Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Bullet Journaling?

Hi friends! Does anyone on here keep a bullet journal? Basic overview (be warned! youtube link!!!) :

In my many years of being on this site, I am realizing that the daily check ins are helpful not only because of the accountability of other people seeing it, but because usually tasks that are not completed migrate to the next day, which is a big part of bullet journaling.

I am sure I am not alone in being a procrastinator but also obsessed with planners and the ephemra that comes with them. Color coded pens, post it notes, it has always appealed to me, perhaps because it paints this wondrous picture of me someday "having it all together". I have yet to put together a bullet journal but it seems a lot more effective than a traditonal planner.

Just curious if anyone else has tried it :) 


partial/adapted BuJo user!

Hi, Katia,

I think I was the person who introduced Haribol to Bullet Journaling. I have never tried to do a paper BuJo, but I use some modified BuJo techniques on my smartphone, and have done so for several years. 

My Android smartphone has a stylus. I use an app called Squid for journaling, which lets you handwrite or draw and also digitally paste images onto each digital page. I make a new multi-page "Note" file in Squid for each new month, with a BuJo-style Index page near the beginning and a BuJo Habit Tracker table near the end. I really depend on the Habit Tracker to help me manage a complicated daily pill regime, but I also use it to help me keep approximate track of my sleep patterns, exercise, and so on.

The daily pages I put into each month's Squid Note are less BuJo-specific. I borrow the BuJo dot-grid background for my list pages, digitally pasted in as an underlying image, to help with neatness. I usually decorate my lists with a combination of digitally pasted art, nature photos, and colorful, homemade intention or affirmation "sticker" images, saying things such as "I CHOOSE TO TAKE ONE STEP."

I can easily copy, delete, rearrange, and color-code some or all of my lists--it's MUCH easier to do this digitally than on paper, though I still tend to spend more time doing it than I'd ideally like. I generally try to have a prioritized to-do list page for each day, but I do skip some days. I have tried organizing the daily lists in various ways, at different times--let me know if you want to know more about that, as there isn't really a clear "winner."

The other regular element of my daily journaling practice is not from BuJo--I think I made it up myself. As a person who struggles with clinical depression, I wanted a visual way to remind myself and feel good about each day's positive accomplishments, without accompanying reminders of things not yet done.

So, for each day, I have a page with a preset, pasted-image background of hanging planters, each labeled with a task/activity category. I draw a simple flower into the appropriate planter for each of the day's accomplishments, and write a note alongside of it, in green, saying what the accomplishment was. Bigger accomplishments get bigger flowers and more leaves. I can see at a glance if a day was more or less productive, and what general aspects of my life I put my energy into.

In addition to pages for Index, Habit Tracker, and daily to-do lists and accomplishments, I add pages to my monthly Squid Note files for notes about things I want to discuss in health appointments, projects I'm working through, useful or interesting info from books/presentations, and so on. I note these kinds of pages in the Index, to help me locate them, later. I don't index individual days' lists or accomplishment pages.

For details of long-term projects, I sometimes keep separate individual Squid Notes files, rather than using having them split across multiple monthly files. 

I hope you find something helpful, here, for your own experiments, whatever they may be!

Thank you wrkinprogrss!

Thank you for your thoughtful response as well! That app sounds amazing even though I'll probably start on paper. 

I can really relate to the depression part and wanting to feel good about what DID get done vs what didn't- I really struggle with that. I enjoy doodling so I may use your plant idea :) 

Thank you so much for your comments, really trying to figure life out and it is much appreciated <3  

You're very welcome, katia11!

You're very welcome, katia11--thanks for letting me know that my info reached you! smile


haribol's picture

Yes!! (Bullet Journaling)

Hi Katia :)   

I only recently became aware of the Bullet Journal method, earlier this year; first I tried to do it digitally, using text files that would sync from my phone to computer; but then this June tried on paper in a small notebook ... I started slow, but I must say, I have found it very helpful to do it on paper.  It seems very calming to my mind, and much easier to revisit than getting lost in digital files.  There is something very calming about writing on paper, and revisiting on paper, looking away from the computer.

I have to say, this is the first time I have tried some kind of organizing/to-do list system, where I have been able to actually look back at my lists later, after using it for a while, without it being totally mentally painful, overwhelming, or anxiety-inducing.

Also, I have recently started a system of using 2 pages for every day, one of which is a schedule/time log (partially based on some ideas mentioned by pro, creator of this site, in our PA meetings); I have been highly resistant to trying to use a schedule for years, and when I've tried, I've failed. But this time I've actually been using it increasingly since starting small with it 3-4 weeks ago ... adapting and learning as I go along.

Very nice thing about the Bullet Journal is you can start small, and then add components that you like and/or need, as you need them.  And all you need is a notebook to start.

My first attempt to do it on paper failed; I felt a bit overwhelmed by trying to switch from my digital system all at once; that's when I started trying to do it digitally.  It was still a helpful structure digitally, but when I tried paper again later, this time with a smaller notebook that is easier to carry around, that's when it really started to "click" for me.

I also found these videos on it to be helpful, by Jessica McCabe, who has a Youtube channel full of tips and information about ADHD (which is something that seems to affect me, and many other procrastinators here, as well):

- "How to Create a Bullet Journal Plus My Top 10 Tips":
- "Why the Bullet Journal is the Best Planner for ADHD Brains":

She has like 4 or maybe a few more videos on Bullet Journaling, plus this great short article about how it worked out for her, one year later, and why she still likes it and uses it, although it didn't work out quite how she expected:

Anyway, hope that wasn't too much rambling about it; but yes!

I personally also really liked reading the Bullet Journal book by Ryder Carroll, of which I found a copy at my local library.

P.S., FWIW, I know that at least one other user of the chatbox here also uses their own version of the Bullet Journal ... which was the initial impetus that got me learning about what it was.

Thank you haribol!

I really appreciate your thoughtful response! I discovered Jessica McCabe's channel just this past March or so and LOVE her videos. I have started to wonder if I have some form of ADHD even though I would have never guessed that since I wasn't a "hyper" kid. I am definitely going to rewatch those videos. Just wanted to say "thank you" for the comments :)