Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, 17 January, 2007

DoItNow FCI 01:23am PST

get up by 8am and CI
breakfast and vitamins
clean room for 15 minutes
oral care
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
check accounts (cc, cell, 24, b, ins)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
oral care
make and post tomorrow's list
write letter

Monica's picture

Busy Working From Home

Looks like you got a lot of work done on project A.

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

About 9 hours of work, at

About 9 hours of work, at the expense of all other aspects of my life, even cleaning my teeth that day. I'm considering rewarding myself with working from home once or twice a week instead of driving to work, if and only if I'm more productive on those days.

jj's last CI - 11:30pm

Sad alarm set for 8:30 - up at 9:30
X put music CD on
X eat breakfast/take vits/read
X make bed
X wash face/brush teeth
X get dressed
X shovelled our driveway and neighbour's
X check email
- dust bedroom
- ironing
X decide what to make for supper
X prepare grocery list
X eat lunch
X start dishwasher
X get dressed for appt
X appt at bank
X grocery shopping
X put away groceries
X feed cat
X unload dishwasher
X make supper - a nice romantic one with candles and wine and music!
X do dishes
- walk with R
X take recycling downstairs
X check email
X bath/wash face/brush & floss teeth
X read before bed

Today I'm thankful for: more snow to shovel - what can I say - I've discovered I like shovelling snowSmile and it's exercise, too.

Monica's picture

Great Job JJ!!!

You deserve a gold star for really sticking to it, in spite of your feelings. Congratulations for not letting one bad situation create another.

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

Last CI for Lark 12:35AM

Not a great day. I feel like I was emotionally abducted today. I have tomorrow's "to do" list started on paper aleady. See everybody in the morning.

pro's last check-in - 12:30am (THURSDAY!)

I'm going to read in bed for a while, until I can go to sleep.
To Do:
Rising time: 8:30am. Undecided
 Empty dish drain.
 Make and eat breakfast.
 Check email.
 Shower and dress.
 Lay out pills for day.
 Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
 Make bed.
 Wash dishes.
 Put in contacts.
 Clear spam folder.
 Work project.
 Make and eat lunch. (Not much of a lunch, but all I needed.)
 Mend hole I cut in shirt trying to remove a label.
 Get mail.
 Read for a while.
 Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
 Make and eat dinner.
 Work project.
 Take pills - dose 3 of 3. (Oops. Again forgot afternoon dose.)
 Empty dish drain and wash dishes. 
 Bedtime routine.

Not Happening Today:

 Work on book.
Handle pile.
 Chinese lesson.
 Work on back accounting.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Monica's picture

You did a lot Pro!

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

I have insomnia

I can't sleep. I have too many things on my mind. I'm even having trouble reading because there's too much noise inside my head. :(

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 10:55pm

Once again I forgot to take my midday pills. I'll take a second dose now. That's all I'll have time for before bed, which I should get ready for now. I have an important interview tomorrow. I need to prepare myself mentally for that.

To Do:
Rising time: 8:30am. Undecided
 Empty dish drain.
 Make and eat breakfast.
 Check email.
 Shower and dress.
 Lay out pills for day.
 Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
 Make bed.
 Wash dishes.
 Put in contacts.
 Clear spam folder.
 Work project.
 Make and eat lunch. (Not much of a lunch, but all I needed.)
 Mend hole I cut in shirt trying to remove a label.
 Get mail.
 Read for a while.
 Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
 Make and eat dinner.
 Work project.
 Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
 Empty dish drain and wash dishes. 
 Bedtime routine.

Not Happening Today:

 Work on book.
Handle pile.
 Chinese lesson.
 Work on back accounting.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Monica's picture

Monica's CI 10:30 pm EST

Good night everyone

Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[x] Shower
[x] Scrub shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Devotional time
[x] Make bed
[x] Wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Scrub kids’ tub
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[x] Return rental car
[x] Sweep main level
[x] Go to BG workstation by 11:50 am Cancelled

Evening Routine:
[Ø] Cook dinner
[Ø] After dinner cleanup
[x] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
[x] Spray Shower
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[x] In bed before 11pm

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

Edge's Closing Entry

First day of work tomorrow :-D Huzzah! Vish me lukz!

- Buy disinfectant. (tomorrow)
- IJR use. (tomorrow)
X Laundry (fold and put up new outside).

X Call rest of unis and get info.

