Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Morning routine T’s meds Order P’s gift Look through presents to see what else I need to buy Call M about class Call B about class Call mom about pictures Order fruit basket Pick up kitchen Call Bart Check on need for adapter Look up info about trip
To do: Gift certificate for L & S Gift for R Pick up laundry room
Yikes-it can't be 1 pm already?! I turned grades in yesterday and got a lot of shopping done, so I decided to sleep in this morning. I do have some things that need to be done though. I'm leaving on a work-related trip to Mexico on 12/28 and will be gone for two weeks, so I need to get some things taken care of before I go. It's going to be crazy with Christmas and the trip so I need to be organized. Quite a challenge for me(:
Morning routine T’s meds Order P’s gift Look through presents to see what else I need to buy Look up city in Mexico Call M about class Call B about class Call mom about pictures Gift certificate for L & S Gift for R Order fruit basket Pick up kitchen Pick up laundry room Call Bart Check on need for adapter Look up info about trip
Checking in from work, which I don't usually do. I work well on the job.
I'm checking in because I've been planning my Christmas holiday break, and during this time I have to get my tax situation straightened out - no kidding. This is going to be a big block of time I have off, and there will be no excuse if I blow it. It must get done. It's getting ridiculous. Another year cannot go by where I don't file tax returns!
Anybody else going to be checking in heavily over the holiday? I'd love company. I know I'm not the only one behind in filing tax returns.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Sorry about posting a second Dec. 18 topic...I couldn't see how to delete it, but would appreciate instructions :)
Wow, today has been terrible. I feel asleep 9-12, with the result that I didn't get the work done for my meeting at 12. Obviously my supervisor was not happy with me...Time to get back on track! Here's my plan
Until 1:30: hand out hot chocolate at booth
1:30-2 lunch
2-7 work on senior thesis
7-8 bible study
8-8:30 walk home
8:30-10:30 prepare and post graphs of experiments (which I was supposed to do for 12!)
10:30-12 get finances in order
12 go to bed (so I won't accidentally fall asleep again)
I'll check in when I'm done with lunch, with a plan for working on my thesis.
OK, I'm going to rock this senior project! I'm going to start with an hour of background reading. Then, I'm going to look at results from previous runs of my code Then, I'm going to make another change in my code and test. If I have time before 7, I'm going to write the introduction to my project report.
All right, I looked at results from my previous runs of my actually didn't take long, so I made the change to my code and am currently testing it out. Now I will look at the results from the changed code. I'm on track to leave at 7 and make it to Bible Study! :) Back at 8.
Wow, I'm exhausted. And I had to wait a long time for the bus. And then I got distracted by the internet.
I think I'd better work on my senior project some more, as I remembered I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow. I made a second change to my code just before I left, so I'm going to see how that worked out. I'm going to spend an hour on it, and then switch to cleaning up/organizing my finances. I'll check back in at 10:30 (for reals this time)
Hi everyone. I'm still reading the book "Drop the Rock", and have gotten a few insights into my procrastination. There seem to be some bitter pills for me there. One theme is taking action even if I'm not certain which--that the only wrong thing is what I've been doing.
Today: (X)morning (X)put out trash read two chapters cut pieces and wood and put together do something about house insurance donate clothes and items, get fuel for small heater, dog food kitty box finish current work project
I think I'm going to try putting my todo list back into outlook task manager instead of putting it here. The problem with using online lists is that stuff I don't get done stays there and the list just gets bigger and bigger. This time, I'm going to do a daily list, like I've been doing here, and each day scratch the old one and start anew.
So - here's my checkin - I'll get coffee, read my email, make my todo list and be back at 9:30
**************************************************************************************** Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
Next: review action list, submit request for access to p. application, and attend 11:00 leadership meeting. This meeting will probably run overtime and I'll probably come out of there with some stupid waste-of-time busy-work dumba$$ assignment, but whatever. I have to go anyway :) Then I have a 12:30 meeting and a 1:00 meeting - which is good because I can use the 1:00 meeting as an excuse to get out of the 12:30 meeting early. Check in again at 2:00. **************************************************************************************** Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
Went to all the meetings. I have one scheduled for 3:30 but I think - hope - it's been cancelled due to lack of interest. I didn't request the application access yet so I'm going to do that now, and finish reviewing my action list. Back in an hour
**************************************************************************************** Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
done, going to spend the rest of the afternoon on my evaluation. Not a bad day
**************************************************************************************** Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
Finished first part of eval, and finally submitted the THIRD form for the SL application. They'll probably come up with something else I need to send in , but at least this one is done! **************************************************************************************** Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
I didn't sleep well last night. I woke up at 5:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. I read until 7am, then slept for a half an hour. Now I have to get to work.
