Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday January 26, 2021

My to do list - Tuesday, Jan. 26

1. 5:30 pm - 6 pm - Send out homework answers (done)

2. 6:00 - 7:00 - Review Lesson Plan 1 - Post handouts, PPT (started)

3. 7:00 - 7:30 - Dinner (done)

4. 7:30 - 8:00 - Phone Sue (done)

5. 7:45 to 8 - Send missing Grammar info (done)

6. 8:00 - 8:30 - calculate & email speaking marks (done)

7. 8:30 - 10:00 - Finish Lesson Plan 1 (partly done)

8. 10 - 11 - Print homework & tomorrow's plan (done)

9. How to pdf scanned documents (done)

January 26th


  1. review last list - DONE
  2. ADD new items to the list DONE
  3. read readings for today DONE
  4. Write notes on 3. 
  5. Write out BE/TR/WP whatever sheet is helpful
  6. Make use of time  AND distraction log 




  1. Gather the paper plans I already made for my results chapter DONE
    1. Refresh what exactly needs to be added to the results chapter ? 
      1. make a list
      2. identify what is difficult or missing  
  2. Write out the pros and cons for my options appraisal - RE-REVIEW
  3. Send 2. out in advance of the meeting Jan 29th 2021
  4. GCP course - COMPLETE
  5. Check no clashes with upcoming appointments and meetings
  6. Put HC IIM clinic dates into my diary DONE



  1. Walk 25 mins minimum
  2. 5 minutes of pilates minimum - Tuesday workout
  3. Rosary
  4. BINAY study 20 MINS 
  5. Vitamins TAKE DONE
  6. Gratitude each night








  1. Prepare for the NIHR training camp
  2. Consultants' course view material and save notes before access ends
  3. Ask HR if an honorary contract can be granted to me for when my contract ends in end March 2021 -DONE AWAIT REPLY
  4. UOM mandatory training - data governance
  5. SRFT mandatory training - try to do this remotely
  6. Read IM material before next clinic
  7. Enquire re BAD access AGAIN



  1. Buy dial book DONE
  2. BDAY FOR Claire, SRMA AND Thank you card to Sarah WRITTEN, NEED TO SEND 
  3. Standing order to CTK DONE - NEED TO DELIVER
  4. Contact T, Ch, M, D, E DONE
  5. Read intro to Immortal Diamond book
  6. contact Perm TSB to request that my mortgage payments be reduced 
  7. Read article from Natalyia PH amygdala
  8. Send marriage certificate to Mayo 

Hypatia's check-in

Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] watch NHS video

[ ] email lynn

[x] chase vaccination

[x] ring/email gas engineer

[ ] EC draft minutes - preparatory reading done

[x] action emails - down to 3

[ ] File 2020 treasurers stuff

[ ] action from Q list

[-] gardening - postponed, waiting in for a phone call

[x] Zoom meeting



Could do

[x] tai chi

[ ] find T's bank paperwork

[ ] housework

[ ] OU coursework

[ ] lace or embroidery

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Go to the doctor

2. Go to the store

3. Put groceries away

4. Go through my e-mail

5. Go through my mail

6. Wash dishes

7. Sweep floor to a pile

8. Put previously washed clothes

9. Wash and dry clothes

10. Put clothes away