Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 24 January 2007

Welcome to Wednesday.

Graphic added by pro.

jj's last CI - 12:14 am (Thursday)

X fill water bottle
X eat breakfast/take vits/watch taped tennis
X do dishes
X turn TV off and put music CD on
X take recycling downstairs
X make bed
X check email
X phone R to see what time he's working until tonight
X wash hair
X wash face/brush teeth
X get dressed to go out
X decide what to make for supper
X make grocery list
X grocery shopping
X put groceries away
- dust bedroom
- ironing
X feed cat
X make supper - tried 2 new recipes!
X do dishes
X take recycling downstairs - R did this
- walk with R?
X watch tennis
X check email
X bath/wash face/brush and floss teeth
X read before sleep

Today I'm thankful for: good food, good wine.

Lark's last CI at 11:50pm

Actually I did enough to cross everything off my lists today, but again I'm not really pleased with how well a few of them came out. This has been a problem for me lately. Good night eveyone.

pro's last check-in - 11:55pm

I'm very tired - I hope I can sleep!

Good night!!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

DoItNow CI 08:25pm PST

breakfast and vitamins
oral care
clean room for 10 minutes
drive to work
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
buy groceries
oral care
make and post tomorrow's list

pro's CI - 10pm

I need to get ready for bed - no stalling.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 9pm

I stopped working at 3pm. I like that I did it as a time log because I can go back and count how many hours I worked. I did office work for four hours, and errands for two hours. I'm not sure that's a full day's work. I didn't do anything useful after 3pm. At 5pm I went to meet a friend for dinner and a movie. I just got home a little while ago.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

jj's 2:24pm CI

Just eating a yogurt before I go grocery shopping.

X fill water bottle
X eat breakfast/take vits/watch taped tennis
X do dishes
X turn TV off and put music CD on
X take recycling downstairs
X make bed
X check email
X phone R to see what time he's working until tonight
X wash hair
X wash face/brush teeth
X get dressed to go out
X decide what to make for supper
X make grocery list
- grocery shopping
- put groceries away
- dust bedroom
- ironing
- feed cat
- make supper
- do dishes
- take recycling downstairs
- walk with R?
- watch tennis
- check email
- wash face/brush and floss teeth

jj's 12:55pm CI

Up way too late last night, therefore, up later this morning than I'd prefer.

Alarm set for 8:40 - up at 8:55

X fill water bottle
X eat breakfast/take vits/watch taped tennis
X do dishes
X turn TV off and put music CD on
X take recycling downstairs
X make bed
X check email
X phone R to see what time he's working until tonight
- wash hair
- wash face/brush teeth
- get dressed to go out
- decide what to make for supper
- make grocery list
- grocery shopping
- put groceries away
- dust bedroom
- ironing
- feed cat
- make supper
- do dishes
- take recycling downstairs
- walk with R?
- watch tennis
- check email
- wash face/brush and floss teeth

DoItNow CI 11:51am PST

breakfast and vitamins
oral care
clean room for 10 minutes
drive to work
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
buy groceries
oral care
make and post tomorrow's list

DoItNow CI 11:28am PST

breakfast and vitamins
oral care
clean room for 10 minutes
drive to work
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
work on proj. A (30/5)
buy groceries
oral care
make and post tomorrow's list

pro's CI - 2pm

 Start  End  Task
 5:50am  6:05am  Fixed some posting boo-boos here, checked email.
 6:05am  6:40am  Shower and dress.
 6:40am  7:10am  Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch), lay out pills for the day.
 7:10am  7:25am  Empty dish drain, wash dishes, get stuff off table.
 7:25am  7:35am  Make breakfast.
 7:35am  9:10am  Eat breakfast, answer business email.
 9:10am  10:20am  Wash dishes, take pills (dose 1 of 3), open mail.
 10:20am  12:20pm  Whole bunch of errands - drug store, bank, grocery, and more.
 12:20pm  2:00pm  Eat lunch, take pills (dose 2 of 3), answer long business email.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 12:20pm

 Start  End  Task
 5:50am  6:05am  Fixed some posting boo-boos here, checked email.
 6:05am  6:40am  Shower and dress.
 6:40am  7:10am  Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch), lay out pills for the day.
 7:10am  7:25am  Empty dish drain, wash dishes, get stuff off table.
 7:25am  7:35am  Make breakfast.
 7:35am  9:10am  Eat breakfast, answer business email.
 9:10am  10:20am  Wash dishes, take pills (dose 1 of 3), open mail.
 10:20am  12:20pm  Whole bunch of errands - drug store, bank, grocery, and more.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Mollie's CI 10:30am

I've done my morning routine, made some important phone calls. Now I'm back to a bad procrastination place (psychologically speaking) on this writing project I've been muddling through. I hardly accomplished anything on it yesterday b/c I just couldn't focus, couldn't concentrate. I think I was too stressed out about it, or too distracted by the cafe noise--sometimes it's just right for helping me focus, but sometimes the music & conversation are too loud & if I try to drown it out w/classical music on my Walkman, it's blaring in my ear & I can't work then either. Anyway, being unable to concentrate on writing, when much of my working involves it, really freaks me out. So now I'm having trouble getting myself to go back to the cafe (or a different one) or to work here. What I want to do is go buy The War of Art, which has been reserved for me at a bookstore across from the cafe. Maybe if I did that I could settle in to some reading first and then work. That seems at least bearable. Sorry to be so whine-y.

