Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Hypatia's check-in

[x] check T's bank account

[x] write to T

[x] intray

[ ] in-box: read new emails

[ ] in-box:  emails to action

[ ] tidy house

[x] ring Robin - left voicemail

[ ] ring RSS

[ ] EHR email

[x] mow lawn if it stops raining

[x] gardening

[ ] summary to S

[ ] GRASP summary

[ ] ironing

my checkin


finished writing about paper writing process

ordered protein powder 

accountant email is finally done woohoo


broke down 2nd round edits

1/9 subtasks done 

client session

90 minute meditation

resolved an old wound 



handled grocery delivery 

ate some food and drank some water

had a meal with veggies 



do second-round substantive edits on GR paper 




do end-of-month accounting

change linens 


call doc for results

transfer appt notes to laptop

make a backup 

start thinking about NWVE program 

check on D's rep 

handwash gown and poncho 

get back to ebay