Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 12 Sept. 2008

Falcon Friday CI

Hi all,

Yay, Friday!

I have some things I want to do/look up online tonight, and want to be sure I don't go surfing off.  So I'm committing here to doing ONLY the following online (without any extraneous clicking!)

  • Order face thingies
  • Order brown dress
  • Check website #1 for rentals
  • Check website #2 for rentals
  • Check weather for weekend

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Falcon internet CI

Almost done, except the brown dress was out of stock.  Frown  Going to do one more thing -- check epinions for reviews of "Rental Store."  Then dinner & bedtime.

Good night!


Recycler CI 6:45pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

I have to admit Friday is my favorite day of the week! :)

Today: walked + treadmill, stretched. At work I knew we were having software training from 11am to 1pm, so I got all my deadline projects done in the morning. I learned some things at sofware training ;) Spun wheels a little bit in the afternoon, but did get some other projects done. Walked home. Started a load of clothes in the dryer. Now surfimg net while cooling off from my walk ;) Next: should probably eat a snack? ;) Will I check in later, do a chore or two, or goof off? ;) I guess we'll find out!

Have a great night, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Convalaria, Saturday 7.56am

Hi all
Still trying!
Have had coffee  and now thinking about MIT's
Time from now untillabout 14,00 is taken with:

  • exercising doggy(but not self)
  • poo pick up
  • shower etc
  • quick car tidy
  • synagogue
  • taking mother shopping and doing some myself
  • unloading and unpackng shopping

The trick though is not to waste the rest of Saturday by napping and surfing.......



Journey 12:30 UPDATE 3:30 5:30 CO

I've completed MITs #1, #3, and #6 (cause 6 naturally went along with 1).  the new tasks given to me by my boss this am have thrown me off schedule, and it took half an hour or so of dithering about before I embraced the new reality of today lol.  Next, do MIT #2, then do the last two emergency items.  Then 10-15 min. break, then back here . . . say 2 pm.

Update 3:30  Well, took longer than expected, but done with the two new tasks assigned by boss.  Break time!  Postponing #4, which can wait, and skipping to #5. 

Update 5:30 #5 turned out to have 2 parts.  Part 1 done.  And since I didn't really feel like doing Part 2, I made a phone call about life insurance that I had been putting off.  And then busted the mini-pile that I brought to work with me.  Done for the day, no chores tonight, it's Friday!

This has been a good day.  If I wasn't keeping a daily todo list, I would have felt that I hadn't gotten anything done, since I had to change horses in midstream today.   But since I've been keeping realistic, doable todo lists, and posting here about my progress, I know that I have worked hard today and gotten a lot done.  I took reasonable breaks and enjoyed them, but didn't do any excessive goofing off.  Yay!

After ages of trying to be more productive, I'm finally coming to realize that Neil Fiore (the UN-schedule guy) was right.  You gotta schedule your free time and enjoy it, guilt-free, in order to be more productive during the work time.    Counter-intuitive, at least for me, but, true dat.

Thank HP for you guys!  :*


"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." 

N check-in

Hi Everyone,

OMG -- I want to surf the internet so badly. Just peek at the news. Problem is, I do that and I "wake up" 6 hours later. And, in true addict fashion, I do this day after day!

I have committed to:

2 hours work on dissertation

*sigh* here goes!

Thank HP for this forum and this site.


Hi Nan! Good honesty

Thanks for sharing how you were feeling, and that you were showing up anyway. That means a lot!  Blessings back at ya.

Agnus checking in 11:15

OK, I heard that gasp...yes, it's true, I am actually checking in before noon!

Some wise guy once said, "Nothing changes, if nothing changes." I finally figured out that means if I don't make any changes in my daily habits (such as chronically late starts), nothing will ever change about the way my days go.

This profundity emerges after another near-all-nighter (bed at 6 a.m. and up now since 8:30 a.m.) - a consequence of backlogged bookkeeping + my poor choice to drink coffee at 8 p.m. Undecided

On the up side, I did complete some work my accountant needs to keep me out of trouble for another few months.  On the down side he has already called me this morning to tell me what else he needs, and it is at least another 4 hours of work. Yell And I have some deadlines today for the AP project, including one right about,, actually.

So today I will ask my Higher Power to be with me moment by moment and keep repeating that I trust Him!  I resolve to resist the beginning by pausing as soon as I feel tempted by anxiety, perfectionism, or codependency; asking for HP's help and acting on whatever inspiration results from that; and leaving all the rest in His hands. Amen! :-)

Ag ci 2:20

It's going well: AP MIT#1 is done. It generated a couple of mini-MITs that will need attention later this afternoon. I am now bookending lunch because this is a high-risk fritter time, worse when I am very tired. I commit to resuming next MIT - the accountant's stuff - at 3 p.m.

Ag 3:45

So much for commitment: I am powerless. Lunch was interrupted by a 25-minute business call, and after lunch I felt really cold and sleepy, sat outside to warm up and clear my head. Drinking coffee now and fighting sleepiness...The phone call at lunch cleared my AP MITs for the time being so I am off to work the books some more. Setting timer to break at 4:20.

keep going Ag!

Congrats on finishing MIT #1, and for keeping going despite coldness, sleepiness and set backs. :-)

Ag back at 5:15 - thanks kromer

I am almost afraid to say so - I'll just whisper: I think my 2007 corporate bookkeeping might be done!!!Sealed.

I need to go buy legal paper and print it out for my accountant, who apparently only knows paper accounting and Quickbooks, which I don't have.  He doesn't know Excel, and can't print legal-size worksheets (yeah, I know what you're thinking...the story of why he is my CPA is a procras classic that will have to wait for another time...).