writing (and "The War of Art")

You'll love The War of Art. Smile

A trick I use to get past writer's block is to tell myself I'm just doing a brain dump, this is just trash - it's not the real thing, I'm just putting random ideas on the page. That usually shakes me loose.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Writer's block & other issues

I got & read "The War of Art." I liked it a lot. Unfortunately, it was not the solution to all my problems. :O I also started Mary Pipher's "Writing to Change the World." I used to have terrible difficulty with writer's block--sitting there unable to figure out what to say. Now it's more frequent that I am unwilling to even put myself in a position to begin writing (but if I do put myself in that position, I don't have trouble writing something--I tell myself to do a "shitty first draft," a la Anne Lamott "in Bird by Bird"). But at the moment, the issue is that I have 43 pages of shitty first draft that need to be reorganized, edited, added to, etc. At any rate, I did some work today and that was good.

pro's CI - 10:20am

 Start  End  Task
 5:50am  6:05am  Fixed some posting boo-boos here, checked email.
 6:05am  6:40am  Shower and dress.
 6:40am  7:10am  Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch), lay out pills for the day.
 7:10am  7:25am  Empty dish drain, wash dishes, get stuff off table.
 7:25am  7:35am  Make breakfast.
 7:35am  9:10am  Eat breakfast, answer business email.
 9:10am  10:20am  Wash dishes, take pills (dose 1 of 3), open mail.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Lark's 9:20am CI

Good morning everyone. I like your new time scheduling idea Pro.
morning routine

To Do:
meditation and reflection
heat on in shop
order supplies
get food (while the above two things are done)
focus on today's project when I get back till noon
lunch for half hour/45minutes
go back to project till three
At around three o'clock, I'll have to finish my plan for today

pro's CI - 9:10am

 Start  End  Task
 5:50am  6:05am  Fixed some posting boo-boos here, checked email.
 6:05am  6:40am  Shower and dress.
 6:40am  7:10am  Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch), lay out pills for the day.
 7:10am  7:25am  Empty dish drain, wash dishes, get stuff off table.
 7:25am  7:35am  Make breakfast.
 7:35am  9:10am  Eat breakfast, answer business email.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7:35am

 Start  End  Task
 5:50am  6:05am  Fixed some posting boo-boos here, checked email.
 6:05am  6:40am  Shower and dress.
 6:40am  7:10am  Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch), lay out pills for the day.
 7:10am  7:25am  Empty dish drain, wash dishes, get stuff off table.
 7:25am  7:35am  Make breakfast.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7:25am

 Start  End  Task
 5:50am  6:05am  Fixed some posting boo-boos here, checked email.
 6:05am  6:40am  Shower and dress.
 6:40am  7:10am  Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch), lay out pills for the day.
 7:10am  7:25am  Empty dish drain, wash dishes, get stuff off table.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7:10am

 Start  End  Task
 5:50am  6:05am  Fixed some posting boo-boos here, checked email.
 6:05am  6:40am  Shower and dress.
 6:40am  7:10am  Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch), lay out pills for the day.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 6:40am

I think I'm going to log my time today rather than post a checklist.

 Start  End  Task
 5:50am  6:05am  Fixed some posting boo-boos here, checked email.
 6:05am  6:40am  Shower and dress.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's first check-in - 6am

I woke up at 4am, went back to sleep, and got up at 5:50am. Suddenly my body wants to get up at 6am. That's good. Pretty soon I'll be going to a job in the morning.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 5:15 am EST

Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[] Shower
[] Scrub shower wall
[] Oral care
[] Facial
[] Pedi-care
[] Dress to shoes
[] Devotional time
[] Help son with last night's HW
[] Make bed
[] Wipe down MBR vanity
[] Get son ready for school
[] Take son to school
[] Make important phone call
[] Scrub kids’ tub
[] Reboot laundry

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

Rexroth 07.23 GMT

Todo today
up prayer reflection meditation
deal with post phone messages emails
get ready for going out
travel across city to see person with craft machine for sale
negotiate with them
lunch out somewhere
see poorly friend that side of city and see if I can do anything for them
come home
clear up a bit
phone friend re lawyers meeting on Monday
reflect on lawyer's advice
rest and relax
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Having met lawyer on Monday felt very confused and didn't post yesterday and I feel much clearer today. Note to myself.. Lawyers do law not business.

Have a good day folks Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 18.00 GMT

I've got to 'come home'. Journey to look at craft instrument took three and a half hours as we have snow and 'severe weather' i.e. 1" of snow! Normal time would have been an hour and a half. Unsure about instrument. I want it but I'm not quite sure it is right i.e. undamaged so I'm finding out before buying it. Thank's DA.

Thanks for being here.

Regards Rexroth