Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday September 15th


 Here's a flying rabbit. No reason, I just adore the flying rabbit.

 I think you're all awesome :) Good luck to all today!

Agnus in new time zone

settling into hotel room for the night, just saying hi to keep me seat here! too much travel today to do much of anything else...but at least I did not miss any planes today which is improvement!

tomorrow i train all day then drive about 2 hours back to the big city airport - think I'll take the scenic route and try to miss alot of the ugly traffic i sat through today.

Did you notice the adds?!!!

The flying bunny has caused much delight. 

Did anyone notice the Google to post the following ads (or at least as I've just seen them):

DIY Rabbit Huch
Easter Rabbit
Rabbit Cage


Flying Training



bunny ads - lol

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

Recycler CI 8:10pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies & Flying Rabbits! :)

What a great threadstarter! :) Thank you, Lucky! :)

I'm back from my Forgiveness Class tonight ;) Looking to learn some helpful hints :)

This morning at the gym, I did my stretching & ab exercises. I was supposed to do some cardio, too, but didn't do that. I was having some Dread this morning due to yesterday having many rough spots, so dragged feet getting out of bed. Today didn't turn out to be too bad, though. Whew!!! :)

At work this morning, I just kept working on various projects. Puttered along. Situations I was worried about didn't escalate. (yet ;) Whew! :) At lunchtime, I ate my food, then went into a quiet room for some time with HP. In the afternoon, I worked on other projects, and prepped some things for my boss.

After work I picked up some Interlibrary Loan books. I ate dinner with my social group before having Forgiveness Class. Arriving at home, I am visiting my Internet groups before reading for a little while before bedtime. I also need to brush my teeth, and wash & moisturize my face before going to sleep. I will do what I can to sleep better tonight, compared to feeling worried last night.

Have a great night, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

OCz CI day2


Checking In late... No work today... but my little angel is a bit sick and consumed most of my day!

I guess comming here helps but it is by no means magic! =)  I only accomplished a couple things from my list of yesterday so I brought it back for today:

  1. A minute to talk with God!
  2. Thank you all for your support! Tongue out
  3. @W - Place POs:
    1. Mtr. I created it but didn't submited due to a missing info. While not yet accompished, I helps to see that I actually started... at least it helped me notice of that missing piece! I sent a mail to request for it and hopefully tomorrow will get an answer and be able to submit it (I think I'll get an answer by tomorrow as I know this person well and know she's not a Pro.
    2. Tcl. idem
    3. CC. :(
    4. Ugn. :(
    5. BBs. :(
  4. @W - Prepare mail on BaM to FV and actually send it! :( Still don't do it... but the day isn't over yet... still got chance to do it!
  5. @W - Write my @W list for wednesday! :( I knew it wasn't a working day and actually didn't write my list... I guess I should have! - I promise miself I will write list for tomorrow over the next couple hours
  6. @H - Cleanup desk to avoid working at the table so close to the TV :( still working at the table... I will make an effort and do it now! Next post will be from desk!
  7. @H - Take kitchen bar size and send it to G. for quote Undecided a good one... but G answered I need to make a stencil now... 
  8. @G - Start drafting course end plans :(
  9. @H - Thank God for whatever I get to accomplish! :( I missed this one... and I think it is an important one... wait... I just did!

One question for the forum: is it possible to edit the CI posts so I can mark during the day what I finish? I tried with yesterday post but couldn't. EDIT: I could edit this now... what's the trick? is it because I used Reply yesterday?

Today is wednesday 16th... did you notice today post was o wednesday 15th or was it a joke I just didn't understand.

I guess it's another "characteristic" of us Pros not knowing what day we live in! LoL 

can't edit replied-to posts

that is the trick. If no one has replied to your post, you can edit it. as soon as someone replies (even you) you can no longer edit.

in that case some people just copy the text from the original and paste it into the reply. You might lose formatting tho, which might be a disadvantage.

i s'pose it works that way to prevent the following scenario:

post: clement is great
reply: i totally agree!!!


post: clement sux
reply: i totally agree!!!

that's right. it's all to protect my own reputation ;^)

o, and yeah the date was probably just an oversight. Or i dont get the joke either :)

interestingly, the author of the very top note which starts the thread CAN edit even after replies.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

Thanks, I now get the trick!

And I totally agree: clement is great and will surely get to control his procrastination!

Have a nice day!

Earl Grey: NZ daytime check-in

Let's start with some don'ts....

  • Conquer Club is a treat best enjoyed after I've done something. 
    Besides, you never play well when using it as a distraction.
  • The online chess site doesn't work as a procrast distraction.  
    Sure, you can chill on it but there's no benefit as you don't put your full effort in because you are worried about something else.
  • Leave the sport club stuff until home and after the angels have gone to bed.
  • No point in worrying about house paper work which will have to wait til later in the evening.
    • Hard one, I'm running late on a Tax Return

and now the pointers
* Keep the office door open.