X Call HR and check position.
- Finish Mike's demo. (tomorrow)

- Call T and check. (tomorrow)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Monica's picture

Have a Fantastic First Day

...and don't forget to

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

Thanks, Monica!

It was really great :grin: And I had loads of fun as well.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Good luck!

Hi Edge,

Hoping you have a great first day at your new job!

Thanks, Mollie :-D

Looking forward to next Saturday :) My second day :grin:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

pro's CI - 5:20pm

I need to revise my to-do list. I created this list by just copying yesterday's rollover list, but I knew this morning that most of the things on the list were not going to happen. I'm going to post a more realistic list now...

To Do:
Rising time: 8:30am. Undecided
 Empty dish drain.
 Make and eat breakfast.
 Check email. (This ended up distracting me for quite a while - all morning.)
 Shower and dress.
 Lay out pills for day.
 Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
 Make bed.
 Wash dishes.
 Put in contacts.
 Clear spam folder.
 Make and eat lunch. (Not much of a lunch, but all I needed.)
 Mend hole I cut in shirt trying to remove a label.
 Get mail.
 Read for a while.
 Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
 Make and eat dinner.
 Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
 Empty dish drain and wash dishes. 
 Bedtime routine.

Not Happening Today:

 Work on book.
Handle pile.
 Chinese lesson.
 Work on back accounting.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 5:00 pm EST

This is for Mollie, JJ, Pro, and anyone else in need of a cyber hug today
Morning Routine:[x] Wake at 5:00[x] Shower[x] Scrub shower wall[x] Oral care[x] Facial[x] Pedi-care[x] Dress to shoes[x] Devotional time[x] Make bed[x] Wipe down MBR vanity[x] Scrub kids' tub[x] Get son ready for school[x] Take son to school[x] Return rental car[x] Sweep main level[x] Go to BG workstation by 11:50 am CancelledEvening Routine:[] Cook dinner[] After dinner cleanup[] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine[] Spray Shower[] Type up next day's to do list[] Set out mouthwash[] Set alarm[] In bed before 11pm

If I can&'t do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

Thank you!

Hi Monica,

That was really thoughtful. Thanks so much for the hug!

Thanks a bunch

I feel hugged!


That's adorable, Monica :D Very huggable :grin:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action - Ernest Hemingway

what a great graphic!! :)

Thanks for the cyber-hug. I need one today.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 3:55pm

I'm still very off-balance from my two screw-ups. The outcome of both is still unknown, which makes me anxious. I know that there's nothing to be done now and neither is a matter of life or death, but I get stuck on things like this and have trouble moving forward. I'm going to go get the mail now. I never picked it up yesterday.

To Do:
Rising time: 8:30am. Undecided
 Empty dish drain.
 Make and eat breakfast.
 Check email. (This ended up distracting me for quite a while - all morning.)
 Read for a while.
 Shower and dress.
 Lay out pills for day.
 Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
 Make bed.
 Wash dishes.
 Put in contacts.
 Clear spam folder.
 Work on book.
Handle pile.
 Make and eat lunch. (Not much of a lunch, but all I needed.)
 Mend hole I cut in shirt trying to remove a label.
 Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
 Get mail.
 Chinese lesson.
 Work on back accounting.
 Make and eat dinner.
 Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
 Empty dish drain and wash dishes. 
 Bedtime routine.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

this is just the WORST day!!

I just learned something very disturbing - even more disturbing than the other two things that have been disturbing me today. I think I'm just going to read a book and not even try to get anything else done. My head is spinning.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

jj's first CI - 12:30pm

Feeling sad today due to what happened last night.  I'm trying hard to get a little bit done, but the "shoulds" keep ganging up on me.

:-( alarm set for 8:30 - up at 9:30
X put music CD on
X eat breakfast/take vits/read
X make bed
X wash face/brush teeth
X get dressed
X shovelled our driveway and neighbour's
X check email
- dust bedroom
- ironing
- prepare grocery list
- eat lunch
- start dishwasher
- get dressed for appt
- appt at bank
- grocery shopping
- put away groceries
- feed cat
- unload dishwasher
- make supper
- do dishes
- walk with R
- take recycling downstairs
- wash face/brush teeth
- read before bed

Feeling challenged

I'm feeling like maybe it'll help to post that I'm struggling especially hard with the procrastination-monster today. :(( It's always the worst in connection with writing projects and now that my project is overdue, I'm really having a tough time. I'm going to have an initial session with a procrastination coach today. I'm hoping it's helpful. Actually, I'm hoping it'll solve all my problems, but I'm enough in reality to know that's impossible. Maybe it would be more realistic to hope that I get a good vibe and come away with some optimism.

