Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Procrastinators Anonymous Promises for Recovery Phone Bridge Version

Procrastinators Anonymous

Promises for Recovery


1.     We will release the need for perfectionism, and be willing to begin imperfectly and trust our Higher Power will reveal to us our enormous potential and trust our actions are good enough.

2.     We will find joy in doing routine tasks, knowing that we are doing God's will making daily action plans, complete all tasks and meet deadlines on before they are due.

3.     Confidence will replace fear,  enthusiasm  will replace dread,  self esteem will replace self loathing as we learn to commit each task to our Higher Power for divine ideas and guidance.

4.      Well planned and completed actions will be our new way of life, organizing will become a second nature.

5.     We will take actions as they are required easily and effortlessly.

6.     We will arrive at our appointments on time,  prepared–and organized.

7.     We will enjoy a life of greater prosperity as money lost for late fees and penalties are now available to enjoy long postponed vacations and self care.

8.     Our lives will be less stressful,  free from  the negative adrenalin of fear or panic motivation,  our lives will be more calm and serene with well planned and organized actions.

9.     We will have more time to do more than you ever imagined and the new sense of completion will bring joy and peace we never thought would be possible for us.

10.  Daydreaming, dread and avoidance tasks will disappear,  as we are more focused in the moment and find pleasure in completing the task before us.

11.  The backlog of tasks and projects will disappear and new projects, planned and organized become a pleasure to manage and complete.

12.  We will meet the new day and new responsibilities with a joy, enthusiasm, vigor and excitement we never thought possible.

13.  Each action completed will bring the desire to take another action,  each success will bring the desire for more success until one day without realizing it we are living the life of our dreams and these promises.

14.  Living inside a structured life will no longer frighten or threaten us, rather we will make friends with Time, Embrace Structure, Enjoy Planning, trust our abilities.


I came upon this in the forum today and really needed it.  Kudos to those who crafted this wonderful list!

Phone Bridge Version of Promises

Thanks Crazybug,

We created the promises for the phone bridge meeting and wanted to make them available for anyone who may find them useful.  We also discuss the promises on the bridge daily,  please join one or our calls at 7:30, 8:30 or 11:00 EST and 8:00 AM PST.  We also discuss the tools and implement them in our lives daily and it seems to fast forward recovery.

Thanks for the kind words and good luck with proactive living.
