Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

regarding moving...

The hardest part for me about moving is needing to let go of things, especially books. I know that I ought to get rid of a bunch of them, but I am sentimentally attached to them. Of the eighty-three boxes we packed a good 20 were boxes of books, so now I need to decide if I need them all.

Also, I want the house to feel pretty while I am still living here, but the first things to pack up should be things that you don't need to get by with, and decorative things are not necessary.

Actually the worst is dealing with the children's schools, leaving friends, the unknown...

Falcon CI Tuesday

Next up. . . was going to be "take a walk" but they're predicting thunderstorms and it looks fierce out, so scratch that.  

Next up:

Empty dishwasher & put dirty dishes in.  Then start on clearing out the many, many moldy things from the fridge (Erg! Arg! The horror!)

Also, call L & A and talk to them while doing dishes. 


Falcon CO

I got in a walk after all, and got the dishes done & the moldy things out (plus got the containers that the moldy things were in into the dishwasher, or at least as many of them as would fit.)  And thawed some veggies for lunch tomorrow.

Good night, all! 


m CI 7:35 PM

- handle multiple explanations per question
- limit q. to authors
- preserve q. + a. repos after edit
- links below q. list
- prompt when deleting q or a
- desk
- inbox

e's belated evening check in

It was a pretty productive day, but the house is now out of control due to semi-done packing. I have things pulled out on all of the tables, no interest in doing the dishes, my kids are successfully avoiding their chores, one is coming down with the flu, another is avoiding studying for his exams, and I want Calgon to take me away.


On the bright side, I persevered through making some doctor's appointments, hit the pharmacy, dropped off a broken television, took a nap, made dinner, and handled...22 peices of paper. Tomorrow looks to be a busy day, and most likely not too great a day if A is still sick.

So... for tomorrow:

pack three boxes, properly,

sort and purge one shelve of  books

go do the second set of taxes,

go out to dinner with K

sleep through the night


make a decent breakfast for C

more... more.. more....



Moving is just the worst. We are moving at the end of the summer, and I am avoiding even thinking about it ... ;-)

Good luck with the packing!

scarlett CI 2:40 pm EDT

Hey y'all! Hope everyone is doing well.

Focus: monthly report
Next CI: 3:15 pm

Ta da:
Declutter desk 5 min
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Make labels
Plan rm

To do:
Monthly report *MIT*
Type up Byn rev *MIT*
Email AP re: plate *MIT*

Ten min tasks:
Email RJ re: visits
Email LR re: dental
Email TH re: science plan
Email DG & PS/GG re: flooring

Post re: wolves
Start g doc
Make hair appt
Send email re: move
Email GC re: mags
Email Amy re: Greendisk

The adrenaline you've been living on only leaves you wanting.

scarlett CI 4:20 pm EDT

Out of here for the day.

Ta da:
Declutter desk 5 min
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Make labels
Plan rm
Post re: wolves
Monthly report *MIT*

Type up Byn rev *MIT*
Email AP re: plate *MIT*

Ten min tasks:
Email BB re: compactor at PS
Email RJ re: visits
Email LR re: dental
Email TH re: science plan
Email DG & PS/GG re: flooring

Start g doc
Make hair appt
Send email re: move
Email GC re: mags

The adrenaline you've been living on only leaves you wanting.

Lark around noon

Today started very quickly here, and I've only gotten a chance to post now. Basically there are only a couple of MITs to get done, and I can't think of anything else I'd like to do after those. Probably should wait till those things are done before planning othere, huh? See you all later.
To do:


Phew. My report is done, sent, and its receipt was acknowledged.

I took a 20 min nap and now am figuring out what the plan is, since I pretty much abandoned my regular life for the last four days or so.

Thanks for the support here, it really helps!

woo hoo, kaoba

great job!

Hooray Kaoba

jo's (and my) habituating to alarm

jo, same here. After a few months, i just dont hear the alarm. I have JUST come to the conclusion that changing alarm clocks would be the way to go. I was hoping maybe atlernating between 2 would do it. When i habituate to one, switch the other. Then hopfully when i've habituated to the second, i would have forgotten the subconscious program to turn off the first alarm clock.

Let me know how it goes.

(and i didnt want to reply directly in case you wanted to update that post.)

good luck with the alarm clocks, everyone! :)


Good luck with those alarm clocks, everyone. When I set one, it's usually the one across the room from the bed ;)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

re: habituating to alarm

I had a college roommate who slept in the top bunk and she learned to turn off the alarm on her nightstand with her TOE without ever waking up.


lol toe alarm

lol. That is funny! Sadly, that could have been me.

kromer 8:20 CI

First tasks is to write my to-do list for the next couple days. Back when that's done (about 20 min)

Update 8:45: Done.  List is a little bit daunting...Plan for getting through morning tasks
1)Short and easy taks: email SX about schedule, get off reuse list+delete emails, email BG, figure out how rental works
2)House job (clean stoves and fridges)
-----Check back here
3)Deal with pile of action items+balance checkbook
4)Print jobs sheet, find alarm clock put papers in my room, sort papers from last semester
5)move some stuff downstairs
---Check back here and make a plan for the rest of the day 

kromer 11 CI

OK, after some procrastination+socializing, the first two tasks above are done. Now I'm going to do the next 3 tasks, should take about 2 hours. Back when those are done.

kromer 1:30 CI

OK, mostly done with the above...I realized it would make more sense to print job sheets tomorrow when I have a better sense of who'll be in the house, and I've put off dealing with 2 items from my pile (going over biochem final and tidying up meeting notes), but otherwise done. Also cleaned up, made my bed and packed up to go to campus.

