Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

G - Saturday, accomplishments!

I'm trying to do my accomplishments as well as my Todo's, doing the credit for normal things etc, as well as realising that oh, if I was stressed about other things, it's probably because I was putting a lot of time into planning for this.

So - Saturday. After nearly 8 months at our current house, we finally had our flatwarming!

I'm pretty chuffed, especially because the flat looks better after the party, even with the various post-party debris, than it did before the party was planned.

We now have a usable lounge, which we can use for watching movies and gaming, rather than just stacks of furniture and boxes of crap. I'm really happy with it. We did pretty good with the decorations too, which we'll probably leave up - they're cheerful!

Tonight, will be cleaning the kitchen.

It's taken this long to have the housewarming, but we're thinking of having at least a small gathering every few months, as at least we'd clean the house. ;)

Convalaria Checking in at 8.40am on Sunday Morning

Just wondering ...
How are graphics inserted her. Can you use something you have or .....
Reporting back from yesterday.
45 Minutes of THE BACKLOG is all I accomplished and I did not do any sorting.  The paralysis is reduced and I did do stuff yesterday. Not nearly enough of MIT or THE BACKLOG but most of the other stuff I did needed doing.....
So NOW I want to:

  • shower2shoes including hair and makeup
  • breakfast
  • visit mother; remember to take tissues and magazine
  • 30 minutes THE BACKLOG
  • 15 minutes tax stuff

and report back.

graphics for the forum posts

In the boxes on the right hand side, there is a link to an explanation of how to use graphics.  Pro has step by step instructions.  Enjoy!  You can use your own graphics if they are are on a web site somewhere like flickr, but I think they take longer to load, so I just use the ones Pro provides.

"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

OOPS!! Convalaria at 1.30pm Sunday

The day is slipping away and THE BACKLOG or tax have not been touched as yet.  Embarassed
Dressed and medicated but not showered or madeup.
Visit with mother took a long time as did deep and meaningful chat with a friend who needs support.
Now coffee and lunch with another friend and then THE BACKLOG.

Convalaria -- we can do it!

I am working on such things, too!  Glad you are saying "oops" now, and getting back on your feet.  Much better than beating yourself up.

We can do this.  It's Saturday evening here, and I haven't eaten dinner yet.  I will get some food in me.  And then we can both make some progress after we've eaten.

You've done really well with the 15-minute blocks.  You're inspiring me!

-- movingalong

update from movingalong

I've had dinner.

I will NOW open the large plastic strorage bin that is full of undone paperwork.  Here goes ....

pro's CI - 5:25pm

Mail places closes at 5:30pm. Just at the moment I was about to go get my mail it started to rain, so I'm not going to go out. I can get the mail Monday morning.

I washed and cut up vegetables (and ate a bunch of raw veggies). I need to work on the pile now - my least favorite thing. I have an overflowing email Inbox, too.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 4:30pm

I took a break. Now I'm making some coffee, and I'm going to cut up vegetables for snacks and salads during the week. If I don't do that on the weekend, the veggies just rot in the fridge.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 3:40pm

I'm showered and I've done some maintenance tasks that needed doing. I was going to clean my bicycle chain but now it's raining. I guess it's pile day. I have other stuff to do at home, too.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 11am (love the picture!)

What a great image in the thread starter. I love it!

I have a lot to do today, and I haven't done anything yet. Time to get going.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

standing up - now what...?

I need a plan. Maybe I'll start by getting dressed. That's always a good place to start. Then I'll decide what I do next. If I make a list, I'll just get overwhelmed and start playing FreeCell.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Edge's CI - 5:52PM

Hellos :-)

x blue med
x take nephew to museum
x drop sis and R at gym
- take nephew bowling?
- tidy room
- work on cv
- check ice email
- clean up to-do list

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's Closing CI

Saturday was pretty hectic because I ended up running more errands than I had planned, so I didn't have time to do much after I came back home.

x blue med
x take nephew to museum
x drop sis and R at gym
x take nephew bowling
x buy DVDs
x pick up sandwiches
x drive R home

Left Undone:
- tidy room
- work on cv
- check ice email
- clean up to-do list

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Journey 9:15

Love the thread starter!  My coffee is brewing as I type.

In keeping with my new habit, I'm going to start working right away and work for at least 20 minutes before I do anything else.  First item - get my notebook out of the car and set my MITs for the day.  


"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

Journey 10:15

It's magic!  Once I did my mandatory 20 minutes, and had my day started, I had no desire to goof around on the computer!  Off to make my grocery list . . . whee . ..!


"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

9:03am CI for Lark, 4:49pm

Happy Saturday everyone. I'm still in house cleaning/de-cluttering mode. The workshop is a mess, but mostly due to being busy. Outside, everything is about on par with everyone else.
(X)morning things
get Rx refill
(X)spiritual time
(X)get rid of project A (rather, client A!)
pay bill at hardware store
(X)12 step meeting
dry cleaner
donate bag of clothing
check on arranging helper for next week
(X)do section on any work project
(X)check in later

Hi! Yay, it's the weekend!


Yay, it's the weekend! :)

Today: straighten lower level, visit Dad, help Dad straighten *his* house lol ;) During the weekend, I will be in & out, so talk to you later! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)