Now the to dos.
1. THAT document.

check-in (3:00PM)

K - I'm not doing enough work at work. My piles are screaming at emails are taunting's frustration!!

I'm not getting the help I need and there are things I don't feel I can resolve.

This also might sound and be paranoid, but I feel my co-workers want me to fail..believe me this has been a really hard place to I don't think I'm imagining it. I

It's hard because when I feel someone or something really negative attached to something...I can't do it. I know I'm sensitive...A CURSE, but it's unfortunately who I am.

Thanks for letting me sound off!


Good thoughts for you all as you go through your day!!

♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥

hope4meandu-thank you!

Hi hope4meandu,

Thank you for being sensitive!  I know it can be a curse, but it can also be a wonderful gift.  I appreciate your support.  You are right.  I feel so much, especially today, like saying-well, here is the proof i can't do it.  But, I really do have to remember that I can find a way and that I have improved so much, and will continue to do so.  Also, this is a new step, being in a supportive environment.  I can not believe how we all have so much in common here that we are working through.  I hope you will get the support and help at work that you need.  It sounds like a tough crowd. 

Also, I think our paperwork has gone way to far, mine behaves in the same fashion (keeping me up at night, holding me back from the things I really want to do...) This bullying paperwork must go!!Wink 

Take care,


Thanks for your kind words & support, Potential Energy

I too really appreciate your support and you're right we now have a supportive place to come.

I think we should bully our paperwork, instead of the other way around...shredding possibly??? LOL :D

♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥

potential energy 1:48

That opening made me Smile-thanks!,

I need to figure out some things 1. I need to work on a presentation- A general one for a bunch of upcomming meetings.  I have a terrible time at these meetings and end up sounding like a fool because I try to say everything at once without sequencing in a logical order, and with out being clear enough in my thoughts to present them when nervous.  I found out that I have to give the first talk the wk. of the 28th and I feel a bit sick about it.  If I prepare and even practice my opening I think I can try to fake calm.  I need to break it down, so I have a few good openings and a few good general answers- ugggggh

2.  Lateness 2 wks. in a row- I don't deal well with change.  School is back in so it takes almost 20 minutes longer to get to work.  So for the past two weeks I have been late.  It is so embarrassing and annoying to all.  I just wish I could get it like everyone else.  Now I hope that I can break this lateness habit, because I had been doing so well (for a few months).  I hate the feeling of worrying that everyone is annoyed because of me and feeling like somone is going to talk to me about this any minute.  I just wish I could be on time again-it felt great and wasnt hard when I was doing it.


 Z    take Z. to violin             car to garage          pick z up from school         Z homework           z practicev with him       read bookw/z      wordlist         play          

 Work:    write daily notes-overdue!!   outline key points of presentations  work on reports at least one hour     get cpr done and submitted before they have to ask for it
Home :   clothes out for tomorrow    make lunches       check tom. sched for work    drive spare to make sure it starts up for tomorrow        print up reg.   Find insurance card            get printer ink                            


Hi potentional energy

I feel for you regarding the presentation. Hmm...what would be helpful? Prayer before and during presentation. Most people are nervous getting up in front of other people, that's why there are all these seminars to help in this regard. I'm sure you have lots of good information to impart...and I pray for you to feel successful and happy with your presentation!!

Today is day 12 for me showing up at work or is it 13? One saying that never left me from my other programs was part of one of the 12 steps. When a defect of character returns, how do we act? Do we say, OH no, it will never's back and I'm horrible or do we trust that it will once again be lifted, as it was before? I get so happy when this comes to me. I hope it helps you too!!

All good things!!

♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥

rec check-in 11:50 AM

Had a doctor appt. that I made although I did not get into office prior to it as I had hoped, but I am here now, after a very unproductive day yesterday, so I need to make hay while the sun shines... I want to:

Work on S file
Work on L file
Work on C file

That is enough for now. I am trying not to let the guilt about being unproductive yesterday ruin today. Praying for help in doing so...

Good working to all of you! Thanks for being here!


First post

Glad to find you.  Am powerless over this but am ready to let help in.

I will get dressed, find the materials I need to take to the doctor, and go for my 12 appt.

By 2 I will be at the library working on my resume for the recruiter who requested it.

By 4 I will have completed the insurance claims for dentistry.


I'll check in later.  Thanks!   


Welcome goodlife!!!

Wow, I needed to hear you shared about powerlessness..I've been fighting for power and control with this particular addiction? Now I know where to begin.....thank you!!

♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥

Jules K CI Wed

Hello all

Powerless over my addiction - getting ready for this garage sale - goofed off (Spider solitaire) Monday night, and did not get much done last night.

