looking forward to, so I'm going to work in the chatbox to get through my resistance.
Once I get done with that, if I have time I'll send email to TH, NM and EA. Then I'll quickly think about what I want to do for Harambee (but I'm not going to spend too much time planning).
kromer 11:40 CI
How'd it get to be 11:40? Yikes!
Made progress documenting the dataset, sent emails (except to EA, I decided that would be better to do tomorrow after I've done some bg reading), planned to and went to Harambee (it didn't go great, but it's over and I can take steps to make it go better next week), biked home, then ended up spending 2 hrs on the phone with AG (I think it made sense to do this, but it did really throw me off). It's okay, I'll just get as much done as I can (and if I'm a little sleep deprived tomorrow I can deal).
I think that getting the PGC1alpha dataset isn't going to happen for tomorrow's mtg w/ PF (since code to do first step of extraction is still running...)
For tonight I'm going to do randomization runs on p300 and brca1 datasets with some reasonable parameters. Then I'll finish reading one of the papers for tomorow's seminar. I'll get up at 6:15 tomorrow and try to get to lab by 7:30, so I can look at rand. run results.
Chick's CI
Have started with the first few essential tasks...done. It's feels good to do all these in a bunch. Once I would have left them, scattered across the day.
So, here I am procrastinating
Hello all,
I'm new here and know I really could use this program. Just saying I'm procrastinating can hopefully help me get on the right track as I know that has helped me in the past with other issues. I have a paper to complete for school, and I have the time as I'm not working (school is my job right now), but I seem to waste time away very easily. I feel I'm dealing with some consequences now as I was not able to see my boyfriend tonight because I need to work on my homework. Okay, I won't beat myself up, but I need to keep plugging away at my assignments. Thanks for reading!
(¯`·.(¯`·.(¯`·.(¯`·. Welcome Tammy! .·´¯).·´¯).·´¯).·´¯)
welcome here
Welcome here Tammy and good luck with your paper.
Convararia's shaky 'recovery' Monday 14.54
The intentions in the morning:
should feel pleased but I feel overwhelmed, anxious, ashamed and angry with self.....I did not do enough diring the holidays and did not priorotise properly. Must keep going. So NEXT:
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
Convalaria's very shaky recovery at 20.33 Monday
Reporting on afternoon intentions
also saw mother and did a few things for her, chatted with sons who were here for dinner....Next:
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
hang in there Convalaria
Hang in there Convalaria--it looks like you got lots done; remember to be kind and merciful to yourself too...
Convalaria, Monday 1.34am, 4am, 4,17am, 12.49pm
Thank you for the support chikadee...I know I do a lot, but not always the right tasks..and usually the "wrong" ones. I do know that I resisit and resent the work related stuff....This eats up the energy and makes a difficult job seem overwhelming and at that stage I procrastinate and now I am facing the consequences....
I had a rest and a sleep from about 20.45 untill about 12.30 and then rested in bed had a coffee and did a houe hold tsak.
Feel calmer and less resisitant.
I have 5 hours before I leave for work. The Plan is to work/do stuff in 30 minute chunks with frequent check ins. Perhaps in chat if I can get in.
It is 1.50 and I am going to:
Above done as well as a number of other tasks. Chat helped and I have worked effectielly for 2 hours. Now a coffee and a strech an then some grading.
Check in again before I leave for work.
What am I doing up at 4.17???
Decided to go back to bed and try to sleep for a bit longer. If I do 2 hours at home every day that shuld be enough and I have done this.
Get Up at about 5.30 and get on with morning routine.
Check in before I leave for work.
Did not do all of morning routine.
chugging along.....keeping busy with UT's
I have 1 hour and 20 minutes befoew I have to teach again so the plan is:
then teach, attend meeting drive home and check in. checking in at 4am wednesday morning. Exhaustion set in when I got home and I went to sleep at about 8pm.
Have to learn to work in the venenings but how......??? The agitation and anxiety are often overwhelming.
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
Movingalong celebrating Monday as an opportunity
Hello everybody !
I realize that we rarely celebrate "Monday".
So I thought I'd try something completely different for a thread-starter -- as a way to start the week on a joyful note.
If any of us (including myself) awakens Monday morning feeling groggy and grumpy ....
... we could ask Higher Power to help us ... and we can act "as if" we feel joyful. And perhaps, as the day progresses, the joy will become real.
Thank you Movingalong!
Even the little lights are blinking: thank you Movingalong!
(it's nice to look forward to *that* starter being already in place, too :smile:)