Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Evening everyone. Didn't CI till now. I've been tired and very busy. Had a decent day. There are some things I need to do, including calling a client with his bill. I hope to edge (no relationship, to you, Edge!) his business toward someone else.
(X)morning things
(X)spiritual time
(X)finish lawn and trim
(X)focus on main work project
(X)begin project B
(X)went to bank
(X)trim kitchen corners and around things
(X)drink water
(X)sort out movies
Today: washed a load of cltohes, ran dishwasher, walked, stretched, work, rode train home, fixed & ate dinner, tell off 5 people on other Internet board :)
Tonight: dry load of clothes, wash another load to hang up to dry. Will I straighten any of downstairs area? MMMM, I guess I'll find out! :)
Struggling. Mother is home and doing well so far but yesterday and last night were consumed by caring for her. I did not manage to do anything last night. I was tired and then decided to sleep on the couch at mothers house, just to make sure she was OK.
Today I need to.
brush teeth and take medication
pick up doggy do's in back yard
clean sink in my kitchen
clean something or other at mothers house
meet with OT at mothers house
take tax work to mothers and work on it there
fix breakfast for mother
come back and post
THE BACKLOG needs concentration so it is not a suitable task when around mother and her needs/demands
It seems that you have a lot of stressful things on your plate at once. I have been there and it can feel like I am drowning in responsibilities. When I was able to go to face-to-face meetings I found that sharing about it with others would help, but more than that it helped me to work the 12 steps, especially the first three, to be able to put things into perspective. I found that when I did so I was able to allow my Higher Power to take over driving the bus, and that allowed me to simply prioritize what was really important, versus what was anxiety driven.
Repeating he Serenity Prayer definately helps me when I am feeling overwhelmed:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
I think you are doing a great job under difficult circumstances. When I remember to take it one task at a time and then cheer myself on I see what I have accomplished instead of focusing on the mountain of work ahead.
Okay, It's 3:00 pm and I'm really getting desperate to solve my Procrastinating issues and change how I'm working my way a'int working! So here's my CI:
late check-in today but already moving on the day. DONE so far: 12-Step meeting, produce market, sponsee, prepped all produce, juiced, took 2 sponsee calls. NOw on to my workday:
Had not such a productive evening yesterday, but I'm at work *exactly on time* and ready to have a productive day today!
Work MIT's:
*Visualize motif clusters (1-2 hrs)
*Start looking for people to do research rotations with (30 min)
*Download STRING data, process to assign connections to coregulators (1-2 hrs)
*Test significance of connections to TF classes (30 min)
Other work tasks:
*Read about network flow (2 hr)
*Read paper on STRING (30 min)
*Use STRING data to test hypothesis that NCORs, NCOAs, CBP/p300 really are clusters (1 hr)
*Email LR about WEEDER (30 min)
Non-work tasks to do during working hours:
*Call LM at 11:30 (15 min) (MIT)
*Decide whether to be a deacon (30 min) (MIT)
*Call TR (15 min) (MIT)
*Make and print signs for house (1 hr)
Clearly, I'm not going to get through all of the above, but I'll go through my MIT's and then do whatever else I have time for (and feel like doing)
Also, I was struggling with gathering experimental data last night...I realized that it's a tough and disagreeable enough tasks that I'm not realistically going to get it all done at once. Instead, I commit to going through 2 expts a day until it's all dealt with. I have 10 more expts to deal with, meaning this task will be mostly done by this Sunday. Then, I'll arrange for a mtg to dredge up any misplaced data, then email TN. I'll deal with 2 expts tonight, as soon as I get back from church cook-out (around 8:00).
I'll start by visualizing clusters. Steps:
1)Look at individual clusters DONE
2)Highlight TFs from activation array STARTING
3)Cluster and visualize exemplars
4)Write 1/2 page on what I observe STARTED
Update as I complete each of these sub-tasks, check back in when I'm done with this MIT.
UPDATE 11:10--turns out highlighting TFs from activation array involves manually compiling a list of hundreds of TFs, which is driving me nuts! I'm going to finish manually compiling the list (deep breath, I know this will be useful to have), but then take a break from this MIT, and instead calculate sig. of # of connections.
