Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wingartist39's Introduction


I'm new here, and I just heard about this website last summer while reading "Procrastination." Right now, I am working my way thorugh senior year at high school, preparing my applications, ACT Tests, personal statement, and getting a high GPA for college next year. But, like everyone else, I am a chronic procrastinator.

I had trouble trying to keep up with my daily routines in after school time due to my fear of failure, stupid paradigms of taking criticism from teachers inside of me seriously, and escapism from reality by surfing the web. Perhaps I must be looking at updates on my interests like the animated films based on my love for art (drawing) and film-making, while dreaming about my future that is way broad from existence. But I am still getting good grades or average ones despite my habit. What is fustrating is that whenever I plan to use my planned goals after school, I feel overburdend by the past mistakes, or awkward moments that I always find a way to play it safe from reality. I also get less sleep whenever I am cramming on assignments both easy and hard. I even can't gain confidence into asking for advice from professions, teachers, and counselors. My paradigms are stuck in my mind, making me look at the world in a different tone. Furthermore, I have no control of dealing how my parents would react to my actions whenever the due dates are near. :-(

At first, I thought I was the only one who ever does that and resisted into revealing my true self doing. However, when I stumbled into this web, I was endured and relieved that there are others like me who are trying to lessen their habit strongly. I actually started my battling transition last December by getting the book "The Now Habit." It was a great experience, though I needed to keep reading it multiple times to better understand in a balanced way. The same goes to other books like "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" (I am readiing it in a Christian Lifestyles class, and I was speaking openly about my procrastination well) and "Procrastination." I normally kept a journal to keep track of my feelings and thoughts of my moments that would help me accept who I am in the past.

I have a fixed mindset since I was little, but I realized to this day that it can be lessened in order for productivity to be risen. I am very glad to be a part of this PA community where I can share my story with others who can understand appropriately.

Thanks a lot for reading this, and I am looking forward meeting others like you! :grin:

PS: My main interests are: Art, Animation, Film-making, Nature, and Computers 

Welcome Wingartist!

Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr