Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday September 30th 2008

It's Tuesday--have a good one

I can take the next step. I can do one more thing. I do things and make time for a break.

Agnus barely checking in again

Just settling down for the night with laptop and hotel Internet - J snoring comfortably in background. I packed, cleaned, prepped the house, packed the truck, checked the Medicare stuff while J drove, then did my share of driving: 300 miles down, 400 to go tomorrow. Checked in, handled some phone calls and emails for work, and hit the HOT whirlpool...ahhh!Smile

Next up: email sponsor, book next hotel online, email address to my pda, have a cuppa herb tea, and spend 30 minutes playing on computer to unwind; bed by 12:15!  G'night, PA-pals!

Recycler CI 7:50pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

OK, I'm going to make like a tree and Leave (ha ha!), as soon as I do my CI! ;) [Sorry, I couldn't resist that; I can tell I am really tired if I make a pun! ;) Thanks for the threadstarter, chickadee :)

Today: stretched at gym & showered & dressed, then went into work early to work on a volunteer project; got a lot of it done. Got a lot of work projects done. Had to stay on track, because I need to have all deadline projects finished by the end of the day tomorrow before I go on vacation. At 5pm, stayed late to get some more work done on volunteer project. Stayed even more to make final pass through emails, and make sure project list for tomorrow is prioritized for a quick start! Usually I don't work late like this. However, tomorrow may also be the day I have the WalkThrough on my new condo, so I need to be able to finish up work projects and do the WalkThrough, too!

Was supposed to go to support group tonight. However, due to finishing & organizing the work projects, and doing the volunteer project, it was going to be Too Much Drama for the day to go to support group, and I still feel ok from last night talking with my sponsor from my other meeting.

Tonight: I've got a load of clothes in the dryer. I'm packed for my trip, but still need to add in a few more things. Last night I finally did sleep, but still have some sleep deficit from Sunday night. Will try to go to bed on time tonight.

Tomorrow through Sunday I won't get to check in due to being on my vacation, so take care of yourself! Talk to you later! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Falcon CI Tues.

Hi pro amigos,

Whew.  Rough day at work.  Lots of stressful stuff going on.  I think everybody is anxious and edgy about the economy, and that's taking the form of unusual anger levels & morale being low.

I have a free evening, and really want to use it well to help myself recover & move my life forward, even though my temptation is to totally zone out right now.

To do:

  • Drink tea while emailing L.
  • Practice
  • Exercise
  • Go get stamps
  • Eat dinner & read book
  • Order pants online (last day to use coupon, must do tonight!)
  • Email D.
  • Call K.
  • Do some nice sensual winding down stuff before bed -- maybe shower, candlelight, a little chocolate, soft jammies


Falcon CO Tues.

Hey recycler -- thanks for the corgi hug!

Got just about everything done but the stamps (it was dark out by then & I didn't want to walk over there, so stamps are waiting till tomorrow.)  Otherwise done and feeling much better than when I walked in the door -- I'm glad I was actively taking care of myself rather than just spacing out.  Thanks, everybody, for being here to check in with!

Heading for the jammies. . . 


good luck with everything, Falcon! :)

Hi Falcon!

Good luck with everything! :)

Hugs! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Convalaria's recovery, Wednesday 7.30am

No work yesterday, all the praying and eating are not conducive to work! The prayers are for a new here is hoping that they will be heard.
Today is going to be hard to get much done. Morning is busy with pleasure and mothor.  I desperately need to build my lifreline!!!!!

  • morning routine with an extra long walk for my poor doggy
  • phonecalls fpr mother, doctor, grace, cleaning service 
  • call L call v
  • manicure at 10.30
  • lunch with the girls at 12.00
  • come home by 2.00
  • check in

"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."

Convalaria's recovery, Wednesday 15.37pm

 List above nearly finished, only 2 phonecalls to go!
Got home at 15,00pm not 14.00.....checked vaccum cleaners, got petrol and a driving ticket on the way home....That accounts for the extra hour.  Have spent the last 30 minutes watching Judge Judy.
DEMAND RESISTANCE is huge. There is stuff I have to do before Monday if there is to be any chance of surviving  in my job.
Where do I start??

  • prepare time line templates for all of my 7 classes
  • prepare easy dinner for son and self
  • check in in 2 hours with progress

OnwardsFrown (I hope)

"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."

courage to you Convalaria

We are all rooting for you Convalaria... I hope you can be gentle and kind to yourself amid so much pressure.

Late Checkin for Journey 11:45 UPDATE 2:50

Hello everyone!

Today is a work from home day.  I've been to the gym, and the Wal-mart, read email, set my MITs, and attended a meeting.  I got a late start this morning because of the Walmart trip, but it's really nice to be able to go in there when it's not crowded. 

Now for MIT #1, which is a phone call.  I hate making phone calls.  Then clean up and get dressed. 

UPDATE 2:50 Man, this day is going by fast.  I like working from home :)  I'm still sitting here, have done MITs 1, 2, AND 3, AND took care of an unplanned task that the b.i.c. wanted me to do.  Everything else is icing on the cake at this point.  But I should probably get dressed now :)



"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." 

GeorgeSmiley 8:30 AM and updates

I've actually been busy for the last hour and a half. My Project lists and roadmaps in Outlook had gotten somewhat out of date, so I decided this AM first of all just to go through and bring them up to date. A tedious task but one I truly believe helps me stay more on top of the steps of a project when I follow though carefully.

Today's MITs:

1) Project U: Finish reading the original work, move forward on outlining revisions[Update 6:45: Made progress reading, but not additional tasks.]

2) Project P-12: Read records on subject.[completed 10 am] Identify additional sources of info.

3) Project M: One more round of phone calls. Write draft, review, ship.[Update 6:45: Wrote half a draft.]

4) Old Project V: picture captions and text roadmap for images.[Completed 12:30 PM]

5) Project D: Continue reading/edit; finish if possible

I think it's likely that I'll bounce back and forth among these various tasks. They're broken down a little bit more in my Outlook task list.

I  also have postponed my shower this AM. I will probably do that around lunch time. Unless I find myself so distracted that I need it to kickstart me sooner. (Nice to be able to do that working at home...)

Update, 12:30 PM

Well, the only task I've gotten fully completed is No. 4, above, the pix for project V. Not a putting-off issue, just bouncing among different tasks as circumstances required.

I got part of No. 2 finished (reading the records). I'm about to resume the search for other sources.

Setting alarm to return by 1:30 and then pick whether to proceed with 1, 3, or 5. 

Update, 2:25 PM

Well, I got a late call back that diverted me from checking back when I'd planned.

Bottom line was I've gotten no further on Projects U, M, or D. But I
did make additional progress on Project P-12, and stayed on task.

Update 3:30 PM

The last hour has essentially been completely diverted, to personal matters and a snack. So effective now, I will pursue the schedule I planned for an hour ago.

30 minutes on Project M now. Then 30 on Project U.

Update 4:20 PM: Sidetracked again!

After getting ready to go to the set task I stopped to check on something regarding the youth class we teach and next thing you know I'd gotten wrapped up in that for nearly 45-plus minutes.

Once again, Project M for 30 minutes.

Update 6:45 PM:

At last, I did put in 30 minutes each on Project M and Project U.

(But didn't have time to check out for the day earlier, 'cos of kitchen work.)

See you all tomorrow...




The Hero's Code:

Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

kromer 7:55 CI

I've gotten myself in a situation where I need to focus on MUTs for most of today.

I need to read 2 papers this morning, for student discussion today
And I need to write blurb for SLG
And I need to do task for LR (that I've been promising forever)
And I need to mail request for driving record 

Apart from those MUTs, I have a few ITs to tackle:
Finish getting p300 dataset (I did make good progress last night, but I still have about an hour of work left)
Start rand. runs on p300 and brca1 datasets
Document smarca4 and brca1 datasets
Make schedule for week

I'm going to spend 5 min reading the news, then I'm going to start reading papers 

kromer 2:40 CI

Today has not been a wonderful success so far...

I read half a paper (was reading very slowly), then went to genetics and student discussion, then went out to lunch with classmates (OK) and took an hour and a half (not OK).

Now I need to try and salvage this day. What I have left to do seems overwhelming, but I'm just going to take this one step at a time.

1)I'm going to start by filling out the request for a driving record, so I'll at least have accomplished something. DONE! Still need to mail when I get home, though. 

2)Then I'll read another half paper DONE!

3)Then I'm going to go to lab, finish getting the p300 dataset

4)Then I'll start rand. runs on p300 and brca1 datasets.

I can do this! I'll work in the chat box to help myself get going.

kromer 8:40 CI

Yuck! I have not done very well today, and I'm feeling overwhelmed with work again. I just wasted 35 min web browsing...

I'm going take a deep breath and spend 30 min trying to figure out what's up with the p300 dataset.  

kromer Wed CO

I made some progress getting the p300 dataset, but that's it.  (I ended up spending a bunch of time on the phone instead :blush: )

So this morning, I'm going to finish getting p300 dataset, start rand. runs, and do chore for LR. Then I'll make a schedule for the rest of the week. Frequent updates + work in the chatbox.  

Hi Kromer

Hang in there Kromer, to me it looks as if you are actually getting a lot of challenging difficult stuff done. :smile:    From the outside, it looks as if even when you have not met all your high expectations, you have really persevered. When I read your posts, that's an inspiration to me.

makes coffee for kromer and tea for chickadee


hey thanks e

thank you e---and great graphic. Greetings Kromer...

hope we are all finding the strength to keep doing the next thing... 

e's early ci

 gmorning chickadee! Thanks for the thread starter!

today continues where yesterday left off. 

health insurance: call and deal with billing, check on meds plan, find new pharmacy

billing for er

program messages

put shoes in underbed system or order tall shoe tree?

move stuff from s's

write letter to g

water, meds, hygeine

plan dinner, shop, 

move stuff to basement

job applications

financial aide, umass in-state status


morning e

good morning to you to, hope it's a good day for you getting things done :smile:

e's bits and pieces

I don't know how the day has escaped me. Actually, my sister-in-law dropped by and stayed for a coupl.e hours, so that time was lost. I went back to sleep and woke with a bad sore throat: I think it is allergies, but it kept me in bed a long time. I have showered, made breakfast for c, gotten A up and out to help move a bookcase, bickered with my spouse about messing with the ironing board, and began to move some empty boxes out for recycling. I have some serious culling to do to make room for stuff that must be out, so going to get to it again....

graphics question

I got one image in okay, tried for a second, but even though I tried the same thing it didn;t work. Is there a limit? Or did I try to insert it in a place where it didn't have room? I'd be grateful for any advice. thanks....

I know I have posted the url

I know I have posted the url descriptor before but cannot replicate how i did it. I think it has something to do with cutting and pasting the  wrong descriptor in the wrong place, but I know you can do more than one graphic in a page...

chick CI

lots of things I have to do before a meeting.

c corresp: done; tt, emy-done, ec-done, found envelope for t stuff, rw, ml, wp-done

--okay, meeting now; I've done a bunch of things that i would normally have left scattered across the day. this theory about bunching similar tasks has helped me and doing these things I'd have preferred to resist makes me feel good.

goal: do some of the ITs and HTs that I've been avoiding in the afternoon

I'm running out of steam a bit. Have done lots, still a few more things to do; I felt my energy drain when I had to deal with uncooperative colleague--but I have turned that over to a line manager. I am not going to be a victim today. I think I need a break--no, I know I need a break,--I have been working for about 7 hours and that is almost a day's worth, even if I need to do more. Now--a break and a promise to attack a few more hard things.

paper sorting and organizing. Face the big scary tasks-one small step on each

back from errands, did another task I didn;t want to... now for the ones I've been avoiding bigger time...