Next up:
1)Errands: buy 1-cent stamps, mail letters, make deposit, pick up grad tickets, buy small gift for SX, pick up  grad regalia
2)Go to lab, do Lowry, tidy up bench, take lab nb with me, pick up phone charger
3)Sort lab papers, submit timecards
4)Walk home

Then I'll check in again with a plan for the evening 

kromer 8:15 CI

Did all of the above, except didn't get a chance to sort lab papers.

Had a good dinner, now I'm going to a friend's bday party in about an hour. Before that, I want to figure out how to contact SWE scholarship office, figure out what I need to photocopy tomorrow, email two of my friends, and bug people about house jobs. Then, I'll try to be back from the party around 11. After the party I'll update my lab notebook.

Journey 7:45 Update 1 pm 2:45 5 pm

Good morning! I slept right through my alarm this morning so I skipped the gym and got to work early. I am planning to leave early and go to the gym this afternoon. The same class is offered at 5:30 pm. It's time to change up my alarm clock system as I've learned to turn both of my alarms off in my sleep again lol. I'm changing the tune on my cell phone alarm and moving the clock radio to the other side of the nightstand, that should do it. I have one meeting at 10:30 today, that phone call to make at lunch, and I'm going to work on that stupid, stupid, data load problem first thing. Right after coffee and MITs. Jo

Jeez, leadership meeting was 2.5 hours.  It was a productive meeting though.  Time for lunch, then the phone call.  Back at 2.

Update 2:45 Made the phone call, at least got someone to promise to find something out and get back to me, which is farther than I've gotten so far.    Back to stupid, stupid test data.

Update 5 pm Finally, finally, FINALLY got the freaking test data to load.  Testing in the morning, and then I have two other items that are behind because I've spent all my time on this thing.  However, the test is the highest priority, and I have genuinely worked very hard on it for the past few days with very little goofing off.   So I don't feel guilty at all . . . because I know I'm doing the best I can and making the best decisions possible.  Is this how normal people feel all the time?  LOLOLOL

Tonight, I will stop by the pharmacy, fold a bit of laundry, prep for tomorrow, and get info that I need for student loan request.  It's too late to go to the gym now . . . this is why I usually go in the mornings!  I can always find an excuse not to go in the evenings. 



"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

test data loaded

Hi journey,

Congrats on loading the test data!  And more than that, congratulations on staying focused on your highest priority work.  Definitely a good reason to feel proud and guilt-free!


thanks falcon!

"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

c ci

-7:46am: have something to do at 9am so set that reminder then come back.
-[edit 9:25am]: did i set that reminder and come back? no. Did i fiddle with my task mgmt software? yes. I still want to do that, so at least i can bookend it. It's 9:25.
-[edit 9:55]: ok, 30 min playing with task mgmt sw. Not like i haven't played with it for hours before. But i did find a way to do a new thing that might help. Will it eventually pay for itself with 30min of saved time? I know not.
Anyway, on to MITs for the day.
-[edit 10:10]: checked email and did quick tasks. Gotta go do some other short quick MIT.
-[edit 10:30]: did that task. Did another which needed to be done sometime.
Now going to do the first small part of my work MIT.
-[edit 5:10pm]: pretty productive at work. Now i'm really going to put my trust in HP and spend some time with "him" now, even tho i have a ton of other things to do that are causing me anxiety.

kaoba 5am

Hi recycler, you are here even earlier than me!

I got up really early today again (around 3am) in order to finish off the report that was due this past Friday. I did make a lot of progress yesterday but did not finish. I should be done in a couple of hours more, maybe before that.

This is what happens if you try to do 2 weeks worth of work in a couple of days, plus all the rest of the stuff that is going on in life daily anyway. It won't fit in!!!

Hi Kaoba, it looks like you got a lot done today :)

Hi Kaoba!

It looks like you got a lot done today!!! Congrats!!!


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

good luck finishing the report today Kaoba!

"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright

Thanks ...

I am almost there!

Recycler CI 5:10am EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Today: walk, gym, SHOWER, work, Free Lunch.

***Find volunteer group meeting minutes so I can type*** [they're around here somewhere! ;)

Have a great day, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being
here! :)

Recycler CI 9:40pm EST

Hi Pro Buddise!

What a long day! lol

Walked, gym, showered, work, lunch. Did a project that I had procrastinated 3 weeks about. Had to do it Tues or Wednesday, because won't have another chance before it was due. Whew, it's done!!! (I'm the one who overbooks for these projects, so what can I say!!!)

Did a good job listening to friend (because they told me I understood what they were telling me). Went to support group even though didn't have a "perfect" report; oh well, that's *why* I'm at the group. lol

Ready to conk out now lol. Have a great night, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Boppin' kitty

Hey Recycler, thanks for the fun thread starter! 


I'm glad you like him :)

HI Falcon!

I'm glad you like him/her. I enjoy seeing all the Thread Starters here, too :)

Talk to you later! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)