Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

belated hello


There's not much I can say that you haven't heard before, but hi anyway! I'm a late for everything kinda girl and I'm here in hopes of fixing that. This problem has affected every aspect of my life: work, school, relationships, health... it has made me afraid to take on challenges or dream bigger dreams. I would like to improve as much as possible. It would give me a great deal of pride to know that I can be more successful and reliable.

See ya round the boards, chatbox and checkins.


Welcome overdue!

Hi overdue,  glad you have signed up to be part of this site. You're in good company here!Smile

Welcome overdue!

We won't be afraid of being sweet to ourselves.  - Her Space Holiday

thank you

thanks for making me feel welcome. 

look forward to working (literally!) with you all.
