Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday June 05 2008

I called the insurance company!

Not really a check in, but I just had to announce that I called my insurance company today about appealing a claim. 

I navigated an infinite number of phone trees, repeated my information to fifty billion people (o.k., just three but it felt like more than that) and finally got my question answered.

And lived to tell about it!

Just wanted to brag.  And to inspire anyone else who has a difficult phone call on their to-do list -- you, too, can emerge battle-scarred but triumphant!


woo hoo falc!

that's the way to do it. good goin'

Journey 4:30

Funny, I actually got a lot done today although I didn't feel so hot.  I feel less flighty and distractible than normal.   I even made a phone call that i was going to postpone because I was in the mood to take care of it.   Maybe this is 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' and I'm actually a pod person and just don't know it yet. 

 Going home now, see you guys tomorrow.   

"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

Lark at 2:00pm, remember HALT

I'm making progress, but I'm bopping between too many things. It's a neat feeling--like a "high"--to do that, but I need to focus, and actually finish some things. I posted the HALT, which I learned from my 12 step program. Don't get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. If I do any of those, I tend to procrastinate easier. Hope it'll help some of our newer folks.

Journey noon

Not feeling well today . . . there's been a virus going around the office and I think I'm coming down with it . . . I want to just do what's necessary for today and get outta here, but I'm having trouble focusing.  (my brain, that is, not my eyes)

I have to review yesterday's test results and prepare the production load, then I think I will go home. 

Hope everyone is having a great day!  

"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

Hi Jo, maybe you should grab something to eat?

I've been having focusing problems, too. I came in and fixed some soup, and feel a bit better now (even remembered to order some things before the cut off time!). I posted the slogan "HALT" from my other group. It really helps alot.

to Lark re HALT

You're so right, that makes a big difference.  Thanks!  

"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

scarlett CI 9:32 am EDT

Time to rock and roll. It's crazy how hard it is to get things down even when I'm *trying*.

Focus: Type up Byn rev *MIT*
Next CI: 11 am EDT

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Upload pics

To do:
Create project list from WP
Call JR again *MIT*
Email AP re: plate *MIT*
Type up MST & KS review

Ten min tasks:
Email BB re: compactor at PS
Email LR re: dental
Email TH re: science plan
Email DG & PS/GG re: flooring
Email MK & CM re: comp & AB (do not approve)
Email TH re: W-C
Talk to AA re: CI stickers
Resched mtg (include memo)
Send out memo
Talk to AP re: K pics (-> BT & file)

Make hair appt
Send email re: move
Email GC re: mags

The adrenaline you've been living on only leaves you wanting.

scarlett CI 2:45 pm EDT

Focus: Call SE Int & emails
Next CI: 4 pm EDT

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Upload pics
Leave slips
Send email re: move
Email GC re: mags
Make hair appt
Email TH re: W-C
Plan Sat sched
Type up and enterByn rev *MIT* (started)
Talk to AP re: K pics (-> BT & file)

To do:
Create project list from WP
Call SE Int re: ACT *MIT*
Email AP re: plate *MIT*
Type up MST & KS review

Ten min tasks:
Email BB re: compactor at PS
Email LR re: dental
Email TH re: science plan
Email DG & PS/GG re: flooring
Email MK & CM re: comp & AB (do not approve)
Talk to AA re: CI stickers
Resched mtg (include memo)
Send out memo

Email DB re: Sat

Choreo HoW
Practice sweet choreo
Pack one box per day
Scoop cat pans

The adrenaline you've been living on only leaves you wanting.

scarlett CI 4:50 pm EDT

I got all 3 MITs done today, plus a bunch of other stuff. I think that might be a first!

