Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Special Projects and Master Lists

This forum is for checking in on the progress of large, multi-day projects like a thesis or catching up on tax returns. It's also a good place for master to-do lists, gratitute lists, New Year's resolutions, and other non-daily items.
Monica's picture

Today I will Have A Plan

I am back. I have a lot ahead of me. And I can do it.

Before I can plan out my masterplan, I want to do the following tomorrow, then plan my the next week (as one of tomorrows to-dos), and then plan my masterplan (as one of next weeks to-tos).

Hypatia's accounts 2022

My annual fight with the accounts.  I've done no better at keeping things up to date than the last two years, and maybe done worse!  Here goes....




Hypatia's weekly project list

w/b 4/10/21

[x] cancel Woodbrooke

[x] s/g visit report

[ ] AM actions

[ ] Sarahs audit

[ ] email backlog

[x] draft minutes for EC

[ ] write up GRASP meeting

[ ] BCDP

[x] carpet budget

[ ] action Premises Committee


Hypatia's accounts 2021

Just over a year ago I came back to PA when i was struggling with the 2019 church accounts.  I got them done but didn't then keep up as I intended with the 2020 accounts.  So now I'm back to square one, and need to do everything all over again.

So here goes.....

T12: Vision for My Recovery

Please do not leave comments or feedback.  Silent prayers welcome.  Thank you.

Here is my vision for myself:

T-LA Daily Master Schedule

Good day all -- 

Workout routine [1 hours - 2 1/2 hours]:

[ ] Get ready for workout: make coffee, make smoothie, pack lunch for day, workout clothes, pack car - 15 to 30 minutes  

To a decent next 6 months _Sophia

Since it has helped me the last time, i want to work with a thread here again. It will be until the start of next semester, NOW until ~September. I will put my main focus on mastering Uni again, because this causes me a lot of distress, but also add in some of the other “big projects” to have an overview. And maybe those nasty small things in life, that taken together are quite big.. I ll see. I ll just go with it where it takes me.

Decent end to this semester _Sophia

okay, since i screwed up on even starting this semesters biggest task, I want to bring the other courses to a decent end.

So here s my plan.

I can do this!

Hooch's accursed project ll

I started a project.... in 2010... I have never finished writing up the project :-(

But it is not too late right? Especially with all this working at home time :-/


The goal - 4 pomos a day. Today I will tackle some of the Background section


The state of play:


there is something here, but needs improvement


lots of notes, no paragraphs


mostly done


some done, needs more analysis






Q master list

This is the list for my project to sort out all my Q paperwork/emails/meetings/tasks.

[x] clear emails in my inbox

[x] set up notions for task list - doesn't work, reverted to ThinkingRock

[x] set up area meeting

  • draft agenda
  • ring Ted
  • email agenda and ask for decision on Zoom

[x] emails re book of members

[ ] go through email lists and transfer to TRock

  • action
  • BLM
  • @waiting for
  • reading list

[ ] go through past meeting list

[ ] go through Q email folder by section

Hypatia's accounts


to file all the 2019 paperwork and send to the independent examiner


[x] find all the paperwork

[x] set up binder to file it in

[x] for each pile of papers

...[x] sort papers into filing sections

...[x] sort papers into date order

...[x] file papers

[x] print spreadsheet

[x] check receipts against spreadsheet

[x] check payments against spreadsheet

[x] check uncleared cheques

[x] file utility bills separately

[x] write cleared dates on cheque stubs

ZenDancer's picture

Lucas' weekly goals journal

Hi there PA friends!

I'm new to the forum, having just found you guys, but feeling very positive and sooo happy to have met a few of you on Zoom. Some of the areas where I procrastinate are daily tasks, like exercise and meditation, but others are more long-term things where I need to keep myself accountable on a weekly basis. As a starting point, I'm making a list here of the things I want to progress on (but which which I've been procrastinating on for literally years...

Weekly goals

Lucas' progress journal

Hi there PA friends!

So there are  four areas where I want to change my pattern and make real progress in the rest of this year. I figure keeping a journal here should help me stay accountable... 

Grieving a person I used to know....

Hello again all - I've decided to repost this from the daily forums to create a new special project for myself in order to try and reach a specific aim. I will be adding in the future as things become clearer. The last month or so has been hard as poor internet so I've been a lax attender whereas I did find some value in being reasonably regular here.  So here goes - -


Monday 17th February - midnight

Grieving ideals, not yet distraught... 

21 days of working hard towards a project that I very much want to suceed.

I have a project due, much of it is already done. Previously I wouldn't have started at this point and I feel grateful that this time has been different (thanks to PA and my own work to change this pattern of procrstionation). 

In the chatbox I summerised the barriers;

Declutter & Fitness Challenge



STARTED  yesterday.  did today so that makes two day




31 ?

TOTAL: 21 OF 24 



7 / 




21 22 

AS OF 21ST 14 of 21 

22 24-28

FEB:  22 OF 28 




3 -6


Katia's *7* day Planner Challenge

Ok so I bought this planner. And in order to get my money's worth, I better use it! PA is wonderful, but sometimes I need to be able to look at the week and whatnot.

Right now I am starting out with 7 days, but I will try and increase it as things go.

The rules:
1. I need to write something in my planner for each day. Even if it is DO NOTHING! lol. It doesn't even matter if I actually do the things written, just that something WAS written.
2. Even if I write things out a few days in advance, I need to check it each day to actually follow what was written.

Agnus' total to-do list

Home management:

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