Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 20 October 2007

                                                            H A P P Y     S A T U R D A Y

      To every thing there is a season ...
                          a time....

                        Let us find the time for each thing !

Edge's CI - 12:36AM (Sunday)

Today was really good :grin: I had my last IT practical exam and I did GREAT! Even though something went wrong with my PC during the first 30mins of the exam and I had to repeat the first third of my work, I still managed to get everything done on time and I think I did it all perfectly :-D I'm so happy :grin:

X Oxy
X FH (partial)
X Edit and send CV
X Call M
X Call R
X Call tutor
X Post convo

Sleep well, everyone!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

gratz edge!


Thanks, Journey!

Much appreciated :grin:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Amy's CI


YUW Agenda
Post lessons
Organize P/TC


Finish drop box
Take pictures of house
English notes
Put pictures in binders
Mail frontline and receipt
Put grades in gradebook and online
Organize IEP
Read Bible study lesson
Finish apartment
Watch classroom video
Clean toliets and countertops
Clean out litter box
Clean out Larry and George's cage
Clean up basement
Vacccum around litter box
Car loan notes

Try to work on

1. Pick up office

Need to be completed but can wait

1. Get jewelry box
2. Work 1 hour
3. Make Christmas list
4. Clean out garage
5. Give Larry and George a bath 

I'll check in at 4:30

CI 4:30


YUW Agenda
Post lessons
Organize P/TC
Put pictures in binders
Mail frontline and receipt
Put grades in gradebook and online


Finish drop box
Take pictures of house
English notes
Put pictures in binders
Mail frontline and receipt
Put grades in gradebook and online
Organize IEP
Read Bible study lesson
Finish apartment
Watch classroom video
Clean toliets and countertops
Clean out litter box
Clean out Larry and George's cage
Clean up basement
Vacccum around litter box
Car loan notes

Amy's CI 10:31

I'm going to work on finishing my drop box assignment and then go to bed.


YUW Agenda
Post lessons
Organize P/TC
Put pictures in binders
Mail frontline and receipt
Put grades in gradebook and online
Clean toliets and countertops
Put pictures in binders
Clean up basement
Get jewelry box


Finish drop box
Take pictures of house
English notes
Organize IEP
Read Bible study lesson
Finish apartment
Watch classroom video
Clean out litter box
Clean out Larry and George's cage
Vacccum around litter box
Car loan notes

Try to work on

1. Pick up office

Need to be completed but can wait

1. Work 1 hour
2. Make Christmas list
3. Clean out garage
4. Give Larry and George a bath 

lad 12:50 CI

Not doing too bad.

Ta da:
helped Mom get ready to go
morning reading
morning routine (minus getting dressed)
stretches (slow because did while reading)
talked to sis for 1 hr (oops)

To do:
thesis edits!!  Really want to get this done today so tomorrow can be my day off!!

**not as important**
edit presentation

Come on, Falcon. . .

Come on, Falcon, a little financial paperwork isn't going to kill you!

To do next:

  • Put on some groovy music
  • Set timer for 20 minutes
  • Pay bills/balance checkbook till timer goes off

Back soon. . .


financial paperwork doesn't kill?

Thanks for the reminder - financial backlog is my biggest problem. :P

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Financial Paperwork sucks

The good thing is I have done more of it (in little bitty pieces) since I've been on here!


So far so good

O.k., next up:

  • Sort/file/dispose of papers on island
  • Clean out the two bags I carry that are full of junk
  • Then I can call & chat with L.


Well, that was a pain in the neck. . .

. . . but it's great to have it done!  The place looks much nicer, and now every time I pick up one of my (nice light) bags I'll have something to smile about.

Next up:

  • Vacuum
  • Eat
  • Change clothes
  • Email T.
  • Go have fun :-)



Congratulations on a job (well) DONE!!  :)

pro's check-in - 11:10am

Nice thread starter, movingalong - thanks! :)

I have a lot to do today and I haven't made much progress yet. Much? I haven't made any progress yet. I need to clean up in here, get dressed, water plants, get groceries, do laundry, handle pile (no kidding this time!!), pick up dry cleaning and mail, etc. Booooring!!

I'll start at noon. It's Saturday - I should get to read for a little while, right??

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

hey pro

Just wanted to check up with you.  How's work going?  What's next?  :)

Journey 7:30

Good morning!
Gotta get moving

-tanning bed
-QUICK trip to grocery store
-must be home by 11:30
-work 12-4 pm
-sort laundry
-make a quick dinner
-and the rest of the evening is free time

check in again at 11:30

have a great weekend all


Rexroth 08.20 BST

Todo today

up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
get ready to go out to DA meeting and go
DA meeting (returning after many years)
home and I'm not sure

write journal
prayer and reflecting
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 15.56 BST

I'm home and I'm still not sure...


Rexroth 21.05 BST

...and so to bed.

Night Folks
