Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Do It Now Summer Projects

A++ Sef Accounting        daily 10 mins  started  90%

A+ Appli - Next: 

A WGO  2-3 hours est started  90%  done  

GOLD 50%

Dr G  scheduled  Mon 315

put on calendar   5 mins  DONE

B+ Karen D Sr STARTED 75%  

B R Kenig DONE  100%

B- Ser 7  90%

B++ CDL 20%  triple eight  486 triple three  = x

B +  French Ind  5%  

B + Daf started  Get a chavrusa


NY tax 10%

B  Pension  TASK

B M Yesh's 75%  Efraim Avarham and Stein JEc

call Sean  

Get chavrusa 

R Eisnmn started DONE  

B++ Fidel P

Rich started

Ian  started

John Sh STARTED 85%

B  Tasks: Ingd 

B+ Uneplmet 30%  d DONE


B Letters to R Einan  and

R Wesimn 

B YKP  95% task


tax forms

Organize  DONE

Pay bills   task

SA and blood 


total number of Projects  13

Progres not prefetion 



SHIMMY done  


FIW project DONE

1.  make an outline  DONE

2.  Decide how long it will take  DONE

3. Decide if it is worth it   -  big one  DONE:Im doing it.

4. If so  make a schedule that matches the outline DONE: 20 hrs.  1 hour 4 days per week  for 2 months  Finish by Oct 23

5.  do each step one hour per day.  get a notebook.  

Do It Now's Goals


A++ Sef Accounting        daily 10 mins  

A+ Appli D Praxis Tneck Shuls



B+ Karen DSr 75%   B  Letters R Einan 75%, R Wesn 75%     B++ Fidel, Rich stard, Ian st                            Time 55 mins

B +  French Ind  5%                      Time 10 hrs 

B M Yesh's 95% YBH Darchei  fu RR       R Berc  RS        Time 1 hr 

B  Tasks: Cobra snkrs Ingd   B YKP: D checks, D tax forms. d B+ Chavra  NYtax 10% S Pensn CDL    Org                                          Time:  2 hrs

total number of Projects  3,4

Progres not prefetion