I looked at individual clusters, and wrote a bit about the result, then got a list of TFs from the activation array, so I can highlight them. I also had lunch
I'm going nuts with this MIT, so I'm going to move on and come back later. I'm going to go call LM, decide whether to be a deacon, and call TR. Then, I'll test significance of number of connections and check back here.
UPDATE 11:50--LM's not available, so I left a message and now need to be somewhere with phone service. This makes it hard to do what I'd planned, so instead I'm going to download stuff from STRING database.
UPDATE 12:10--Downloading data from STRING requires lots of waiting, so I can simultaneously work on making signs...need signs for bikes, shower, laundry, dishes+2, bathroom sponges, kitchen floor, grease trap, fridge, door.
I talked to LM and CH and decided to be a deacon, called TR and left a message letting him know.
I also made signs, and made some progress downloading/processing data from STRING.
I realized code for testing sig. is at home, so I can't do that until this evening.
I'm going to finish downloading/processing data from STRING, so I can finish at least *one* of my work MITs. (This should take about an hour). Then, I'm going to cluster/visualize exemplars (1 hr), so I can make progress on the clustering MIT. Finally, I'll spend 15 min. reading over my previous notes on research rotations. Then, I'll stop work around 5:30, call A, and go to church cookout (unless it's pouring, in which case I'll just go home).
As usual today, I didn't get through everything I wanted to...I downloaded and processed the STRING data and dealt with LR's issue, now I'm going to leave work, call A, go to church cookout (or go home if a thunderstorm starts). Check back in when I'm home.
Went to church cook-out, called A, called home, goofed around for 45 min, now I'm going to work for 45 min. and then go to a movie with friends.
In 45 min, I think I can cluster+visualize exemplars, back when that's done.
Update 10:10--Turns out friends don't want to go to move :(
Oh well, means I can be productive now and then have more of a break this weekend.
I finished clustering and visualizing exemplars, also emailed friend with a question. Now, I'm going to read about network flows...not a MIT, but it sounds really interesting right now, so I'm going to allow myself about 30 min on that. Back when that's done.
It occurs to me that the work you do involves a lot of intellectual creativity and that you are doing really well at managing something (creating something using my intellect) that I can sometimes do in my own area but am really reluctant to tackle. I really like how you provide structure for yourself....
When I saw this one-liner, I was still LOL about your reply to my post on yesterday's forum. Yeah, it's a miracle: I laid hands on some AA batteries and behold, my dead mouse has been resurrected! :D Thanks for keeping me laughing today, e.
I seem to have been born with an absurdity gene. It appears to have begun to mutate: perhaps Kromer can propose research on this for a doctoral thesis?
x bh:a/p
x shower
x hmed 1/2
x fh
- brief self on meeting mats
- screen cvs
x get ready for meeting
- 6:30pm meeting
- put reminder to buy meds and deodorant
- 9:00pm mws
- hmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
I'm glad I went to the meeting. I was going to cancel it because I wasn't feeling so great.
- create site map
- send ice and H site map
- work on and finish ice profile and cv doc
- send ice profile/cv doc
- update cv
- send cv to ice
- screen cvs
- find doc papers x2 (persc & tests)
x bh:a/p
x shower
x hmed 1/2
x fh
x brief self on meeting mats
x get ready for meeting
x 6:30pm meeting
- put reminder to buy meds and deodorant
- check other work to-dos and write them down neatly with due dates
- write reminder to send ice deliverables sched
- 9:00pm mws
- tidy room
- find web designers' emails and numbers and send them my contact details
- hmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
- create site map
- send ice and H site map
- work on and finish ice profile and cv doc
- send ice profile/cv doc
- update cv
- send cv to ice
- screen cvs
x find doc papers x2 (persc & tests)
x bh:a/p
x shower
x hmed 1/2
x fh
x brief self on meeting mats
x get ready for meeting
x 6:30pm meeting
x put reminder to buy meds and deodorant
- check other work to-dos and write them down neatly with due dates
x write reminder to send ice deliverables sched
- 9:00pm mws
x tidy room
- find web designers' emails and numbers and send them my contact details
- hmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
x create site map
x send ice site map first draft
x prepare and send work log
- send H final site map
- work on and finish ice profile and cv doc
- send ice profile/cv doc
- update cv
- send cv to ice
- screen cvs
x find doc papers x2 (persc & tests)
x bh:a/p
x shower
x hmed 1/2
x fh
x brief self on meeting mats
x get ready for meeting
x 6:30pm meeting
x put reminder to buy meds and deodorant
x check other work to-dos and write them down neatly
x write reminder to send ice deliverables sched
x 9:00pm mws (canceled)
x tidy room
x hmed 2/2
- find web designers' emails and numbers and send them my contact details
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Unfortunately it's already the next day and I only managed to finished one of my MITs, but it's not due to procrastination or being slow/lazy - the task that I completed took longer than I expected and I came home late from my meeting :grin:
Thanks for the encouragement, e! *hugs* :*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
kay, so I screwed up, but not irreperably, now I am going to cheer myself on today by using the check ins, instant boss, and the chat box to talk myself through things.
