Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 16 September 2007

movingalong checking in

Hi all.
I have been around.  Sorry I haven't posted lately.  Have been procrastinating making to-do lists, LOL.

Goals for Sunday September 16:
1) avoid wasting time feeling "shame" about lack of accomplishment
2) focus on the courage to change the things I can
3) buy vacuum
4) use vacuum
5) pay bills


Glad to see you back. Funny to-do list (buy vacuum, use vacuum)

I've been procrastinating badly, too. Maybe we can help each other. I check in even when I'm fooling around and sometimes that helps. It helps more when someone else is online and giving me feedback (like a kick in the butt to get going, or encouragement if I start).

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7pm

I'm back home with my clean laundry. I still have hand washing soaking. The laudromat manager went off on me. That guy is such an argumentative PITA. I didn't want to engage him, though, because it's the only convenient place around here to do my laundry, so I just said, "Have a nice evening" and left.

My back really hurts from the lugging up and down stairs. I'm going to stretch it for a while. Also, I'm a little hungry.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 5:30pm

The clothes are in the dryer. I forgot to bring part of the dirty laundry to the laundromat - testimony to how long it's been since I did my laundry (don't even remember what needs washing). So I have more to hand wash than usual. :(

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Amy's CI 3:48

Amy's To Do List for This Week

1. Get two checks from Mama and give her shopping stuff
2. Put lessons in lesson book for next week
3. Print materials for this week
4. Print lesson plans
5. Pint homework
6. Look over wolf information
7. Give Larry and George a bath
8. Continue organizing office
9. Hang up pictures
10. Take test
11. Complete Drop box
12. Complete Forum 1
13. Complete Forum 2
14. Finish readings (3)
15. Put items in planner
16. Put laundry away
17. Do laundry
18. Feed Larry, George, Kit, Marie 
19. Get jewelry box
20. Mail bill
21. Return movie
22. Work for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours
23. Change cat litter thingy
24. Go to J's parents house
25. Check on shampoo/conditioner

26. Read day 1
27. Read day 2
28. Read day 3
29. Read day 4
30. Read day 5
Check in by midnight

pro's CI - 3:40pm

The laundry is sorted. I made and ate a nice lunch (haven't washed the dishes yet). I'm cooking more as part of my effort to lose weight (and save money). I have not touched my pile.

I'm leaving for the laundromat now.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 1:40pm (sorting laundry)

I have an enormous pile of laundry. I'm still sorting it. I also have a lot of handwashing to do, and I'm getting hungry for lunch. Maybe I'll water the plants (necessary), make lunch, and do the handwashing before I bring the rest of the clothes to the laundromat.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 1:10pm

I'm out of the shower. Now I need to get dressed. I'm going to sort the laundry before going to the laudromat so I know what size washers I need when I get there. I'll try that, anyway - see if it helps.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

dressed and trying to fend off a stall

I'm dressed and it's time to sort the laundry. Which makes me feel like watching a movie or reading a book or both. I'm posting because I'm at risk.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 12:40pm

I finished exercising. I need to go easy on my abs because they are already sore.

Shower now...

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Julie's 11:30 CI

I'm not sure if I'll get through much of this today, but it still helps to have it posted. I'm going to eat lunch with my family and shop a little so I'll work on the list as I have time throughout the day.

Write for 15 minutes
Write quiz questions- weeks 6 and 7
Grade week 2 observation forum
Grade roles assgn.

Pick up office
Hang pictures
Work on presentation for Thursday
Check on shuttle from airport for October conference
Check on hotel dates for November conference
Call/email Brenda about conference dates
Find receipt for hotel for travel expense form
Feed pets
Email about trip


Julie's 12 am CI

For some reason I couldn't edit what I posted, so I'll just list the things I completed and the rest will carry over until tomorrow (:

Graded observation questions
Checked on hotel dates for conference
Emailed Brenda about conference dates
Fed pets
Found receipt for travel expense form

hi julie

I'm so often alone here on weekends (when I have my biggest procrastination problems). It's nice to have company. I hope you check in periodically throughout the day.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Get anything done on the pile, Pro?

I cut mine in half yesterday, and plan to cut that in half today. Thanks for mentioning the laundry thing. I'm going to set the timer for 20 minutes or so for my laundry this afternoon. Also, I'm covering my living room floor, and I need to use up two boxes of material to finish one section. It's SO nice to have something look nice when the task is finished.

lark, on that pile...

Congratulations on your pile progress!! I cannot say the same. I don't know what my problem is with it.

Right now I really need to do laundry. I haven't done it for a while and I literally have no clean clothes.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 12 noon (telling on myself)

I washed the breakfast dishes and put down the exercise mat, then instead of exercising I ordered some books on

Back to task...

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 11am

I'm reading a book that I don't want to put down, but I simply have to. I'm going to exercise now, then dress, then sort my laundry and go wash it.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


I am going to do 2 hours and 25 mins of work before going out to enjoy the day in more leisurely, unstructured ways.  :) 

I will be checking back.

Good luck to you all and happy Sunday!


pro's CI - 10:10am

Hopefully I'll do better today than I did yesterday. Maybe I'll start with laundry (I can read while doing that), then start in on the pile. It's good to get out before I settle into the pile so cabin fever isn't a factor.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.