Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I am totally avoiding today. Checking in at 5 p.m. is certainly an indicator of being stuck. So far today I have:
Before 10 a.m.: spiritual routine, called sponsor, attended a Step meeting, visited with sponsee
10-2: handled a few emails, one important phone call, one brief report, got mammogram (ladies, when was your last one? ♥) and researched online whether my dog can survive the lambchop rib he swallowed whole 3 days ago and hasn't passed yet
2-4: piddled around, made and ate late lunch, chatted with husband like I didn't have work to do, played with the dog, visited the cat, generally tried to avoid my life
4-5: made a personal phone call, emailed some Stepwork to my sponsor, played some solitaire and continued avoiding my life.
I'm pretty sure I am beyond freaked out by what's happening to my Dad (Alzheimer's and a dangerous abdominal aneurysm), my husband (newly insulin-dependent diabetes) and my dog (lambchop-swallowing), and this is triggering my #1 "safe" addiction - procrastination. But knowing it, is not the same as beating it - nor does it give me any power over it.
I am going to set my timer, review the Steps and Tools, and pray. I commit to checking back at 6 pm. Thanks for being here.
Sorry, don't know why that double-posted. Anyway I am replacing one of the double-posts with this edit...and checking in again. Thanks for the comisseration, journey! My sister called before I could do the Steps/Tools review and it took an hour to catch up on the sadness around Dad and Mom. :(( Now it is time to eat, and call this day a done deal. Some days, I guess, checking in is the best I can do. It really does help to know everyone on this site goes through times like this - and survives to improve another day. Hope everyone has a Higher-Powered weekend!
OK... I've looked through my notes, and skimmed a bunch of related reading.
I got started on the outline, but hadn't finished before I had to take my son to a friend's house and have some lunch myself.
So I did the interview at the scheduled time, when I had hoped to have an outline at least finished if not a second draft started.
Sources of delay: repeatedly wandering off task to check this or that. Reading a bunch of stuff online that ostensibly "relates" to the topic at hand (this can be a real time sink for me).
I promised my editor a rewrite in less than 2 hours from now. So that will keep me on task.
More later...
Advance warning: if I don't check in later, it's because as soon as I file the story I'll have a bunch of errands to run...but I'll try to at least touch base again this weekend, if not today.
It doesn't matter if you reply or make a new post or edit your old post, whatever works best for you. I would suggest that you put your screen name in your subject line so we don't get confused about who is checking in. Otherwise, free form. I do it different ways depending upon my mood, how frequently I'm posting, and how long and/or whiny my posts are!
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Just a quick note. I got my piece in just one hour late. I'd like to have more time to look it over but I don't. And now it's off to spend time with the family.
When I have more time I'll come back and process how today is emblematic of a particular part of my personal procrastination cycle. Have a good weekend, all...
I'm also new here, really want to get past this procrastination thing.
One question: what's an MIT? I get that it is a goal of some kind, like a to-do? What does it stand for?
Okay, today we're getting ready for a family trip. We'll be staying overnight with family out-of-town. I have already cleaned the living-room and helped DS clean his room, but I still have dishes, packing, the bathroom and getting my butt ready to roll. I have three hours and zero motivation. I just want to sit here and surf the tubes.
We're about to roll, need to get the kids out before they really hurt one another.
My list:
do dishes
pack overnight bag
pack car (doing this last)
get kids dressed, washed, etc.
get myself showered, dressed, etc
clean bathroom
tidy master bedroom
My #1 MIT would likely be getting my family to the ferry on time. Just grabbing lunch and then picking DH up at work, should be a breeze(knock on wood).
MIT = Most Important Task. It comes from the Zen Habits blog by Leo Babauta. Leo recommends setting 3 (yes, just 3) really important tasks that must get done each day. Of course, you'll probably do more than 3 things, but choose the Top Three Most Important Things. When they are done, congratulate yourself and take a break!
Many of us suffer from the infinite to-do list syndrome, and never feel that we've accomplished anything because the list is miles long. The point of setting the three MITs is to re-learn the feeling of success.
Leo explains it much better than I, but you probably don't want to go look at his blog now since you trying to get off the net and get to that packing!
Good luck! Keep posting.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
I have a 2 page article I've written once but knew at the time I was just bloviating.
My first MIT for today is to review that draft and all my notes, highlight the key points in my notes, write a new outline and rewrite the article.
I have another interview for the article 3 hours from now, but I won't let that stop me from doing the above MITs because I can write around that information and then rework the second draft once I have it in hand.
