Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Took a planned vaction this weekend...boyfriend was in town! (and now is flying back across the country..)
I was planning to jump right in to work tonight, but I don't think that's going to happen. So I'm going to allow myself an hour of watching TV and feeling sorry for myself, and *then* I'll get some work done.
OK, watched some TV, ate more chocolate than I should, web-flipped for 10 min and now I'm choosing to do some work. I'm going to keep it manageable...I'm gong to start a load of laundry, read 1 phastcon paper, clean bathroom, read other phastcon paper, make bed and that's all. Frequent check-ins
Update 10--OK, I've done laundry but that's it. And I'm feeling very unmotivated and blue. I think I'm going to revise my plan downward...make bed, read 5 pages, shower and go to bed.
Still struggling! Sunday was a waste from 9.30am, even though I mananged to medicate and go shopping. I also had my sons over for dinner so some cooking got done and I had a brief coffee out with a friend.
So another new start?
morning routine
finish tidying kitchen after last night
get crock pot going
leave by 7,45 breakfast and makeup in the car
print and photocopy for lesson 1
teach lesson 1
check in
3.00pm and all is well. Have been reasonably ready for all my lessons and have mananged to make some important phonecalls as well.
Today is DH's bday so we relaxed this morning a watched a movie he'd been wanting to see. The dogs have been bathed, but now I feel myself slipping into the goof off zone so I thought I'd better post.
I need to clean the bathroom next, and then color my hair. After that I can have another break.
See ya later!
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Painting a canvas (or sample board) is one of my goals for today -- so we'll see if it actually happens! ;)
This morning: bike ride, went out mid-morning, bought calendar & address book, bought ironing board, bought lunch & provisions, started a load of clothes, and surfed net. This afternoon: start another load of clothes, and decide what to do next! :)
Good morning everyone. Seems I need to separate the things which need to be done today from those which should be and don't need to be done. Progress has been made on lots of things, but I just gotta finish some stuff this week. Seems I've been procrastinating alot lately on finishing tasks. Does anyone else do this much?
(X) morning things
spiritual time (lacking alot lately)
shop for food
work project A (easy one)
dry out car (I left windows down)
talk to client B and make gameplan
bring wood mouldings inside (oops)
call brother
look for red paint (long story)
try to make our meeting
We had horrible winds today, but very little rain, thank goodness. I went to a friend's tonight for a shower, and had to take a ten mile detour because of downed trees. I'm on battery power on the laptop (reaching to the outside world!). I guess I'll be getting some of that spiritual time in before turning in tonight. I hope everyone else here is doing okay this evening (night).
Jo, so often I get so diverted on projects that they don't get finished on time. When I make a "do not do" list, that often helps.
i woke with more time than i need, and i can feel it slipping away. I'm posting here to stem that. First, i'm going to catch up a bit. it's been 5 days! pretty good days
NOTE: The chatbox does not keep permanant record of meeting. (If by chance there are residual words left in scroll after meeting, we add lines of words so that the meeting scrolls out of view.)
No obiligation to attend!
You can come once in a while!
No need to mention if you are coming or not!
Just do what is right for you !
(This reminder is for informational purposes only).
No attendance taken.
Each person should come or not come according to their own inner guidance -- i.e. the Higher Power of their understanding.
Falcon CI Sun. night
Hi all,
I just got in and am having trouble winding down.
To do:
Good night,
kromer 7:00 pm CI
Took a planned vaction this weekend...boyfriend was in town! (and now is flying back across the country..)
I was planning to jump right in to work tonight, but I don't think that's going to happen. So I'm going to allow myself an hour of watching TV and feeling sorry for myself, and *then* I'll get some work done.
kromer 8:10 CI
OK, watched some TV, ate more chocolate than I should, web-flipped for 10 min and now I'm choosing to do some work. I'm going to keep it manageable...I'm gong to start a load of laundry, read 1 phastcon paper, clean bathroom, read other phastcon paper, make bed and that's all. Frequent check-ins
Update 10--OK, I've done laundry but that's it. And I'm feeling very unmotivated and blue. I think I'm going to revise my plan downward...make bed, read 5 pages, shower and go to bed.
go kromer
i like that. when you're not doing well, you reduce your goals and keep going. I will try that next time it happens to me. keep up the fight, kromer.
