Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday March 30, 2021

InnerTruth's to-do list - Tuesday

1:45 - 3 - Homework & answers (took 1/2 hour too long)

3:30 - 5:30 - cleaning

- recycle (done)

- put away folders

- kitchen/corner of living room/path to hroom

- complete repair forms

5:30 - 7 - run, dinner and dishes (done)

7 - 10 - student file folders (review 4 folders)

- warning letters

- prepare for tomorrow - essay, grammar for the rest of the week 

hazyjane's check-in tuesday

already done: bed exercises, morning pages, prayer and meditation, brushed teeth and simultaneously did leg exercises, walked dog, took 11am meeting, baked cinnamon rolls, fed sourdough started.

  • write check-in     done
  • do washing-up     done
  • do some outdoor tidying/repotting
  • wash hair
  • fold some clothes
  • walk dog
  • attend GT  session on zoom 4:15-5:45     done
  • intermittently try to remember to check in with myself and ask 'how am I feeling?' 'Do I need to do something/know something?' (I'm trying to access my intuition...)
  • tidy up generally - especially my  bedroom, the kitchen and living room.
  • go to zoom performance at 7pm
  • call friends
  • finish AW week 3 tasks (still on the list... why am I resisting???)
  • finish audiobook listening which has been distracting me (so good! first audiobook I've listened to for a long time, makes a change from podcasts/the radio)
  • update as necessary and check in to slack more consistently.


Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Wash dishes

2. Put clothes away

3. Go through my e-mail

4. Go through my mail

5. Pay bills

6. Start picking up stuff off the floor

7. Go to the pharmacy (Done)

8. Go to other errands (Done)

9. Do numbers (Done)

Hypatia's check-in

Must do
[x] OU coursework
[x] prepare banking
[x] online committee meeting

Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] action emails - inbox zero Day 19

[ ] action minilist (10 to go)

[ ] Action March minutes

[x] errands

[ ] review yesterday meeting and forum

[ ] ironing


Could do

[ ] tai chi

[x] gardening

[ ] ring Alan (31:8 and audit)

[ ] housework

[ ] action from Q list (23 to go)

[ ] read MfS papers

[x] lace/knitting/embroidery