Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 22 February 2007

DoItNow FCI 11:32pm PST

get up by 8am and CI
breakfast and vitamins
clean room for 5 minutes
oral care
leave for work by Wake-up Time + 1.5h or at 9:30pm
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)

project N (30 min)
project N (30 min)
project N (30 min)


project O (30 min)
project O (30 min)

project I (30 min)
project I (30 min)

entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)

oral care
clean room for 5 minutes
in bed by 11:30pm
make and post tomorrow's list

Call Dad around 8pm


DoItNow CI 09:49pm PST

Morning routine:
get up by 8am and CI
breakfast and vitamins
clean room for 5 minutes
oral care
leave for work by Wake-up Time + 1.5h or at 9:30pm
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)

project N (30 min)
project N (30 min)
project N (30 min)


project O (30 min)
project O (30 min)

project I (30 min)
project I (30 min)

entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)

oral care
clean room
in bed by 11:30pm
make and post tomorrow's list

Call Dad around 8pm


pro's CI - 11:45pm

I'm up too late. I've been doing email - writing some letters, and also cleared my spam folder.

I really need to get ready for bed now. I have to get up at 6am, and I will be tired.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

DoItNow CI 08:05pm PST

Morning routine:
get up by 8am and CI
breakfast and vitamins
clean room for 5 minutes
oral care
leave for work by Wake-up Time + 1.5h or at 9:30pm
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)

project N (30 min)
project N (30 min)
project N (30 min)


project O (30 min)
project O (30 min)

project I (30 min)
project I (30 min)

entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)

oral care
clean room
in bed by 11:30pm
make and post tomorrow's list

Call Dad around 8pm


pro's CI - 10:10pm

I got home just a little while ago - meeting, then dinner afterwards. I've been doing my email. I need to get to bed soon. I don't feel tired, but I probably will when I lay down. I'll start my bedtime routine now.

I'm so happy I picked up my apartment this morning! It was starting to look like a dump.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

scarlett CI 5:20 pm EST

Negative feelings about myself provide the points of my compass. I need my negative feelings in order to navigate through my daily life. I depend on them for a familiar sense of identity. Without them I would be uncomfortable and lost, without boundaries or landmarks.

Update reviews
Review WC info
Finish B review
Resched eye appt.
Email B
Resched pt appt.

Cheat sheet for S
call T re: P & S

Car paymt
Power bill
Finish wrapping coins
Try tops
Write 1 or outline 2 essays

scarlett CI 4:21 pm EST

Update reviews
Review WC info
Finish B review
Resched eye appt.
Email B

To do:
Resched pt appt.
Cheat sheet for S
call T re: P & S

Car paymt
Power bill
Finish wrapping coins
Try tops
Write 1 or outline 2 essays

Thomas C.--more checking in

Haven't gotten a lot done, but have gotten some things done:

* entered debit transactions into checkbook
* met with student A
* made comments on student B's paper

Still to do:

* grade student C's make-up exam
* drop off student B's paper, fill out form for student C's incomplete (one trip)
* draft letter of recommendation for student D
* balance checkbook
* draft letter of recommendation for student E
* grade quiz 4A
* draft letter of recommendation for student F
* grade quiz 5
* rewrite lecture for next Monday, class 1
* do readings, write quiz for class 2

Tomorrow I could finish up the letters of recommendation and get other lectures rewritten. But if I were to finish everything above I'd be amazed.

And I posted a comment, by the way, on the time-bingeing thread. It now occurs to me that I have NO time for writing put in for today or tomorrow. And it further occurs to me that if I did write for two hours (one hour today and one hour tomorrow), I WOULD get a huge amount done on the article I'm planning. So I think I'll revise my lists.

scarlett CI 3:05 pm EST

Update reviews
Review WC info

To do:
Finish B review
Resched eye appt.
Resched pt appt.
Cheat sheet for S
call T re: P & S

Car paymt
Power bill
Finish wrapping coins
Write 1 or outline 2 essays

scarlett CI 2 pm

Been struggling the past few days - got some hard deadlines in my personal life that are freaking me out.

To do:

Update reviews
Finish B review
Review WC info
Resched eye appt.
Resched pt appt.
Cheat sheet for S
call T re: P & S

Thomas C.--Thursday CI

Yesterday was my crazy day. Class 10 a.m. to noon, office hours from noon to 2 p.m., class 2-4 p.m.

I tend not to post on Wednesdays--and even Mondays, which are just like them without the office hours.

Anyway, I have a long list of things to do:

* enter debit transactions in checkbook
* read, make comments on paper draft of student
* read, grade make-up exam
* send quizzes to student
* meet with research assistant
* draft letters of recommendation
* balance checkbook
* write quiz
* grade another quiz
* rewrite lecture for upper-division class
* grade yet another quiz
* rewrite lecture for lower-division class
* give make-up midterm at 3 p.m.

There's more, but that's a LOT!

Some time today I'm going to start a thread about time-bingeing. How do you not time-binge when there's so much to do? Is it just breaks, or what?

DoItNow CI 07:54am PST

Morning routine:
get up by 8am and CI
breakfast and vitamins
clean room for 5 minutes
oral care
leave for work by Wake-up Time + 1.5h or at 9:30pm
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)
project A (30 min)

project N (30 min)
project N (30 min)
project N (30 min)


project O (30 min)
project O (30 min)

project I (30 min)
project I (30 min)

entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)
entertainment (30 min)

oral care
clean room
in bed by 11:30pm
make and post tomorrow's list




I gotta tell ya... Looking at your list with the nice legend makes me think perhaps that you were using the creation of the list to procrastinate. Maybe not, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

I have a bash script that

I have a bash script that does that automatically. I only edit an ascii file with lines prefixed with +/-/? . all the other stuff gets generated.

Rexroth 14.25 GMT

Woken about six by an alarm bell from where I don't know but it got me up early so:

Todo today

up prayer reflection meditation
out to see exhibition before crowds come
food shopping on way back
tidy flat
wash up
wash clothes 2 loads and handwashing
phone friend re her mail
write to cancel credit agreement
work on further letters and files
email person about collecting/delivery stuff I'm getting rid of
phone friend re meetup tomorrow
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 20.42 GMT

I've finished for the day. Friend on phone says I sound fed up. I am and I don't know why.

Night Rexroth

Lark's 9:00 am CI

Yesterday it seems everything was afficted with the "hurry up and wait syndrome". I had several things to attend to, barely got to any on time, yet had to wait a long time at each place. It made me wonder "who's the procrastinator here".

To Do:
morning things
order supplies
finish project "A" (a simple one: yeah!)
clean up workshop a bit
work on project "B" for a couple of hours
housework for half an hour