Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 16 February 2007

Welcome! It's Friday Folks.

Graphics added by pro.

Mollie's CI 5:20pm

I haven't posted in awhile. Been trying various strategies and doing well sometimes, sometimes not. One thing I've liked is making a "short list" of 5 items selected from my complete to do list for the day--helps with focus, which has been a problem (I think it's due to the distraction of the clutter in my office). So, here's the current short list:

Clear pile to left of computer
Clear pile to right of computer
Clear pile on computer desk
Empty briefcase
File receipts

Also new

I'm new too. My list looks a lot like 'I'm changing's' list:

Get up courage to look at bank balances
Pay bills
Do work tasks (6)
Put away clean clothes
Fax form to insurance co. (been avoiding since November. bad. will do today.)
Set up major todo categories so I can start breaking down tasks.

I'm in the western US, and I keep late hours, so a lot of you folks are probably ending your days as I'm just starting. My life is like "I'm changing" 's: sometimes the deck is all stacked up, other times it's like 52 card pickup. Right now I'm thinking a flamethrower is the only answer for my house. But I'll settle for putting away clean clothes.

Happy little-tasking to all.



So how'd you do with your list? When you're getting started, it's good to do it this way:

1. Set ONE task for yourself.
2. Set a timer for 15 minutes and do nothing but that.
3. Check into the forum for 15 minutes and say what you did (even if it's to tell on yourself for doing nothing.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

New Here

I am new to this site and forum.   I am so grateful to be here.  Procrasination--especially around finances--and earning--have been a huge roadblock in my life.  I have gone through stages of keeping on top of things and then something happens that undermines that work and suddenly I'm back in the same cycle of procrastination and disorder.  I want to change.

I feel every day like I get up and go through a process of "rebuilding" myself from the detritus of the prior day.  I even have to make lists to do the most basic things (shave, shower, brush teeth).  (Interestingly, I saw some other people adding "personal hygeine" or similar to their to-do lists).  I have many stresses right now, and my chronic procrastination undermines my effectiveness.  I want to change.  I think that bookending here might be helpful in keeping myself accountable.  Today I need to:

Balance my checkbooks.
Pay outstanding bills.
Determine how much I owe for 2006 Taxes.
Look for copies of 2005 State Tax (If can't find
   call State to see how I get copy)
Call client to discuss a report she needs.
Invoice three clients for work done.
Follow-through with friend on gift I've arranged for her.


Hi - I just posted this same info to allmixedup, but I don't want you to feel like I'm talking to that person and not you! Welcome to the forum!!

So how'd you do with your list? When you're getting started, it's good to do it this way:

1. Set ONE task for yourself.
2. Set a timer for 15 minutes and do nothing but that.
3. Check into the forum for 15 minutes and say what you did (even if it's to tell on yourself for doing nothing.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Bud's check-in (10:30 AM)

It's been a while.  Lots of good stuff has happened, like presently I have 3 p/t jobs, though we haven't paid rent this month and can't.  I really don't like owing $$ and we owe lots!!

Anyway just want to report on the good that's been happening and what this weekend and next week are bringing.

Yesterday I worked out, which I'm happy about.

My step-daughter is coming in this week, so I have to do major cleaning, shopping, etc.  I also need to get into my work office and organize, clean, get things filed, etc, because after next week, I'll be working 3 p/t jobs, so I only have next week.  Also, have to make lots of work-related phone calls; do 2 newsletters; hope my employer pays me today; and I want to add working out today into the mix.  Right now, I'm taking things slow, saying to myself, don't worry it will get done, but I haven't done a thing yet and I can see the procrastination flu settling in - I think it's the overwhelm and terror of not getting stuff done that freezes me. 

Anyway, hopefully I'll be back sooner rather than later.  I hope you all are doing well and that you have a good weekend.

It's hard leaving this post "not perfect" but it's a relief as well.

Take care,


Lark's CI 7:30am

Big day planned for today. My main project from yesterday didn't go well, and it got too late to finish last night. I'm working somewhere else today, so it may not get finished till tomorrow. Ugh.
To Do:
Finish morning routine
Reflect, meditate
Finish kitchen cleanup
Get groceries
Go to work
Try to finish yesterday's project tonight

pro's first check-in - 6:55am

I was up at 6am. I'm showered and dressed now, and about to make breakfast.

I'm sick - the problem my pills are supposed to deal with. I missed them for a few days during a time of extreme stress - big mistake. Now I don't know how to get back to health again. I don't want to go to the doctor.

I'm also tired. I should have gone to sleep earlier last night. I was tired, but watch TV for a while.

I'm very glad it's Friday!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Rexroth 10.13 GMT

Todo today

up prayer reflection meditation
deal with post email phone messages
post this
email solicitior which I meant to do two days ago
finish cleaning flat
bath and wash hair
shopping food and household
clean craft machine

whatever else?

prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Thats it folks Rexroth

Rexroth 23.53 GMT

I've still cleaning to do but I've done a lot.

So now to sleep.

Night folks Rexroth