meds - done, water - done, laundry- hung- 1 load in now, tenant letter - sent to the correct address, mom- emailed about the apartment,
gotto hit the internet cafe to print out vacation certificate. Also, if C doesn't get some shorts or some clothes that aren't black he will look like a hot miserable teenager next week: why is it that 14 year olds do everything to spite themselves and their parents? A could use some, too, but it is not so desperate for him.
10:19pm CI for Lark, and 1:14am Thurs.
Evening everyone. Didn't CI till now. I've been tired and very busy. Had a decent day. There are some things I need to do, including calling a client with his bill. I hope to edge (no relationship, to you, Edge!) his business toward someone else.
(X)morning things
(X)spiritual time
(X)finish lawn and trim
(X)focus on main work project
(X)begin project B
(X)went to bank
(X)trim kitchen corners and around things
(X)drink water
(X)sort out movies
Recycler CI 7:25pm EST
Today: washed a load of cltohes, ran dishwasher, walked, stretched, work, rode train home, fixed & ate dinner, tell off 5 people on other Internet board :)
Tonight: dry load of clothes, wash another load to hang up to dry. Will I straighten any of downstairs area? MMMM, I guess I'll find out! :)
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Convalaria at 8am Thursday feeling anxious about THE BACKLOG
Struggling. Mother is home and doing well so far but yesterday and last night were consumed by caring for her. I did not manage to do anything last night. I was tired and then decided to sleep on the couch at mothers house, just to make sure she was OK.
Today I need to.
THE BACKLOG needs concentration so it is not a suitable task when around mother and her needs/demands
Convalaria Checking in at 1.47pm Thursday
Above accomplished and also:
Next I need to:
It seems that you have a lot of stressful things on your plate at once. I have been there and it can feel like I am drowning in responsibilities. When I was able to go to face-to-face meetings I found that sharing about it with others would help, but more than that it helped me to work the 12 steps, especially the first three, to be able to put things into perspective. I found that when I did so I was able to allow my Higher Power to take over driving the bus, and that allowed me to simply prioritize what was really important, versus what was anxiety driven.
Repeating he Serenity Prayer definately helps me when I am feeling overwhelmed:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
I think you are doing a great job under difficult circumstances. When I remember to take it one task at a time and then cheer myself on I see what I have accomplished instead of focusing on the mountain of work ahead.
hugs, e
Wolf's 3:00 pm CI
Okay, It's 3:00 pm and I'm really getting desperate to solve my Procrastinating issues and change how I'm working my way a'int working! So here's my CI:
-Read Appendix 12A of Accounting textbook
-Read Chapter 13 of Accounting Textbook
-Finish Accounting Assignment 8
-Submit Assignment 8
-Eat Dinner
-Mail Package
-Start Car
-Do June RDPD
-Visualize Goals
Wolf's 4:11 CI
-Read Chapter 13 of Accounting Textbook
-Finish Accounting Assignment 8
-Submit Assignment 8
-Eat Dinner
-Mail Package
-Start Car
-Do June RDPD
-Visualize Goals
Wolf's 5:06 CI
Excellent Work Wolf!!!
Rita checking in
late check-in today but already moving on the day. DONE so far: 12-Step meeting, produce market, sponsee, prepped all produce, juiced, took 2 sponsee calls. NOw on to my workday:
kromer 9:05 CI
Had not such a productive evening yesterday, but I'm at work *exactly on time* and ready to have a productive day today!