Convalalria on Monday Morning 6.25 am, 15.00 pm
Still struggling! Sunday was a waste from 9.30am, even though I mananged to medicate and go shopping. I also had my sons over for dinner so some cooking got done and I had a brief coffee out with a friend.
So another new start?
3.00pm and all is well. Have been reasonably ready for all my lessons and have mananged to make some important phonecalls as well.
Next I need to
journey 2 pm
good afternoon, pals!
Today is DH's bday so we relaxed this morning a watched a movie he'd been wanting to see. The dogs have been bathed, but now I feel myself slipping into the goof off zone so I thought I'd better post.
I need to clean the bathroom next, and then color my hair. After that I can have another break.
See ya later!
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
goof off zone - lol
Recycler CI 12:45pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Painting a canvas (or sample board) is one of my goals for today -- so we'll see if it actually happens! ;)
This morning: bike ride, went out mid-morning, bought calendar & address book, bought ironing board, bought lunch & provisions, started a load of clothes, and surfed net. This afternoon: start another load of clothes, and decide what to do next! :)
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Guess what?
Guess what?
(Sorry. . . couldn't help myself.)
Goodnight, everyone!
10:02am for Lark, Good morning!
Good morning everyone. Seems I need to separate the things which need to be done today from those which should be and don't need to be done. Progress has been made on lots of things, but I just gotta finish some stuff this week. Seems I've been procrastinating alot lately on finishing tasks. Does anyone else do this much?
(X) morning things
spiritual time (lacking alot lately)
shop for food
work project A (easy one)
dry out car (I left windows down)
talk to client B and make gameplan
bring wood mouldings inside (oops)
call brother
look for red paint (long story)
try to make our meeting
To Lark re: finishing
Yep, Starting and finishing are hard. Once I have the momentum going, in the middle of a project, it gets a bit easier.
Hope you're doing ok with the weather, you mentioned being worried about flooding yesterday . . .
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
No electricity now.
We had horrible winds today, but very little rain, thank goodness. I went to a friend's tonight for a shower, and had to take a ten mile detour because of downed trees. I'm on battery power on the laptop (reaching to the outside world!). I guess I'll be getting some of that spiritual time in before turning in tonight. I hope everyone else here is doing okay this evening (night).
Jo, so often I get so diverted on projects that they don't get finished on time. When I make a "do not do" list, that often helps.
See you all in the daylight.
clement ci
i woke with more time than i need, and i can feel it slipping away. I'm posting here to stem that. First, i'm going to catch up a bit. it's been 5 days! pretty good days
booken: it's 7:47 pm.
that took 9 min.
Now MIT 1. here goes.
MIT 1 done. And 2 and 3.
Now MIT 4.
clem ci - 2
MIT 4 done. yea.
then other stuff happened. pretty good day. Hanging around mostly. NO pressing stuff.
But i have work to do now. MIT 1.
(the site discussion here has encouraged me, once again. Thanks friends).
MIT 1 done. And 2--without a check-in. Or, i sorta did it in my mind. which is weird. I'm not sure what to make of that yet.
MIT 3 now. feeling dread.
Whew. MIT 3 done.
Now MIT 4. dont wannt...
Weekly 12-Step Meeting in "meetings chatbox"
Meeting is held:
Click on following link to get exact time/Timezone details and chatbox info:
This is a 12-Step meeting.
NOTE: The chatbox does not keep permanant record of meeting. (If by chance there are residual words left in scroll after meeting, we add lines of words so that the meeting scrolls out of view.)
Each person should come or not come according to their own inner guidance -- i.e. the Higher Power of their understanding.