Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 5th October 2020 07:28 ( UTC+1 )

Wishing all fellow procrastinators well today - the start of a fresh new week. Trusting in our Higher Power in all things.

Today's Chores

Things I will do today

1. Go to work

2. Put books away

3. Clear tables neaar computer

4. Clear table near bed

5. Go through mail

6. Mail bills

7. Wash and dry clothes

8. Put clothes away

Hypatia's check-in

[x] unblock washbasin

[x] inbox

[x] read intray

[x] Q filing - payments, receipts and utilities done

[ ] action emails - down to 7

[x] mow lawn

[x] online shopping

[ ] change bedlinen

[x] ring Ted

[x] ring Maureen - no reply

[x] committee meeting

[x] knitting

[ ] OU course, including tutorial dates

Still's list

- Read B1 ✓

- Remind M1 about carpet ✓

- Pay X1 bill 

- Read Nis...Kim paper F3&4

- Continue reading Ma..ed paper one paragraph at a time

     - Add to PPT as you read




- Make talking points for each figure. Maybe one sheet per image?

- Answer some questions on required R1 C10 doc

- Get finances in order (Y1, what you have to pay for M1s Bills, specially W1 bill)

07:30PlanReview last list



  1. Review last list and note what is outstanding below - this is today's to do list DONE
  2. Daily log restart today
  3. Prediction sheet- review previous
  4. and start new one DONE
  5. Scripture 8AM and notes - total 30 mins
  6. What data can go straight into the document? excel to word 
    1. List the data of interest and that I am sure about
    2. list the data that I am less sure about 
    3. decide what data can i realistically analyse before friday 
    4. set deadline of Friday to submit section/sections to LR
  7. Go back to last two meetings pull out action points
  8. Email INB regarding contacting patients from clinic
  9. May need to ask IT to give me remote access to chameleon
  10. Pilates 30 mins - Gail's class today perhaps after I return from J
  11. Pay BPG membership

Non Urgent

Thank you card to P

Sympathy cards to Sc family and Fr John

Request Mass for Aoife


Meetings - fixed

18:00 meeting with J