Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Facing Fear

Be Larger

In this dark hour,
golden forces muster
to greet all semblance of fear,

to cast spiritual light upon the darkness
and make discord disappear,

sweet dear,
such is the mighty power
within your heart-felt prayer,

as we become comrades
in the common endeavor
of allegiance to life,

through whatever strife
the world may deliver,

we are larger,
we are larger,

than any illusion
of time-bound terror.

Gordon Neumann (Vietnam war veteran)

Wow. thanks for posting this

So inspiring. So timely! My stomach was churning with anxiety over what to do next, afraid to stop working and afraid to continue...

If I stop to eat dinner and maybe catch a meeting, I won't get back to working later tonight, and I know I won't get started early enough tomorrow to avoid the bazillion distractions of the day.  But if I keep going I will be work-bingeing through dinner, skipping yet another f2f meeting, and probably staying up way too late out of anxiety/exhaustion. 

I prayed, thought of calling my sponsor but don't want to. So scanning the forums instead, feeling the fear...and voila, this!  Thanks for sharing it.

more on facing fear

Every day that I re-read this poem, it has more meaning.  Today I shared this with my sisters. We are sadly and slowly losing both our parents but unlike me, they also face the empty nest this year - with many worries about their kids leaving home, sometimes far away, including Iraq.  I pray the poem blesses them as well.

J comforts his disabilities by watching the news channels all day. I guess this makes him feel like he is doing something important. But it fills our home - and sometimes my ears too - with fearful thoughts and images that hook my addictive tendencies.  Today I will turn up the music in my office, close the door - and re-read this poem again if I get too fearful.  Thanks again, Sarito. 

thanks for your share, Agnus

I've been reading and re-reading this poem this week as well.  Wishing you and your family much love, comfort and support during these challenging times.

thanks for these wonderful

thanks for these wonderful words.


what a great message in daunting times.

asking for help to do the next right thing