This happens to me a lot during the week, and then I sleep all weekend. :(
I need to dig something out of my pile this morning (today is a benefits deadline), and I don't think I'll have time before work now. :(
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Julie's bedtime CI
Morning routine
T’s meds
Order P’s gift
Look through presents to see what else I need to buy
Call M about class
Call B about class
Call mom about pictures
Order fruit basket
Pick up kitchen
Call Bart
Check on need for adapter
Look up info about trip
To do:
Gift certificate for L & S
Gift for R
Pick up laundry room
Julie's 1 pm CI
Yikes-it can't be 1 pm already?! I turned grades in yesterday and got a lot of shopping done, so I decided to sleep in this morning. I do have some things that need to be done though. I'm leaving on a work-related trip to Mexico on 12/28 and will be gone for two weeks, so I need to get some things taken care of before I go. It's going to be crazy with Christmas and the trip so I need to be organized. Quite a challenge for me(:
Morning routine
T’s meds
Order P’s gift
Look through presents to see what else I need to buy
Look up city in Mexico
Call M about class
Call B about class
Call mom about pictures
Gift certificate for L & S
Gift for R
Order fruit basket
Pick up kitchen
Pick up laundry room
Call Bart
Check on need for adapter
Look up info about trip
pro's CI - 12:40pm
Checking in from work, which I don't usually do. I work well on the job.
I'm checking in because I've been planning my Christmas holiday break, and during this time I have to get my tax situation straightened out - no kidding. This is going to be a big block of time I have off, and there will be no excuse if I blow it. It must get done. It's getting ridiculous. Another year cannot go by where I don't file tax returns!
Anybody else going to be checking in heavily over the holiday? I'd love company. I know I'm not the only one behind in filing tax returns.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
kromer 12:30 CI
Sorry about posting a second Dec. 18 topic...I couldn't see how to delete it, but would appreciate instructions :)
kromer 2:15 CI
OK, I'm going to rock this senior project!
I'm going to start with an hour of background reading.
Then, I'm going to look at results from previous runs of my code
Then, I'm going to make another change in my code and test.
If I have time before 7, I'm going to write the introduction to my project report.
kromer 5 CI
I finally made it through my background reading. Now I'm going to look at results from previous runs of my code. Back at 6.
kromer 6 CI
All right, I looked at results from my previous runs of my actually didn't take long, so I made the change to my code and am currently testing it out. Now I will look at the results from the changed code. I'm on track to leave at 7 and make it to Bible Study! :) Back at 8.
kromer 9:20 CI
Wow, I'm exhausted. And I had to wait a long time for the bus. And then I got distracted by the internet.
I think I'd better work on my senior project some more, as I remembered I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow. I made a second change to my code just before I left, so I'm going to see how that worked out. I'm going to spend an hour on it, and then switch to cleaning up/organizing my finances. I'll check back in at 10:30 (for reals this time)
kromer 10:45 CI
I finished looking at my code change.
I'm really really tired right now, so organization is not getting done, I need to go to bed.
See you tomorrow!
I deleted it.
I think only the administrator can delete topics. It's gone now.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
9:35 CI for Lark
Hi everyone. I'm still reading the book "Drop the Rock", and have gotten a few insights into my procrastination. There seem to be some bitter pills for me there. One theme is taking action even if I'm not certain which--that the only wrong thing is what I've been doing.
(X)put out trash
read two chapters
cut pieces and wood and put together
do something about house insurance
donate clothes and items, get fuel for small heater, dog food
kitty box
finish current work project
Journey 8:30
Mornin' all
I think I'm going to try putting my todo list back into outlook task manager instead of putting it here. The problem with using online lists is that stuff I don't get done stays there and the list just gets bigger and bigger. This time, I'm going to do a daily list, like I've been doing here, and each day scratch the old one and start anew.
So - here's my checkin - I'll get coffee, read my email, make my todo list and be back at 9:30
Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
Journey 9:30
OK, done, this might actually work.
Next: review action list, submit request for access to p. application, and attend 11:00 leadership meeting. This meeting will probably run overtime and I'll probably come out of there with some stupid waste-of-time busy-work dumba$$ assignment, but whatever. I have to go anyway :)
Then I have a 12:30 meeting and a 1:00 meeting - which is good because I can use the 1:00 meeting as an excuse to get out of the 12:30 meeting early. Check in again at 2:00.
Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
journey 2 pm meetings, meetings, meetings
Went to all the meetings. I have one scheduled for 3:30 but I think - hope - it's been cancelled due to lack of interest. I didn't request the application access yet so I'm going to do that now, and finish reviewing my action list. Back in an hour
Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
Journey 3:45
done, going to spend the rest of the afternoon on my evaluation.
Not a bad day
Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
journey 5:45
Finished first part of eval, and finally submitted the THIRD form for the SL application. They'll probably come up with something else I need to send in , but at least this one is done!
Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips
pro's CI - 7:50am
I didn't sleep well last night. I woke up at 5:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. I read until 7am, then slept for a half an hour. Now I have to get to work.
This happens to me a lot during the week, and then I sleep all weekend. :(
I need to dig something out of my pile this morning (today is a benefits deadline), and I don't think I'll have time before work now. :(
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.