Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

c ci 2

back from amusement park & concert.

late, but got some stuff to do. Bknd reading this site and other fiddling.

i posted the above at 11:50pm. I didnt spend too much time here, good, and i did my MITs.

Movingalong checks in (finally).

Hello all,

I just wanted to check in and say hello.

I haven't posted much here lately, but that's because I've been working intensely on one of my other 12-Step issues -- and I have been staying in contact with my support network on that issue.

However, I do need to work on some paperwork that I've been procrastinating on.  I have made a start on it.  But it won't complete itself!  (Imagine that!).

Avoidance of this paperwork will just lead me further down a slippery slope that I don't want to fall off.

Furthermore, some of this is paperwork that I've been posting about for many months (although I rarely admit that).  It is growing more and more urgent.

It is time for me to CHOOSE to do the right thing with this.   And to recognize that part of Step 2 is believing that it's possible!  Yes, it really is possible to find a sane way of life.   Time to let go of the doubts, and begin the work.

-- movingalong


cheer moving

that sounds hard. But you sound brave. Here's wishing you well as you face this. I am rooting for ya!

pro's CI - 8:30pm

I just watched a great movie I hadn't seen before - "My Cousin Vinny". It was really funny.

Now I want to put away the rest of the laundry, make up the bed, and take a shower - not necessarily in that order.

I need to water the plants, but not today. I'm really tired. The heat sapped me.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

bed is made - good night

I'm exhausted. I'm so glad that all I have to do now is get into bed. I'll finish cleaning tomorrow.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

showered and teeth brushed

Now I need to make up the bed. That's all for today. I'm exhausted. I'll water the plants, wash the dishes, vacuum, and dust tomorrow. (Sure beats going outside in this horrible heat.)

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

laundry is put away...

...and I put away the cart and some other stuff. I think I'll take a shower now, and then make up the bed.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 2pm

Good speech!

Okay, what's next? Laundry? Dishes? I think I'll do laundry. I feel like getting out of the apartment.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

back with final load - done

Augh!! This was absolute torture. I just ordered dinner in. I'm not going outside in this unbreathable sauna again.

I'd like to do some cleaning later, but right now I just need to recover.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

back with load 1

I'm back with one of the dryer loads - folded and put away. I have to go back now to get the second load. I'm dreading it. This heat is killing me.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

heading back to get laundry from dryer

I'm not looking forward to going back out in this heat. ugh.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

back with the drip dry

It is not a very fun day to do laundry. It's sweltering hot, even without a room full of dryers. I started to feel weak and dizzy and sick. I bought some watermelon water - that helped a little. I'll bring some water with me when I go back.

In the mean time, I get 45 minutes in an air conditioned place, and I have to hang up the drip dry.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

laundry is packed up

Laundry is packed up - leaving now.

It's 92 degrees out. Ugh.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Pro's laundry and heat

Hi pro,

The heat and humidity were just crazy today, weren't they?  Good for you getting your laundry done! 


can't handle the heat

I had such a hard time with the heat yesterday that I'm scared to go outside today. Tomorrow I'll have no choice - have to walk to work. Maybe I'll leave early just to avoid the worst heat.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


I'm not worried about what I'm going to do this afternoon, because I'm committed to doing something at church at 4 pm. I'll need to leave my home at 3:30. The inertial tendency is to do as little as possible with my "free" 5 hours until then: eat, wash up, waste time online (I've already blown 3.5 hours that way).

I have homework for two different classes that I need to work on. The problem is, which one? My usual pattern is to do neither, since I can't decide on one.

The programming class is more essential to my graduating, but I already have enough points to get an OK (not great) grade. The tech writing class I don't need to graduate, but I do need to finish the report to get a passing grade in it.

One pattern change I will commit to today; every time I plan to get on the computer, I will first do 15 minutes of cleaning my apartment (it's a wreck).

jose - let me help you out...

Finish your tech writing report. :)

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 12:15pm

I took my pills. Now I'm going to wash the dishes.

I'm waiting for the noon speech, which (as of now) will start 30 minutes late. I'm watching something else in the meanwhile. I don't like being manipulated.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

let in some new PA members

...and now the speech is "at least" 30 minutes late. She is a massively annoying control freak.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

dishes rounded up, trash and recycling out...

I collected all the dirty dishes, emptied the dish drain, and put out the trash and recycling. The speech is in a few minutes (maybe) so I'm going to pick up a little and wash the dishes after the speech.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 11:40am

What have I done so far? Essentially, nothing. I ate lunch. It's so hard for me to get started.

Okay, one thing at a time. I will get dressed now.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

okay, I'm dressed now. Next...

I need to take pills. I only took one dose yesterday. So that's next - lay out pills for the day and take first dose.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 10:15am

My apartment is a disaster area. Cleaning it up...

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

start by getting dressed

Disaster relief begins at home - I should start by getting dressed.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

laundry day

Looking around... I think I need to do laundry today. Yuck.

Stripping bed now...

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

c ci

i have 1.5 hr before i have to leave for the day. I usually waste that time. trying not to today. Nothing's urgent forcing me to do it.

bkend reading this site: 7:02am ... 7:07 good just 5 min.

Ok take a few min to choose MIT.


[posting update day after]: One of my MITs was to spend some time with my higher power. The result of that was a feeling of donating my time to god, which reduced worry and stress about which task to do. And i was in a very positive mood for my next activity.

e's Saturday

What a pretty thread starter, Falcon!  It was great to wake up to this morning.

I had a wierd night sleep-wise, so it is already 10:20 and I still have not done anything. There is a possibility we weill go away for the night, but if not,  there is plenty to do here:  housing, schools, movers, jobs, etc. sorting through papers is the priority, so I will do some work in the chatbox today to focus.

Also, I want to purge some drawers of belongings so we have les to move.

Finally, I think some 12 step work will center me again, along with eft.

MIT: T4. 

Falcon CI planning for Saturday

Hi all. . .

It's Friday night, and my plans are to:

  • Go to bed
  • Get up and eat breakfast by 7:30
  • Finish the vacuuming
  • Beat the papers into some sort of order
  • Tidy up (I did a lot of cleaning today! And somehow dislodged so many things that the place now looks worse than it did before. . .)

After class tomorrow, I need to:

  • Get card
  • Wrap gift
  • Dust

See you tomorrow!


Falcon CI Saturday AM

Due to unforseen circumstances, I ended up going to class earlier, so I didn't get anything done beforehand (but I have more afternoon left afterward.)

I stopped on the way home & got the card.

Next up:

Change clothes, eat lunch, then check list.


Falcon CI Saturday afternoon

Hi all,

I seem to be tuckered and needing to rest.  But I have a bunch of things that need to get done this afternoon.  Trusty timer to the rescue!  I'll do a 15 minute task, then rest/relax for the next 15 minutes, and repeat as needed.

Next up: see if I can finish the vacuuming in 15 minutes. . . 


Falcon CO

I did pretty well today, especially considering that the power went off for a couple of hours!  Luckily I had done the vacuuming already.

Good night! 
