Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 31st July 2006 (duplicate - not this one!)

Oh, dear...

You didn't see my start-of-day post, Normy. :(

After telling me off for making excuses not to do it!!!!!!!!!

There isn't a crying, smiley, is there????

Sorry Milo!

I did look for new posts Milo but I didn't see it! I'm moving over to the other thread....
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Norm's BE Section

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Norm's first BE 10.00 am

Good morning/afternoon all! :)

So here we are, the last day of July. I've decided that in August I'm going to have a Taming the Paper Tiger focus - one of the things that still gets put off around here, so I hope my friends here will all support me with that, and if I don't post anything about decluttering or dealing with paper, please remind me!

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Today, I'm going to carry on with the list I had at the weekend, plus do my Monday things.

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*Morning Routine

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*Journal book I finished last night ;)
*Post the book I finished on Saturday
*Walk with DDog

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Hi Normy,

I am good at taming paper tigers!!!! Ask me whatever questions you want. I can spell out a great system for you. Not tonight as the ironing is calling, but I can do it for you. Hey, can't go past a free PO, can you?!

Logging off for the night now - have a great day!

Good night Milo!

You're on with the paperwork! A free PO? If we mean the same thing by PO, I've just been to the Post Office this morning - got something you want me to post?

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Norm's 11.45 BST BE

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*Morning Routine
*Journal book I finished last night Eye-wink
*Post the book I finished on Saturday
*Walk with DDog
*Checked out price of photocopying at Post Office - too expensive

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*Daytime Routine

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