Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 28 September 2008

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Good morning, starshine !




CL ci

usually, reading here encourages me. Today, i enjoyed it the same as ever, but when i was done, and it was time to post and get on with life, i got down. dunno why.

maybe because i forgot to call someone today.


Convalaria's Recovery Monday 9.20 am

 Not happy. Apart from some sorting I did not do anything productive yesterday. And I have been surfing since probably 8am or longer. Was short with my mother.....
Another day, another start. So today I am going to (in this order):

  • start and complete my morning routine
  • get important tickets
  • make phone calls
  • have fruit and herbal tea at 11.30
  • Check back in

"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."

Convalaria's Recovery Monday 12.55pm

I have been active since the last post. Still to do:

  • walk doggy
  • put on some make up
  • phone calls
  • check in when done

"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."

Journey 10 am confession time! and shout out to Ag

Good morning Starshine, the earth says hello, my love and me are singing our early morning singing song . .. 

I love that sappy old song lol!  Thanks for a great thread starter moving.

Well,  I had to work yesterday so I did absolutely nothing else.  Well,I did make dinner and do the dishes.   But, the truth is I only worked 3 1/2 hours and was frustrated because my test was unsuccessful so I used that as an excuse to do absolutely nothing the rest of the day lol.  But, the whole point of testing is to TEST right ??  That is what testing is FOR.  

So, today, I'm in catchup mode on the housework.  I've made a small start by doing some needed mending, and now I'm going to make a nice breakfast for DD who quit smoking Friday.  today is the horrid Day #3 for her. 

After that, I'm going to bathe the dog, then get myself cleaned up and dressed for a day of housework.  

Have a great Sunday everyone.  


AG:  I thought of you this morning when I made my todo list.  Usually, I make my list then ask HP for help in accomplishing those things.  Today, I asked what HP thought should be on the list and got a distinct push in the direction of calling my little brother and inviting him to dinner next week.  So, that's now one of my MITS!


"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." 

Ag ci - just barely in "today!"

Thanks for the shout out, journey. I sabbathed saturday and was going to work after church today I'd feared and shared here recently, the xxit hit the fan at home. Seems now that the backlog is gone, my feelings are emerging and in some areas are quite raw. I spent most of today praying and talking with trusted friends who help put my (admittedly fragile) sanity back together again.

The good news is, these storms are survivable and I even learned some valuable 4th-Step and 7th-Step stuff. Not that humility is ever really fun to learn...Embarassed

re asking HP for direction from Convalalria

Thank you journey for the insight....asking HP for direction leads me straight to the grading and preparaion tasks that I have been avoiding by my week of soring and culling of paper .....
It is good that I have some of this sorting done but the grading and prep needs to be the MIT. 

oh the resisitance........

"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."


i've experienced the same thing in the past. weird, huh? It's like i could have come up w/ it myself, theoretically, but i dont, until i take that step of asking HP. huh.

I dont do it every time tho; but i will next time.


kromer 9:25 CI

Off to a slow start this morning.

I've got a busy day today, but I've tried to keep my list manageable so it won't be a panicky day.

I have a whole to-do list written out, but before I leave for church at 10 my tasks are:
*Take cans for deposit
*Email PT
*Email PB

kromer 6:40 starting over

I took cans for deposit, emailed PB (didn't get time to email PT), went to church, had lunch with my mom, went fabric shopping with her...then spent 3 hours eating cookies and reading "best of craigslist".

So it's time to take a deep breath, turn my internet blocker back on and get a fresh start. I can forgive myself and I can still accomplish something useful today.

My main task is to read a paper on lung cancer. I'm going to start on that now.

This is a task I've been putting off for a while, so I'm going to update every page to make sure I keep my commitment.

Thanks all for being here!

Update 8:00--after a lot of resistance and procrastination I finally got through a page. It's a small victory, but I'm celebrating anyways. On to the next page!

Update 8:20--Another page. Woot!
Update 9:00--Another *3* pages. Woot, again! I'm going to take a 15-20 min break and *slowly* eat a *healthy* snack. I'll update when I'm done with break to keep me accountable.
Update 9:30--break went a little over, but I'm back and ready to read some more. I want to get through 4 pages by 10.
Update 9:45--gotten through 1.5 pages, not quite on target so I'd better pick up the pace.
Update 10:05--gotten through 3 pages, going to keep going. I'd really like to finish reading this paper tonight. 

kromer 11:50 CI

OK, I got through another paper, then had a (too-long) phone call with my bf that upset me, then in response I overate and stopped working, now it's late and I really want to give up on work. But this isn't a healthy response...instead I'm going to get through another page so I end the night on a good night, then spend a little time praying/thinking about why I'm upset and about what I could have done differently, *then* go to bed.