x Read CwG
x Write in journal
x Breakfast & vits
x Wash & put away dishes
x Feed Mattie
x Clean litter box
x Make bed
x Do leg exercises
x Shower & dress
x Look at all rgs re: dng

Go to PO
Straighten office for 15 mins
Draft/edit SOF
Draft/edit SOR
Draft/edit section re: CT PI
Draft/edit section re: dngrsns
Draft/edit spec
Call KF (LM on 1/16)
Call RM (LM on 1/16)
Call SS
Call NP
Prep for AK for 15 mins
Go to meeting
Eat a salad
Wash dinner dishes
Set up breakfast

Mollie, here's something that might help.

I just read this in "The Now Habit":

"...we procrastinate when we fear a threat to our sense of worth and independence. We only act lazy when our natural drive for fruitful activity is threatened or suppressed. "No one does it to feel bad," says Waitley, "but to temporarily relieve deep inner fears."
     What are the deep inner fears that cause us to seek such unproductive forms of relief? Dr. Theodore Rubin in his book Compassion and Self-Hate suggests that it is the fear of failure, the fear of being imperfect (perfectionism), and the fear of impossible expectation (being overwhelmed) that prevent us from acting on and attaining humanly possible goals and relationships. Having a fear of failure means you believe that even the smallest error could be evidence that you are a worthless and awful person. Having a fear of being imperfect means that it is difficult for you to accept yourself as you are - imperfect and human - and therefore you feel any criticism, rejection, or judgement by others as a threat to your very tenuous grasp on perfection. Having a fear of impossible expectations means fearing that even after you've worked hard and achieved the goals set for you, your only reward will be continually higher and more difficult goals to achieve, with no rest and no time to savor your achievements.
    These fears, Dr. Rubin says, keep us from reaching a level of life where we feel compassion and respect ourselves now - for who and where we are now..."

So if this is true, then the question is, what is it you are writing that is causing you anxiety - fear of failure, fear of being imperfect, or fear of impossible expectations? Can you pull that out into the light of day and examine it logically? Lots of times our fears are not based in reality.

Tell us what the coaching is like. I can't afford it in any case, but I'm curious how it works and whether it's effective.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Thank you

Hi pro,

Thanks for the Neil Fiore quote and for posing those questions. I've been asking myself those kinds of questions & looking at the answers for years. Things have gotten somewhat better as a result, but unfortunately, not much.

pro's CI - 1pm

I'm showered and dressed. I'm going to make some lunch now. And make the bed. I'm not going to get to everything on this list, but I'm listing it. I have an important interview tomorrow.

To Do:
Rising time: 8:30am. Undecided
 Empty dish drain.
 Make and eat breakfast.
 Check email. (This ended up distracting me for quite a while - all morning.)
 Read for a while.
 Shower and dress.
 Lay out pills for day.
 Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
 Make bed.
 Wash dishes.
 Put in contacts.
 Clear spam folder.
 Work on book.
Handle pile.
 Make and eat lunch.
 Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
 Get mail.
 Chinese lesson.
 Work on back accounting.
 Make and eat dinner.
 Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
 Empty dish drain and wash dishes. 
 Bedtime routine.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

bad day

I'm having a bad day. I was just trying to cut a label off a shirt, and I cut a hole in the shirt. :(

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 1 pm EST

BG is not available today so I have 2.5 hours of unscheduled time on my hands. I think I will use this time to sit back an enjoy not having anything pressing to do... gonna blast my mp3 player and surf the net for a while, guilt free.

Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[x] Shower
[x] Scrub shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Devotional time
[x] Make bed
[x] Wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Scrub kids’ tub
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[x] Return rental car
[x] Sweep main level
[x] Go to BG workstation by 11:50 am Cancelled

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

pro's CI - 12:15pm

I had a mishap this morning. In fact, I've had two mishaps in the last 12 hours. I got stuck - but I need to let it go because there's nothing I can do beyond what I've already done. I need to jump in the shower. It's COLD in here. I'm wearing thick socks, and my feet are still cold.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 11:40 am EST

Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[x] Shower
[x] Scrub shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Devotional time
[x] Make bed
[x] Wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Scrub kids’ tub
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[x] Return rental car
[x] Sweep main level
[] Go to BG workstation by 11:50 am