At this point my biggest worry as that as soon as I close up this message I'll end up frittering away 45 minutes playing Freecell.
I just found this site yesterday and I'm looking forward to using it to help me get moving on stuff. I've been a lifelong, chronic procrastinator. I'm self-employed, work at home, and moderately successful, but I'm always seeing deadlines whoosh by (love the Douglas Adams quote on someone else's signature here) and often find myself paralyzed at the beginning of the day--and if it lasts too long, for the entire day.
For reasons of privacy I'll be vague about my work other than to say I'm a freelance writer and generally juggle between three and 10 projects a month. I have some well-established clients and I'm terrified of losing them by being a jerk about deadlines once too often. Not to mention always walking around in a state of anxiety.
I've read Getting Things Done and I use MS Outlook and have read a good book about using Outlook to implement the GTD system. (Years ago I also read The Now Habit, and I've got The Procrastination Workbook by Knaus somewhere around here.) Some days go well, but others--like every day the last couple of weeks--I've really been primarily reactive: It takes someone emailing me or returning a call I've made to get me moving off of playing solitaire or surfing the next and back to the task at hand.
So I'm hoping that regular checking in here will help me build some new habits.
I'll post a separate comment to actually "check in" and set some goals for today.
I won't panic today because I'm the only one here! I'll assume you guys are going to join me later in the day :)
I have been to the gym, done my 20-min day starter and set my MITs. Coffee break!
Update 10:15 Well that was a long coffee break. Off to work on MIT #1 until lunchtime. I have a luncheon engagement so I want to get as much done as possible before I leave for lunch.
11:15 lunch!
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
MIT #1 is complete. I am not really satisfied with it, but I have emailed it to my coworkers so I won't get bogged down in perfectionism. It's good enough. On to MIT #2.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Agnus, pretty stuck
I am totally avoiding today. Checking in at 5 p.m. is certainly an indicator of being stuck. So far today I have:
I'm pretty sure I am beyond freaked out by what's happening to my Dad (Alzheimer's and a dangerous abdominal aneurysm), my husband (newly insulin-dependent diabetes) and my dog (lambchop-swallowing), and this is triggering my #1 "safe" addiction - procrastination. But knowing it, is not the same as beating it - nor does it give me any power over it.
I am going to set my timer, review the Steps and Tools, and pray. I commit to checking back at 6 pm. Thanks for being here.
agnus . . .ugh, mammogram
I'm due for one!
I'm sorry to hear about all the illness in your family, and now the dog!
Take care. You have good reason to be freaked out! Do what you can. . .
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
gently nagging journey
May I remind my friend from time to time to consider making that a MIT? (There's nothing worse than a reformed mammo-procrastinator!
re: gently nagging journey
Yes, I shall!
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Agnus, pretty stuck
Sorry, don't know why that double-posted. Anyway I am replacing one of the double-posts with this edit...and checking in again. Thanks for the comisseration, journey! My sister called before I could do the Steps/Tools review and it took an hour to catch up on the sadness around Dad and Mom. :(( Now it is time to eat, and call this day a done deal. Some days, I guess, checking in is the best I can do. It really does help to know everyone on this site goes through times like this - and survives to improve another day. Hope everyone has a Higher-Powered weekend!
Progress report, Friday 8/8/08
OK... I've looked through my notes, and skimmed a bunch of related reading.
I got started on the outline, but hadn't finished before I had to take my son to a friend's house and have some lunch myself.
So I did the interview at the scheduled time, when I had hoped to have an outline at least finished if not a second draft started.
Sources of delay: repeatedly wandering off task to check this or that. Reading a bunch of stuff online that ostensibly "relates" to the topic at hand (this can be a real time sink for me).
I promised my editor a rewrite in less than 2 hours from now. So that will keep me on task.
More later...
Advance warning: if I don't check in later, it's because as soon as I file the story I'll have a bunch of errands to run...but I'll try to at least touch base again this weekend, if not today.
I guess this should have been as a "reply" to my earlier MIT report. Sorry about that.
It doesn't matter if you reply or make a new post or edit your old post, whatever works best for you. I would suggest that you put your screen name in your subject line so we don't get confused about who is checking in. Otherwise, free form. I do it different ways depending upon my mood, how frequently I'm posting, and how long and/or whiny my posts are!
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
GeorgeSmiley says thanks, and checks in again
Just a quick note. I got my piece in just one hour late. I'd like to have more time to look it over but I don't. And now it's off to spend time with the family.