Slept in today.  But I am here - I've got 12 good hours including breaks, a friend helping me latr in the day, so I will just get with it.  My plan is to spend 45 minutes in each room pulling and assessing, and then go back to the rooms that I need to do a second shot.

I did get some good work done yesterday morning, and it gave me some joy and confidence - trying to grasp that memory right now.

Have a good day all!


Journey 9 am

Good morning, I've been to the gym and the grocery store (again!  when I work from home it seems I go to the grocery store every day), & had breakfast.  I have a 9 am meeting on Wednesdays and I ALMOST forgot it lol, but dialed in 1 minute late and was there for roll call.  whew!

Making todo list now.   See ya later!


"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." - Elbert Hubbard

@crayon - how's it going?

"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." - Elbert Hubbard

GeorgeSmiley 8 AM + Updates

Back after a 4-day trip visiting family.

Lots of email backlogged and a bunch of things to get caught up.

I have blocked out time today for various projects and hope to stick with that.

I also blocked out 2 hours at the end of the day for decluttering, personal time, facebook and that sort of thing--the stuff that I use to procrastinate. Kind of like following the NOW Habit, so that I promise myself time later for the activities I might otherwise use to put off other tasks now.

Projects include P-11 Update 9AM: Finished






Roughly in their order of importance but I may move some around. I want to try to at least touch each of them, however.

Feeling upbeat and ready to go. Will be using Chatbox again.

Good wishes to all.


Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church

The Hero's Code:

Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

kromer 8:45 CI

OK, recently days have been eaten up entirely with poster-making, without leaving time for everything else I need to do. Poster is a priority, but I can't just ignore everything else.

So, first tasks for today are:
*Drop off cross-reg form
*Harambee/deacon tasks (working on Harambee tasks now)
*Email about pset

And I have scheduled mtgs 11-12

Once those are done, I need to:
*Check that my mice are still alive, take Dmc1- mouse out of cage
*Review CAC protocol + email MG
*Email DR Re:staging, eliminating germ cell layers; order PAS (will work on this now)

Once I get through those tasks, I can go back to poster  (I made pretty good progress on this)

In the evening, I have various housekeeping tasks (shopping, laundry, budgeting), and would like to read protocols/get RNA-seq protocol and make plan for finishing WM if I have time.

OK, off to have prayer time and to drop off cross-reg form. 

Update 3:45: Plan for RA expt. section:
1)Text description: known role of RA
2)Text description: RA works with partners in other tissues
3)Model (sketch)
4)Expt plan (I did some planning for this today; tomorrow I will actually make the diagram)

kromer 7:35 CI

Heading home now. When I go home, I'm going to have dinner, start laundry, and do budgeting;  do Harambee tasks; email DR; go grocery shopping; make bus plans. Back when I'm about to start Harambee tasks.

e's 'getting there' Wednesday

Good morning and thanks for the flying rabbit! We had a rabbit named Lucky Penny, so it seems appropriate for you to post it, Lucky.

In any case, so far a very fruitful day. The dog left me alone last night all night so I was able to get fully rested. I also had a great evening helping my sister out with her paperwork (so much easier to do this for someone than to do your own!) I woke early this morning and was able to wake my son before he missed school. I dealt with kitchen stuff and my medications and shifted some laundry. I've pulled out something to defrost, so dinner is on its way. I took Patches the Dog out for a walk to the library to return a book: if I have a destination it seems to help me enjoy the walk more. Now I have come back, have eaten breakfast, and am considering all that must be done.

Today: grocery shopping. Time at S's. evening meeting at 7. buy dog food. file for 15 minutes. 5 minutes on dining room table. swish and wash the bath and wash out the bath trash can. I think it would be good to start cooking early on those days I have evening commitments so I can leave the house without frustration. So... soups...

To the Chatbox, Robin!

Be well and productive, all.

asking for help to do the next right thing

Spirit 9/16 online checkin

Checked in with sponsor this morning.  My day ended yesterday with great possibilities opening up for my business, i see more than three steps in front of me and haven't procrastinated in my work this week.  i am so proud of me.

today is wednesday an my energy is a mix of monday's and tuesday's but when i check in with myself i don't really want to work from home all day this is the second dreary day in a row, i would be setting myself up for failure to stay here today.  i will go out to work in some new spot maybe an intown coffee shop with big comfy seats, i feel the need for human activity around me to boost my own energy level

  • checked into 15 minute morning checkin at 8:30.
  • Showed up for the day with a hopeful attitude.
  • review inventory list
  • research addresses and area
  • call res rep for inventory list and appt
  • bring forth unfinished items from yesterdays
  • view potential meeting space
  • call church back
  • accept or reject space
  • get group number
  • go to friends office and work for a while
  • send follow up email to newest pros
  • research Angels
  • talk to someone about securing private investors-email coun
  • check emails
  • process paperwork to lender
  • process paperwork to b client
  • ad paperwk to gpac to actions list
  • add all actions to list to keep a clear head
  • contact cb
  • research inventory for cris
  • spend minimun 1hr on friday's presentation
  • set appt with con rep
  • email L


