Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

PA Meetings in Boulder, CO

If anyone else is interesting in starting a PA meeting in Boulder, please let me know.

PA in Boulder

This thread was last visited more than 2 years anyone still interested?

Online meetings are a good idea

another possibility is teleconference meetings. That way people on all continents can participate. You can get bridge line for free my family does it all the time, because we live in different states.


PA meeting materials

I'll post PA meeting materials on the site over the weekend.

By the way, I love Boulder, CO. I was there 20 years ago, and thought it would be a lovely place to live. I'm in NYC, though - far away.

oh geez...

I totally spaced on this. I guess I'm proving I'm a procrastinator. :O

I don't have the space in my schedule to even promise this right now. But it is something I want to do eventually.

meeting materials

I decided I didn't want to put this off any longer. I'm done working for today, so I'll take care of this.

Here is a link to the meeting materials page:

PA Meeting Materials

Wrong hemisphere!

But I would if I could ;)

PA Meeting

I'd love to also - but I'm in Dallas, TX.
However - I think we should set up an online meeting here. I believe Pro is planning on that.

If you'd like, maybe we can set a specific time to use the chat box for an informal online meeting?

Different continent

I'd love to go to a face-to-face meeting, but it's the wrong continent for me Craig.