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

DoItNow CI 08:02am PST

Will work from home tomorrow as an experiment.
This will be an experiment in self-discipline.
11 hours of work on Project A? Can I do it?

get up by 8am and CI
breakfast and vitamins
clean room for 15 minutes
oral care
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
check accounts (cc, cell, 24, b, ins)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
oral care
make and post tomorrow's list

Rexroth 15.46 GMT

Todo today

up prayer reflection meditiation
prepare work for friend
tidy up a bit
deal with emails post phone messages
work with friend on legal/admin project
thank friend and feel grateful having flat back to myself
go shopping
plan what I need to do re legal/admin project
put all legal/admin away for a few days
have drink of something reviving
phone other friend who has issues to talk about
phone about craft machine for sale
rest and take it easy
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 07.24 GMT Thursday

So tired didn't post yesterday evening but a lot done.

Regards Rexroth

10:10AM CI for Lark

(Other people's) plans for today have changed, and I don't have a backup plan. Actually I have a few, but I don't want to do them. Wah, wah. Now that I got that off my chest, I still need to remind myself I have no control over people, places, or things.
morning things
checked in with clients
got p'ed off and complained

call other client
order supplies
clean yesterday's mess in workshop
do dishes
pay insurance
call first client late in the afternoon for THEIR plans
focus on today's project

pro's first check-in - 9:30am

I got up at 8:30am - late because I went to bed too late.

I love your day-thread welcome graphics, Edge. You have a great colleciton! :)

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


Thanks Pro :) I make 'em for you guys. But I'm starting work tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be able to post that many new ones in the upcoming days :(( Ah well :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

You make them yourself, Edge??

Do you create these graphics, not just download them? You're talented!! Wow!!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

how do you do that??

I just took another look at the one you posted today, and it's really beautiful. It's a work of art. How do you create these??

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


Trust me, they need no artistry at all. I do them all on Paint, and sometimes I use another program for the Fonts, that's all. The images are either things that I have saved on my PC or ones that I put together from downloaded pics. If you like, you can give me some quotes that you'd like coupled with graphics and I'll try to make a few banners for you :) All in all though, anyone who likes cutting and pasting can make things like this. They would even be able to create much nicer things if they had Photoshop.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Edge, where do you find...

...the nice graphical components that you use to put them together? I'm interested because I develop Web sites (like this one) and graphics aren't my forte. I'd love to know how you do this. You have a knack for it!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


I'll post a thread in the Off-Topic board later today for you with links.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Edge's CI - 4:05 PM

- Buy disinfectant.
- IJR use.
X Laundry (fold and put up new outside).
- OC.
- HO.

X Call rest of unis and get info.

X Call HR and check position.
- Finish Mike's demo.

- Call T and check.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Mollie's Check In 7:20am

x Read CwG
x Write in journal
x Breakfast & vits
x Wash & put away dishes
x Feed Mattie
x Clean litter box

Make bed
Do leg exercises
Shower & dress
Go to PO
Straighten office for 15 mins
Look at all rgs re: dng (partly done)
Draft/edit SOF
Draft/edit SOR
Draft/edit section re: CT PI
Draft/edit section re: dngrsns
Draft/edit spec
Call KF (LM on 1/16)
Call RM (LM on 1/16)
Call SS
Call NP
Prep for AK for 15 mins
Go to meeting
Eat a salad
Wash dinner dishes
Set up breakfast

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 7am EST

Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[] Shower
[] Scrub shower wall
[] Oral care
[] Facial
[] Pedi-care
[] Dress to shoes
[] Devotional time
[] Make bed
[] Wipe down MBR vanity
[] Scrub kids’ tub
[] Get son ready for school
[] Take son to school
[] Return rental car

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

DoItNow To-Do for Wednesday (tomorrow)

Will work from home tomorrow as an experiment.
This will be an experiment in self-discipline.
11 hours of work on Project A? Can I do it?

get up by 8am and CI
breakfast and vitamins
clean room for 15 minutes
oral care
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
check accounts (cc, cell, 24, b, ins)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
work on proj. A (30)
oral care
make and post tomorrow's list

Edge's CI - 8:53 AM

- Buy disinfectant.
- IJR use.
- Laundry (fold and put up new outside).
- Wake D up at 10 AM.
- Take D to institute.
- OC.
- HO.

-Call rest of unis and get info.

- Call HR and check position.
- Finish Mike's demo.

- Call T and check.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

good morning !