Work MIT's:
*Visualize motif clusters (1-2 hrs)
*Start looking for people to do research rotations with (30 min)
*Download STRING data, process to assign connections to coregulators (1-2 hrs)
*Test significance of connections to TF classes (30 min)
Other work tasks:
*Read about network flow (2 hr)
*Read paper on STRING (30 min)
*Use STRING data to test hypothesis that NCORs, NCOAs, CBP/p300 really are clusters (1 hr)
*Email LR about WEEDER (30 min)
Non-work tasks to do during working hours:
*Call LM at 11:30 (15 min) (MIT)
*Decide whether to be a deacon (30 min) (MIT)
*Call TR (15 min) (MIT)
*Make and print signs for house (1 hr)
Clearly, I'm not going to get through all of the above, but I'll go through my MIT's and then do whatever else I have time for (and feel like doing)
Also, I was struggling with gathering experimental data last night...I realized that it's a tough and disagreeable enough tasks that I'm not realistically going to get it all done at once. Instead, I commit to going through 2 expts a day until it's all dealt with. I have 10 more expts to deal with, meaning this task will be mostly done by this Sunday. Then, I'll arrange for a mtg to dredge up any misplaced data, then email TN. I'll deal with 2 expts tonight, as soon as I get back from church cook-out (around 8:00).
I'll start by visualizing clusters. Steps:
1)Look at individual clusters DONE
2)Highlight TFs from activation array STARTING
3)Cluster and visualize exemplars
4)Write 1/2 page on what I observe STARTED
Update as I complete each of these sub-tasks, check back in when I'm done with this MIT.
UPDATE 11:10--turns out highlighting TFs from activation array involves manually compiling a list of hundreds of TFs, which is driving me nuts! I'm going to finish manually compiling the list (deep breath, I know this will be useful to have), but then take a break from this MIT, and instead calculate sig. of # of connections.
kromer 11:40 CI going very slowly
I looked at individual clusters, and wrote a bit about the result, then got a list of TFs from the activation array, so I can highlight them. I also had lunch
I'm going nuts with this MIT, so I'm going to move on and come back later. I'm going to go call LM, decide whether to be a deacon, and call TR. Then, I'll test significance of number of connections and check back here.
UPDATE 11:50--LM's not available, so I left a message and now need to be somewhere with phone service. This makes it hard to do what I'd planned, so instead I'm going to download stuff from STRING database.
UPDATE 12:10--Downloading data from STRING requires lots of waiting, so I can simultaneously work on making signs...need signs for bikes, shower, laundry, dishes+2, bathroom sponges, kitchen floor, grease trap, fridge, door.
kromer 3:10 CI
Ugh! Slow day today
I talked to LM and CH and decided to be a deacon, called TR and left a message letting him know.
I also made signs, and made some progress downloading/processing data from STRING.
I realized code for testing sig. is at home, so I can't do that until this evening.
I'm going to finish downloading/processing data from STRING, so I can finish at least *one* of my work MITs. (This should take about an hour). Then, I'm going to cluster/visualize exemplars (1 hr), so I can make progress on the clustering MIT. Finally, I'll spend 15 min. reading over my previous notes on research rotations. Then, I'll stop work around 5:30, call A, and go to church cookout (unless it's pouring, in which case I'll just go home).
STRING downloading, here I come!
kromer 5:45 CI
As usual today, I didn't get through everything I wanted to...I downloaded and processed the STRING data and dealt with LR's issue, now I'm going to leave work, call A, go to church cookout (or go home if a thunderstorm starts). Check back in when I'm home.
kromer 9 CI
Went to church cook-out, called A, called home, goofed around for 45 min, now I'm going to work for 45 min. and then go to a movie with friends.
In 45 min, I think I can cluster+visualize exemplars, back when that's done.
Update 10:10--Turns out friends don't want to go to move :(
Oh well, means I can be productive now and then have more of a break this weekend.
I finished clustering and visualizing exemplars, also emailed friend with a question. Now, I'm going to read about network flows...not a MIT, but it sounds really interesting right now, so I'm going to allow myself about 30 min on that. Back when that's done.
Keep going Kromer!
It occurs to me that the work you do involves a lot of intellectual creativity and that you are doing really well at managing something (creating something using my intellect) that I can sometimes do in my own area but am really reluctant to tackle. I really like how you provide structure for yourself....
why would you need to post a sign about a grease trap? Is it incognito?
e you're a hoot!