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Upload pics
Leave slips
Send email re: move
Email GC re: mags
Make hair appt
Email TH re: W-C
Plan Sat sched
Type up and enterByn rev *MIT*
Talk to AP re: K pics (-> BT & file)
Email AP re: plate *MIT*
Call SE Int re: ACT *MIT*
Email BB re: compactor at PS
Email TH re: science plan

To do:
Create project list from WP
Type up MST & KS review

Ten min tasks:
Email LR re: dental
Email DG & PS/GG re: flooring
Email MK & CM re: comp & AB (do not approve)
Email RL re: next week tiles
Call PG re: fork next week
Talk to AA re: CI stickers
Resched mtg (include memo)
Send out memo

Email DB re: Sat

Choreo HoW
Practice sweet choreo
Pack one box per day
Scoop cat pans

The adrenaline you've been living on only leaves you wanting.

good day scarlett

sounds like an action packed day. Way to get those tasks done!

Lark at 9:00am

Hi everyone. I procrastinated on one thing for work yesterday, and I'm kicking myself for it. I don't want it to screw up my schedule, so today is devoted to catching up. Also, my dishes are starting to grow together in the sink. Whew! Gotta get them done too. A client is stopping by later, so I need to get his paperwork looking organized and his project uncluttered. I think need an accountability check in around lunch. See you then.

c ci

--7:37am: bit of a hump to overcome this morn. I have to
-check today's sched

--8:47am: work MIT for 1 hr, then check home MIT tasks.

--9:53am: that hour went very well. It's hard to STOP now, but not stopping would be time binging and i want to think about my home tasks too. So, set MITs.

--10:35: 40 min mostly playing w/ task mgmt sw feature. It will help, but probably not the right time. I should have scheduled figuring out that feature, but i'm not going to beat myself up. Just note it and go on. I did organize my MITs. Now do 1 of them, chosen at random.

--10:40: good--5 min. Now work for 20-30 min.

--10:13PM: bknd reading this site
--10:35pm: 22 min reading this site, and responding to my friends here. This is a remarkable place.

--10:35pm: Check MITs, but i know i have 2 big ones. I have 1 other task, but tho i really want to finish it, it's not a MIT. And i really want to finish my work task, but right now, it's also not MIT. So i give them to god, and just do the MITs.

kromer 8:30 CI

I'm spending most of the day hanging out with my family, but I want to get a little work done this morning. I'm going to:

*Finish formatting/posting graphs (Mostly done, but I'll have to wait until I get back home to correct a small error)
*Email R (will do this evening)
*Put books in box (put off until this evening)
*Print house jobs sheet (Done)
*Walk to campus (Done)
*Check in again

Update: 10:40--I'm going to figure out roughly how many people are here each of the next 2 weeks, and then make house jobs sheet accordingly

kromer 11:15 CI

I'm having a somewhat hard time focusing this morning, but at least I've gotten some stuff done.

Next up, I'm going to email SWE, and then find and print a few background papers for my new research project. Then, I'm email KM about CBP data. If I have extra time before my parents call, I'll go over my biochem final. I'll work in the chatbox to help me concentrate, and turn my website blocker on.  

kromer 4:50 CI

Sent 2 emails, then my family came.

I'm back home now for about 40 min. I need to pack some and get ready. I'll start by putting some books in a box, then I'll get dressed for dinner, then if I have more time I'll start actually pakcing.  

Recycler CI 6:20am Recycler 2B away

Hi Pro Buddies!

Thanks, Kaoba, for the Flying Fish! :)

I'm doing a morning check-in, before being away from the computer for a few days for continuing education :)

This morning: finish packing suitcase, straighten house, print directions, buy provisions at store, get 1-2 books at library, put away purchases, pack snacks. Lunch here.

Mid-day: Drive to conference location, register, hang out.

I'll be away from the computer for several days at my conference, so *see you* when I get back! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

have a good trip, recycler

we'll miss you. But if we have to be deprived of your bright spirit, i hope your trip goes great.

kaoba 5am

Good morning!

I'm not sure what I will do with my day (apart from all the daily routines that have to happen), but just wanted to get things started. I don't quite feel as energetic as that jumping fish, but it made me smile.