Boss looks ill and has been

Boss looks ill and has been crying again - she's incredibly tough and if she's crying where anyone might see that means it's AWFUL - nothing I can really do - please pray for her - and for me to be able to provide the best most awesome support if/when it's needed. I cannot procrastinate or screw up this week.

re: Lucky's Boss

Hope everything is ok with your boss.  Wish I had a boss I could love :grin:

"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." - Elbert Hubbard

re boss

you and she are in my prayers!

we procrastinators tend to be a very caring bunch, to our credit! I pray that you will know what to say to her to comfort her.

And i pray you make good choices with your time, especially when your boss is going thru this (whatever it is).

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

Thanks so much, Clement and

Thanks so much, Clement and Journey :)

Boss went home half way through the day, which is good because she clearly wasn't well enough to be there. I had a very productive day and feel well prepared for Thursday and Friday, which is when things are going to get REALLY busy for me personally. So your prayers clearly helped! I'd be very grateful for further prayers over the next couple of days.

CL daily overcoming

well, last couple days i have started by surfing. Man just news articles / current events stuff / editorials / opinion pieces can use up HOURS! it's amazing. And it's like cocaine. After each one, i feel like i need another.

but i dont need any of them. There is a better way. A higher way. And i'm here to make that happen. To receive grace for today.

So start w/ my obvious right now morning task!

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

CL daily overcoming 2

ty lucky & spirit! The support i feel here is such a blessing!

DONE - kids morning stuff
it's still early

now wko

god grant me the strength to surrender to Your will today.

DONE @ 10:10am - just 40 min, that's like a record. I guess my prayer worked.

now daily maint stuff. blech.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb


Bravo CLSmile

Go Clement <3

Go Clement <3

Vic 9/18

Showi up(done) Dentist appt his moringing,bring paper in later.

Love the flying rabbits, they look like "rabbit angels", kind of "opens my mind" to new ideas., like why hop when you can fly? Thanks.

I'm really glad you like!! I

I'm really glad you like!! I find it really cheering/inspiring too, but couldn't begin to explain why so thought I'd just post and see what happened :)

Lucky actually checks in before midday... woohoo!

Arrived at work at *8AM* because I was fretting about my bosses' big meeting that starts at 8.30. Turned out 2 colleagues were already there and a third turned up shortly after... I clearly need to 'up my game' around here...!!

 Seriously, I am going to try and keep arriving early (though maybe not an hour early!) because I'm loving the free time to plan and post my tasklist without eating into worktime and having bosses looking over my shoulder.

One of the things I plan to do today is work out 10 ways to reduce my stress levels. I'll share if they're not too embarrassing. I think I have a bad tendency to just go 'I MUST MUST MUST SCHEDULE RELAXATION INTO MY DAY' and try to cram in more and more 'relaxing' activities when I'm struggling to cope with what's on my plate already. The prayer thing I'm trying to do is already quite meditative, so I'm going to keep that as my only 'relaxing thing that I absolutely must must must do' and other than that I'm going to think around the problem to work out what is actually stressing me and what I can do about it, and what small non-time-consuming attitude changes I can make in the meantime.

Made a right mess of my paper planner for today so let's see if we can straighten this out in here:


 Task  Estimated  Actual
 Before work    
 Clear kitchen 3 min   8 min
 Pray  20 min  
 Read self-help book  10 min  
 Read novel  15 min  
 Today's list  15 min 30 min
 AC minutes  30 min  
 Bible  2h  
 Sort paper backlog  30 min  
 Urgent paper  1h 30  
 File check for S  30 min  
 Sort meeting for S  30 min  
 Yesterday's email  1h  
 Yesterday's paper  1h  
 Sell raffle tickets  30 min  
 Buy battery  5 min  
 Prize emails  10 min  
 Wish C a happy birthday  2 min  
 Coffee morning planning  10 min  
 Listen to recording 10 min  
 Plan 10 ways to reduce stress  10 min  
 Typing for C  1 hr  
 Set up letter trays  5 min  
 Email  1 hr  
 Paper  30 min  
Writing 30 min  
Clear kitchen 15 min  
Vitamins 2 min  
Outfit for tomorrow 15 min  

Given myself about 4 and a quarter hours' work at home, and I may be home late - hmmm.

I'll try to save time by using all of my loo breaks today to plot stress-reduction methods, so that the writeup at home will only take 10 mins instead of 30...

 Has anyone noticed that if procrastination is similar to compulsive eating, the whole overorganising, overcompensating thing that we do is similar to anorexia? It's a binge-starve cycle...

 So why, having said that, do I not go back and cut some things off my tasklist.