Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, 30th October 2013

One small thought in the morning can change your whole day.

Hjf2bme check in 10/30/13

Ok, I am really confused! I for got my password and I can't figure out how to reset it :o(

well, one day at a time... Right now I have to take care of right now!

6 Game

4 leave

ugh! It's 4! So much for doing anything else before I leave! O well...

ready or not, here I go! 

Vic 10/30/13 ck in

Maint.basics, exer, plan , ft

Grateful for this ck in site. Not "bouncing back" since home from vaca. as planned and self loathing setting in. Need to accept where I am and baby steps forward. use tools that work.pray for willingness to be willing. thanks.

Be kind to yourself -

Hahah! I've learnt I don't so much bounce as stretch but let it go! We like you and accept you - I find lots of value in the solidarity and comments here including yours over the last few months. Today  I love your comment - to pray for willingness to be willing.  Oh man, does that ring true!


Innertruth's check-in for Wednesday, Oct. 30

  1. Read business email

  2. Send stuff to o/s PIC members

  3. Compile bios

  4. Email John, Sharon & Sue
  5. Go to SDM & grocery store
  6. Wash dishes
  7. Light lunch

  8. Take bus to LMG
  9. Wash sweaters for M
  10. Set alarms
  11. Pack for work tomorrow 


Marcelor Wednesday CI

Today is the day. Just work on it and let go of thoughts and feelings.

So far, so good. 

Now: Work on one section per pomo and then move on

Update: I sent off what I had at a set time. Not happy with it but I think it is better that I don't work all night and end up feeling resentful. Trying to feel good about it.

EleanorBE's Wednesday list

Pack stuff for P's party. 
Make sure you have diary
Write to K
Write to MN re article deadline
Transfer G's money
At work - print out train info
Go to C's meeting
Re-read C's stuff for meeting
C meeting
Plan Friday class - sort of planned, needs more work
If time, do some work on MI article - ha ha, not time


Write up last observation 
Go to P's party!

10.30.13 CI Babarino

make call to c

barg prep


newsletter review (done)

KF quick CI weds 30th Oct 13:10pm

Long period of unproductive surfing this morning. My theme is a lot of consumption of information about change, but no action towards the same. Change is not overnight, and my appetite for knoweldge is important. But it is not a replacement for action, only a supporter of it.

Today I have already: 

  • Had a good breakfast
  • Showered
  • Put the washing on
  • Put the washing in to dry
  • put the Dehumidifier out in the porch 

Today I will: 

  • Get out and hang washing
  • UF in kitchen inc wash up
  • UF in bedroom
  • Have small lunch
  • Make portable dinner
  • Plan more exact travel times
  • Email S re later
  • Text J
  • Text SD
  • Send statements to sol
  • Send email to sol re: missing statements
  • Leave on time to visit W not on time, but went nonetheless
  • Visit J briefly
  • Leave on time to go to meeting
  • Smile and chat at meeting

@ Unstuck-ing

I hate days off too. The lack of structure and/or accountability just makes me freak out and 90% of the time I get hardly anything done, and the other 10% I do way too much and fry my brain.

Go figure the procrastinating mind. 

Solidarity sister!

<or brother>!

@ Unstucking

Sister will do - but thank you for not making an assumption from the name. :-)

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.

Things I did today

1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Went to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

Things I will do today

1. Cook and eat breakfast

2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting

3. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

4. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA businress meeting

5. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting

6. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

7. Go to the 12 noon telephone Al-Anon meeting

8. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone UA meeting

9. Take shower

10. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

11. Eat dinner

12. Get dressed

13. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

14. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

15. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Rexroth Check In 11.10

Late check in today, very tired and reaching my limits

Up prayer and reflection
Make and post this list
Check emails and posts
Email friend re meetup
Think about food for tonight
Make some of it
Out to buy few bits of food and other stuff
Tidy up and file new flat stuff
Shower and get clean
Phone friend to arrange meetup
Make salad
Meet up with friend walk talk eat etc.
Write journal
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Peace Rexroth

Keep in there!!1

Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine!!

I hate days off!

Arrgh! mostly because I just have more time to feel guilty about cramming more stuff in!

New start - its only 1400


healthy b'fast

healthy lunch

email checked

unstacked dishwasher


Important task beyond everything:

study pharm for session tmr.

Other tasks:

washing off line

grocery shop

run or swim

ring gran

ring C and sis


Aim 3x15min and 15min for sml tasks


I can do it with my higher powers power!!


Well all is not lost...

... just misplaced! ;-)

As my sister just messaged me - Think not of the past or the future, just keep plugging away at the now!


Probably about 3-4good hours (3x15min/hr) of pharm, mmm we will see how much is retained tmr!

washing off

groceries done (bitmore expensive then anticipated but I haven[t entertained for a while so I'm comfortable as its not bout me!)

fast walk (wimped out on run)

rang the people I needed/wanted to

Con: had some chocolate but had been eating healthily all day so no reason to beat self up bridget jones style ;-)

Oh well, I'm going to head off to bed, listen to a pharm podcast and read a chapter of Edith Wharton to wind down.

Early Wednesday

Oh thank you dear Mole for the lovely inspiring and colourful starter. So true isn't it - - heres to happy morning thoughts that come with us all through today. Thanks Mole. Have a good dayxoxo
  • read the h and e journals
  • plan
  • start writing pomos (1,2,3,4,5,)
  • email e
  • readings
  • tidy
  • diary 
  • pool rehab
  • rest
  • text L
  • call d about pack
  • go to s a shop for d and a 
  • buy cards d, n and a and write
  • post cards m, d, n, and a
  • post office
  • buy pp book
  • groceries
  • if able get to meeting X try to go saturday if not go online meeting
  • cancel visit L
  • rest
  • text s, d, ms back
  • email d, v and e ms new number
  • writing pomos (1,2, 3, 4, 5 . 6.7,8.9.10) continue on tomorrow.
  • org files
  • rest
  • call a
  • look online for new s
  • write new letter hosp 
  • photocopy IDif able
  • accounts
  • write in journal 
  • dinner
  • laundry
  • hang up delicate laundry and dry rest
  • rest
  • get Co tr ready X put on tomorows list
  • write letter c hospital x2 and send id
  • rehab excercises
  • dry laundry put away
  • text d re pack
  • contact k and set time next week 
  • make appt mt
  • watch rehab cd
  • start new excercises
  • pack rehab bag for tomorrow
  • bed early epic fail Tongue out
  • HIO

Mole's check in

7 put out rubbish 

7.30 cafe recap and review for S

Cc review 

9-12 write with poms

sort out finances

eat healthy lunch

walk to city via E, and get muesli ingredients


pay rates

3-4 appt w S 

pres for C 

 Bus home 

eat healthy meal

make notes for tomorrow 

meet K re  process and content dor tomorrow


check in