When I have more time I'll come back and process how today is emblematic of a particular part of my personal procrastination cycle. Have a good weekend, all...
belated welcome, George
Does it surprise anyone that a PA member might be late? :P
You're doing great - "see you" around the site.
friday morning
I'm also new here, really want to get past this procrastination thing.
One question: what's an MIT? I get that it is a goal of some kind, like a to-do? What does it stand for?
Okay, today we're getting ready for a family trip. We'll be staying overnight with family out-of-town. I have already cleaned the living-room and helped DS clean his room, but I still have dishes, packing, the bathroom and getting my butt ready to roll. I have three hours and zero motivation. I just want to sit here and surf the tubes.
My list:
do dishes
pack overnight bag
pack car
get kids dressed, washed, etc.
get myself showered, dressed, etc
clean bathroom
tidy master bedroom
goodbye girl checkin
We're about to roll, need to get the kids out before they really hurt one another.
My list:
do dishes
pack overnight bag
pack car (doing this last)
get kids dressed, washed, etc.
get myself showered, dressed, etcclean bathroom
tidy master bedroom
My #1 MIT would likely be getting my family to the ferry on time. Just grabbing lunch and then picking DH up at work, should be a breeze(knock on wood).
good job goodbye girl! enjoy your trip
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Hello goodbye (lol)
MIT = Most Important Task. It comes from the Zen Habits blog by Leo Babauta. Leo recommends setting 3 (yes, just 3) really important tasks that must get done each day. Of course, you'll probably do more than 3 things, but choose the Top Three Most Important Things. When they are done, congratulate yourself and take a break!
Many of us suffer from the infinite to-do list syndrome, and never feel that we've accomplished anything because the list is miles long. The point of setting the three MITs is to re-learn the feeling of success.
Leo explains it much better than I, but you probably don't want to go look at his blog now since you trying to get off the net and get to that packing!
Good luck! Keep posting.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
GeorgeSmiley's MITs for Friday morning 8/8/08
I have a 2 page article I've written once but knew at the time I was just bloviating.
My first MIT for today is to review that draft and all my notes, highlight the key points in my notes, write a new outline and rewrite the article.
I have another interview for the article 3 hours from now, but I won't let that stop me from doing the above MITs because I can write around that information and then rework the second draft once I have it in hand.
At this point my biggest worry as that as soon as I close up this message I'll end up frittering away 45 minutes playing Freecell.
New here
I just found this site yesterday and I'm looking forward to using it to help me get moving on stuff. I've been a lifelong, chronic procrastinator. I'm self-employed, work at home, and moderately successful, but I'm always seeing deadlines whoosh by (love the Douglas Adams quote on someone else's signature here) and often find myself paralyzed at the beginning of the day--and if it lasts too long, for the entire day.
For reasons of privacy I'll be vague about my work other than to say I'm a freelance writer and generally juggle between three and 10 projects a month. I have some well-established clients and I'm terrified of losing them by being a jerk about deadlines once too often. Not to mention always walking around in a state of anxiety.
I've read Getting Things Done and I use MS Outlook and have read a good book about using Outlook to implement the GTD system. (Years ago I also read The Now Habit, and I've got The Procrastination Workbook by Knaus somewhere around here.) Some days go well, but others--like every day the last couple of weeks--I've really been primarily reactive: It takes someone emailing me or returning a call I've made to get me moving off of playing solitaire or surfing the next and back to the task at hand.
So I'm hoping that regular checking in here will help me build some new habits.
I'll post a separate comment to actually "check in" and set some goals for today.
"surfing the next" = surfing the NET .... n/t
no text
Welcome George!
Glad you like the quote :) and may I say you have always been my favorite spy.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Thank you!
I'll be back again later to report on my progress.
re: thank you
It really helps me to check back and report on my progress or lack thereof. No judgement here, just support.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Journey 9:30 UPDATE 10:15 11:15
I won't panic today because I'm the only one here! I'll assume you guys are going to join me later in the day :)
I have been to the gym, done my 20-min day starter and set my MITs. Coffee break!
Update 10:15 Well that was a long coffee break. Off to work on MIT #1 until lunchtime. I have a luncheon engagement so I want to get as much done as possible before I leave for lunch.
11:15 lunch!
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Journey 2:30
MIT #1 is complete. I am not really satisfied with it, but I have emailed it to my coworkers so I won't get bogged down in perfectionism. It's good enough. On to MIT #2.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams