Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 15 September 2007

pro's CI - 8:15pm

I did all my errands today - including grocery shopping. But I did not work on my pile. That's appalling. I took a day off work on Friday to work on my pile, and I did not do it. And right now, I feel like watching a movie. Sometimes I can work on my pile while watching a movie (a lot of it is brain-dead filing).

Right now I have to put away the groceries - a challenge because my refrigerator is so small. I'll have to rearrange everything. So inconvenient. But cooking for myself is the only way I can control my weight. Restaurants seem to soak everything in fat, salt, and sugar. I like my own cooking, and I feel much better when I cook for myself. Plus I've started losing weight since I started cooking again, so it's worth the trouble.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

At least you got something done--maybe tomorrow for the pile

Sometimes it's good to get other stuff done and out of the way. Though today wasn't a banner day for me, it was better than average. My kitchen table is still cluttered, but I can see the wooden top in several areas, and stuff isn't as high anymore. Most of my trouble is finding where to put stuff from the pile, rather than merely moving it around. I hope you make some progress on your pile tomorrow.

try again today

I'll try to work on my pile today. Today my laundry absolutely must get done, but that shouldn't take up the entire day.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 4:50pm

I did some of my errands. I'm not waiting a few minutes before I go out again because I have to pick up something at the dry cleaners at 5:15pm.

I should be working on my pile, but I'm not. I'm reading a book (as usual). I'm screwing up this day. :(

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 3pm

I'm finally dressed (after fooling around some more, needless to say). But now I'm hungry. I don't want to go through a whole thing of cooking lunch before doing my errands, so I'll have a snack, then go.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 2:10pm

I'm showered (dawdled a little before doing this), but not dressed. No more dawdling - must get dressed and do errands (drug store, grocery store, get mail).

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 1:20pm

I did my exercises - 20 minutes. I use an exercise ball, and it really is very pleasant. Exercise balls are fun. I do exercises that I enjoy, and I don't push myself to the point of unpleasantness. But a little of push is pleasant. I feel my abs a bit from yesterday, and I think I'll feel them even more tomorrow because I did more of a core workout today. I exercise my core, my arms, and my legs, alternating with some stretches and especially stretching out my legs at the end.

An exercise program is something I've been procrastinating on starting, and I feel good about doing it. For a while I couldn't because of health problems. I want to stay fit, healthy, and SLIM. I am determined not to succumb to middle-aged spread.

The strength exercises are to fight the loss of muscle mass that comes with age. I also walk for an hour most days - usually fast. I read in NY Magazine recently that New Yorkers tend to live longer than the nation as a whole, in large part because they walk a lot and walk FAST. New Yorkers walk faster than anybody else anywhere (they clock these things). As any New Yorker knows, the easiest way to differentiate between native New Yorkers and tourists is their walking speed.

Time to shower and dress now.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 12:55pm

I got up at 8am and I still haven't done anything. I read the article I wanted to finish. Time to get going!!!! Next: exercise and get dressed.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Impressed by all you pile-drivers

Hey, you pile-pummellin' people!

I haven't checked in for a while -- been a busy week and I've been out a lot.  I see while I've been gone, folks have been tackling those piles and just being generally all-around productive.  I've gotta get to work and catch up with you guys!  ;-)

To do next:  Eat lunch, then work on financial stuff for at least 1/2 hour, go to the bank, then do a (10 + 2) * 5 dash on some housework.


Done (finally)

O.k., did all of the above, plus some relaxing with a book, plus taking stuff back to the library.

Tonight after dinner, I'm going to work on financial stuff some more (maybe a couple of 20-minute shifts with a reading break in between.)


you are awesome, Falcon!! (Wanted: pile buddy!!)

You put me to shame, Falcon. All I do is TALK about working on my pile. I never actually do it.

I wish you'd checked in during the day while you were working. I need a check-in partner to help me keep going. When no one is around, I wander off, reading books and watching movies.

Is there anybody out there who can check in with me frequently during the day on weekends? Honestly, that was my dearest hope when I started tihs Web site - that there would be people around to buddy with while doing dreaded tasks.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Wanted: Pile Pals

My productivity goes up and down. I do better with companions in the battle. I hope you keep checking in today!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 10:40am

One of my problems in the morning is that it takes me 1.5 hours to wake up sufficiently to fully function. I simply cannot do the things I need to do immediately upon awakening. There is a period of about an hour when my energy is still very low, and I'm clumsy - drop things. If I wake up earlier, it just takes me longer to wake up. :(

Of course, the rest of this check-in is to say I've done nothing in the last hour expect eat breakfast and read a little. I'm going to see if I can exercise for a bit and get dressed now. I still feel kind of tired. My energy is very low lately.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

fully awake, and...

...procrastinating. I'm fully awake now (noting it's 3.5 hours since I got up. But I want to finish an article I was reading. I'm checking in when I finish it - so I don't start doing something else I shouldn't be doing.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

9:00 CI for Lark

Yesterday went from bordering on dreadful to okay. Quite a bit of motivation, and I'm greatful. Some work projects are finished, I'll be paid, I'll pay my bills, and things will be set up for next week. My home repair projects are also doing well (not finished) and I feel more like being here. In the past I'd put so many things off that products would be taken off the market or suppliers would go out of business. The prime example is my half-finished landscape wall. Quite the monument.
(X) morning routine
 (X)spiritual time
 (X)go to hardware store
 (X)call clients
 (X)sort through pile on kitchen table
 finish painting cabinet drawers
 (decided to call tomorrow)call client B with bill
 (fair job)do general cleanup in and around home
(X)check in again

pro's first CI - 8:55am

It's PILE day!!!!

Yesterday the main part of the pile I attacked was the magazines. That wasn't the most urgent part, but it had been bothering me for a while and I feel good that it's gone.

It's raining out today, which makes it impractical to do laundry. I have to walk a few blocks to the laundromat, and to have my clean clothes get dirty and wet in the cart is dumb. I'll do laundry tomorrow. So I have no excuse to do anything but my pile today. I cleaned up my apartment yesterday - all is ready for the PILE.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Pile day for me also!!!

We can do this. Imagine a bare, shining kitchen table, just like in the magazines! I'll think positive thoughts for you, and please do the same for me. I'm armed with a trash can, several cardboard folders, coin wrappers, and a couple of small plastic storage boxes. Please post when you get time, and I'll do the same. Good luck!

we'll attack our piles together!

Look luck, Lark! You can do it!!

I can do it, too. I want to sit and read for a few minutes, but this really has to be just a few more minutes. Maybe it will help me to go out and get the mail and buy a few groceries I need - get my blood moving.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.