When I saw this one-liner, I was still LOL about your reply to my post on yesterday's forum. Yeah, it's a miracle: I laid hands on some AA batteries and behold, my dead mouse has been resurrected! :D Thanks for keeping me laughing today, e.
e's physiology
I seem to have been born with an absurdity gene. It appears to have begun to mutate: perhaps Kromer can propose research on this for a doctoral thesis?
LOL e!
Thanks for making me laugh :)
Edge's CI - 3:45pm
- bh:a/p
- shower
- hmed 1/2
- fh
- brief self on meeting mats
- screen cvs
- get ready for meeting
- 6:30pm meeting
- 9:00pm mws
- hmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 6:05pm
x bh:a/p
x shower
x hmed 1/2
x fh
- brief self on meeting mats
- screen cvs
x get ready for meeting
- 6:30pm meeting
- put reminder to buy meds and deodorant
- 9:00pm mws
- hmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 7:50pm
I'm glad I went to the meeting. I was going to cancel it because I wasn't feeling so great.
- create site map
- send ice and H site map
- work on and finish ice profile and cv doc
- send ice profile/cv doc
- update cv
- send cv to ice
- screen cvs
- find doc papers x2 (persc & tests)
x bh:a/p
x shower
x hmed 1/2
x fh
x brief self on meeting mats
x get ready for meeting
x 6:30pm meeting
- put reminder to buy meds and deodorant
- check other work to-dos and write them down neatly with due dates
- write reminder to send ice deliverables sched
- 9:00pm mws
- tidy room
- find web designers' emails and numbers and send them my contact details
- hmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 8:35pm
- create site map
- send ice and H site map
- work on and finish ice profile and cv doc
- send ice profile/cv doc
- update cv
- send cv to ice
- screen cvs
x find doc papers x2 (persc & tests)
x bh:a/p
x shower
x hmed 1/2
x fh
x brief self on meeting mats
x get ready for meeting
x 6:30pm meeting
x put reminder to buy meds and deodorant
- check other work to-dos and write them down neatly with due dates
x write reminder to send ice deliverables sched
- 9:00pm mws
x tidy room
- find web designers' emails and numbers and send them my contact details
- hmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 12:17am (Thursday)
x create site map
x send ice site map first draft
x prepare and send work log
- send H final site map
- work on and finish ice profile and cv doc
- send ice profile/cv doc
- update cv
- send cv to ice
- screen cvs
x find doc papers x2 (persc & tests)
x bh:a/p
x shower
x hmed 1/2
x fh
x brief self on meeting mats
x get ready for meeting
x 6:30pm meeting
x put reminder to buy meds and deodorant
x check other work to-dos and write them down neatly
x write reminder to send ice deliverables sched
x 9:00pm mws (canceled)
x tidy room
x hmed 2/2
- find web designers' emails and numbers and send them my contact details
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge is kicking A@@
When you are good, you are GOOD!
Rofl, Thanks e!
Unfortunately it's already the next day and I only managed to finished one of my MITs, but it's not due to procrastination or being slow/lazy - the task that I completed took longer than I expected and I came home late from my meeting :grin:
Thanks for the encouragement, e! *hugs* :*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
e's humble check in
a little humility never hurt anyone....
kay, so I screwed up, but not irreperably, now I am going to cheer myself on today by using the check ins, instant boss, and the chat box to talk myself through things.
meds - done, water - done, laundry- hung- 1 load in now, tenant letter - sent to the correct address, mom- emailed about the apartment,
gotto hit the internet cafe to print out vacation certificate. Also, if C doesn't get some shorts or some clothes that aren't black he will look like a hot miserable teenager next week: why is it that 14 year olds do everything to spite themselves and their parents? A could use some, too, but it is not so desperate for him.
e's check back
went to doctors, pharmacy, went out for sherbet, did laundry, sorted through clothing for trip. had G call on shipping, shipment in container,
call E to get together, check on weather for trip, decide on what excursions and whether to prepay, double check appointment times for Friday.
Go, e!
I'm rootin' for ya!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
My own cheerleading squad! You shouldn't have!
Lol, e
Ah, the long hours of practice and the bruises were worth it ;-) Any fing for you, e :grin:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
LOL edge
Edge, edge, she's our man, if she can't do it, no one can!