Update 12:25--actually got on a productive streak and finished the paper. Woohoo! (I've had a pattern on giving up on work when I get discouraged, so I'm really proud of myself for fighting through). I also sent another necessary email. Now it's time for some quiet time and bed.  

chick's CI

I'm doing chores and backlog chores as they occur to me; so far motivation is good and I've not taken frittering time off. I'm going to keep the 'done list' mode today.

I'm using this check in to make myself accountable to stay productive and positive. Reminder to self--just a few outdoor chores in crisp fall air and gentle sun are a better break than surfing :laugh:

Recycler CI 4:40am EST

Hi Fellow Stars & Pro Buddies!

Thanks, movingalong, for the threadstarter :)

I woke up early and don't think I'll be going back to sleep, so might as well check in ;)

Today: Yay, it's Packing For My Vacation day! :) While Wednesday night is when I fly out, the next few days are going to be busy with work, etc., so this is my best chance to pack :) And it's kind of fun to pack, too ;)

Well, I am going to get started on that first. I have some other things to do, also; and I will be going out mid-morning; I'll update/check back in later, whether it's this morning or afternoon.

Have a great day! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

have fun packing!

Enjoy your preparation for a well-earned vacation :)

Thanks, Kromer :) my luggage is packed now :)

Hi Kromer!

Thanks, my luggage is packed now :) I only have to put in a few more things, so it will be ready on Wednesday morning, before I fly out that evening :)

I hope you and everyone will have a good week, too! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

12-Step Meeting in chatbox -- note time

Meeting is held:

  • Sunday morning in Hawaii/Alaska
  • Sunday afternoon in the Americas
  • Late Sunday evening in Europe/Africa
  • Very early Monday morning in Asia/Australia/NZ

NOTE: We are remaining with GMT (UTC) standard time year-round.  This means no adaptations to Daylight Savings on/off.  Reason: because we live all over the world, north and south, east and west, with everyone on different timezones, some with Daylight Savings, and some not. And those in Southern Hemisphere go forward an hour while those in Northern Hemisphere go back an hour -- and not even at the same time.

AUSTRALIANS and NEW ZEALANDERS:  Please note meeting time remains on GMT .. so you'll need to offset.

Click on following link to get exact time/Timezone details and chatbox info:

This is a 12-Step meeting.

NOTE: The chatbox does not keep permanant record of meeting. (If by chance there are residual words left in scroll after meeting, we add lines of words so that the meeting scrolls out of view.)


  • No obiligation to attend!
  • You can come once in a while!
  • No need to mention if you are coming or not!
  • Just do what is right for you !
  • (This reminder is for informational purposes only).
  • No attendance taken.

Each person should come or not come according to their own inner guidance -- i.e. the Higher Power of their understanding.

Lark at 2:10am Still up and about

Hey everyone. Just need to post, to commit myself, so to speak. I hope you all are well.

Lark at 9:49am

Sort of a quandry today. I need to purchase something, and the best priced is a goodly drive, and I can go today. The other alternative is paying more and getting it delivered later in the week. I can't easily close my shop for long on a weekday, so a decision must be made before noon. Oh the agony of making a decision!
to dao:
(X)morning things
spiritual time
make decision!!! and follow through
sort out pile on table

Hi Lark

Hi Lark, good to see you here :smile:

Hi Chick

Good to hear from you. I see your posts here at all hours too. What time zone are you? I'm in the eastern part of the US. One thing I sometimes fear here is using some of the slang from my area, which may mean something totally different to folks in other parts of the world. A couple of years ago I innocently offended someone in a reply. Also someone else posted once what some english speakers took as a criminal act! Be well, and good luck.

Hi lark

Hi lark, I'm actually in GMT, but when I leave a tab with this forum on my browser window it gives the impression that I'm on more than I really am. (Part of my recovery is trying to keep consistent hours, get enough sleep,and get up at the same time--I'm making progress on the last, and it helps me avoid one potential battle of the will.)

US-UK intercultural misunderstandings can be a pitfall--I've done my share :smile: but I figure that here the commitment to common goals, honesty and the 12 steps means I don't have to be oversensitive or walk on eggshells--at least I hope so.

Movingalong finally checks in.

Hello all!

Here is what I wrote on my last check-in (Sept. 9):

Progress has been elusive lately. Or should I be honest, and rephrase to say that I've been not progressing much?

I've been dealing with gooey, heavy resistance. Self-created resistance, but oh how tempting to blame whatever ...

Moving along .... very slowly.

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted in that long.

Well, I've been coming to the chatbox 12-step meetings, which have helped a lot ...

... but I haven't been reading or posting here on the forums. And my life shows that.

I don't post often -- but I was usually posting at least once a week.

And I usually read daily.  Just reading what everyone is doing ... that's been inspiring to me.

I've just glanced over some of the recent posts, and I am seeing lots of soul-searching, insights, and deep recovery.  Way to go, everyone!

I'm still mired in the goo of resistance, but am making slow progress.

Will try to update later in the week.

-- Movingalong

Hi movingalong

Hi movingalong, it sounds like you are doing what your name says :smile: good to see you here.