10:06am for Lark, tired and lazy

If I wasn't posting this, I probably would waste alot of today. I'm greatful it's here. I was hoping on a nice day for doing outdoor work, but it's drizzling. Gee, I can sit on my butt or do productive stuff inside. Hmm.
To do:
(X)morning things
(X)supplies for project A
spiritual time
finish project A
clean and organize for one hour
spend an hour on project B
feed dog next door
kitty box
kitty food
check on floor covering for entryway
check in later

Journey 9:45 yawning . . .

Good morning, and a Happy Friday to all.  I'm feeling tired this morning and getting a bit of a late start.  But I've been to the gym, read email, and set my MITs.  I scheduled a meeting with my boss at 10:00, which he did not acknowledge in any way, so I guess I'll get some coffee and mosey on down there and see if he shows up.  He's not logged on, so I'm not optimistic. 

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." 

Journey 11 am awake and inspired

The boss did indeed show up for my meeting. We had a long discussion about the status of my projects, and I got some clear direction on the things I was unsure about.  Also got a couple of high priority tasks that need to be done today, so I better get moving on those. 

And yes, Ag, I'm adding those to the bottom of my task list for today under the heading "unplanned emergency MIT" lol


"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." 

Hey Jo, wake up!

I feel the same way this morning. Was it you who once mentioned Caroline Myss? Anyway, I watched one of her DVDs, and I'm still blown away. I got some good insights on my procrastination. I'll share them when I have time today.

GeorgeSmiley 7:35 AM; Updates 12:44 PM; 1:45 PM; 5 PM

Good morning!

I have some errands to run this morning, and a weekly 9 AM breakfast with Friends. I expect to be back here around 11 or 11:30. When I return, MITs will be:

#1) Work on the Project R rewrite. I need to get a substantial amount done, but not let it take over the rest of the day.

#2) Advance the ball on Project D, meaning read/edit a few more pages.

#3) Advance the ball on Project T, again reading/editing a few more pages.

#4) Advance the ball on Project U, which in this case is mostly reading what's already written before proceeding with my job, which is to write an update.

#5) Follow through with my weekly overview (per Getting Things Done)--instead of letting that slide.

#6) Still interested in writing a Project R post-mortem. Don't know when I can get to that.



UPDATE, 12:44 PM

I've been back home since noon, and on the computer mostly handling personal email traffic and organizational stuff--housekeeping for various personal and work projects.

I'm setting a timer for 1 p.m. and will turn to my MIT's then after I get some more housekeeping done.


Update, 1:45 PM

Oops, no timer!!! And here I am... Embarassed

But I wasn't procrastinating, was I??? I mean I was doing important stuff!!! (Organizing and logistics for the community youth class Mrs. GS and I co-teach with 2 other people.) But... I should be into Project R rewrite by now!!!

Just looked back at my note--I'm almost letting this other project, not even on today's list (although in my defense it belonged there) "take over the rest of the day"...

OK. Project R. NOW.

  Update: 5 PM

Well, I spent a pretty solid 2-1/2 hours on the Project R rewrite, including making additional calls.

Now I'll spend 30 minutes on Project T Correction: I should and will work on my weekly overview. This 10,000 feet view can help me stay on top more consistently.

... and probably call it a day. 

Good things about today: Staying mostly on task.

Challenging things about today: 10 pounds of sh... sugar [stuff to do] in a 5 pound  bag [time available]...

Fortunately, for all the stress, I didn't use that as just an excuse to spin away the time...

If I don't come back tonight, have a good weekend, everyone!



kromer 7:50 CI

Dawdled a little bit this morning, but not as badly as usual...I rarely sit down to work before 8!

My scheduled things for the day are:
*Lab mtg+lunch
*Probability class
*Youth group

MITs are:
*Finish as much of pset as I can, make arrangements with CE to work on the rest
*Finish calling/texting youth group kids
*Go to hardware store, get lightbulbs and laundry rack
*Read 2 papers carefully

Other tasks are:
*Clean room/organize papers
*Clean bathroom

I'm going to start by spending 20-30 min working on the pset, then I'll read papers.

Update 8:50--finished pset!
Realized that hardware store will be closed by the time I get home, so I need to go now. I'll try and limit that to 20 min, then start laundry and then read papers.

kromer 10:30 CI

OK, hardware store took a little longer than expected (35 min), but done.

Landlord left laundry in washer for 40 min, so I couldn't start laundry (grr), but it's ready to pop in as soon as I get home.

I read one of the papers carefully and read the other one not-so-carefully...perhaps next time I should start reading more than 2 hrs before the class! Oh well, next week is another chance.

I'm going to leave for campus now, go to seminar and lab mtg, then check in again. I'll bike to campus/youth group today (even though I don't really feel like it...), and that will get me my exercise for the day.  

kromer 2:45 CI

OK, seminar went well (turns out my 1 careful reading + 1 skimmed reading was much better than others in the class), and I just got out of lab meeting. And I made arrangements with CE to check over pset Monday. So now 3 MITs are down + 2 scheduled events.

Now I have 15 minutes to work on calling/texting more youth group members, should be able to get thru 5 in that time, then I'll go to probability, call/text 5 more, then go run 2 unscheduled errands (bike shop + pick up check), then go to youth group, start laundry and check in again.  

kromer 4:15 CI

Just checking in to say that I really, really, *really* don't want to finish phone calls. But I'm going to anyway, because I committed to it. Back when they are done.

Update 4:30--finished! Now I'm going to run to the bike store, then go to youth group; I'll pick up check on the way home from youth group.

kromer 10:10 CI

Back from youth group. Can't do laundry because landlord has been hogging the washer *all day* (seriously, 6am-10pm?). Oh well, that MIT will have to be pushed back to tomorrow. Now I'll clean my room and grab a few things from the supermarket.

good push-through, kromer!

Thanks for modeling good PA recovery today!Laughing