Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

GeorgeSmiley here. I don't usually go into my home office this early in the day (5:57 AM) but I woke up at 4:30, knew I wouldn't go back to sleep (or wouldn't want to, because then I'd wake up very groggy) so I got up.

Have a good day, everyone...

Recycler CI 6pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Company's coming Friday after work.

I'm only cleaning up the lower level ;) I've got some stuff to show them upstairs, but we'll "visit" only on the lower level ;)

I still may have to do some check-in updates to achieve any progress on that.

Today: Elliptical, stretching, 1 more exercise, caught up on my e-mail list from when I was gone last week. Accomplished another errand/task during lunch, + paid 2 bills. Managed to keep knocking out projects this afternoon; while there's still more to do tomorrow, temporarily less pressure at the moment.

Next: getting ready for my friend to come over on Friday. First, I think I'll put away some shoes ;)

7pm Shoes are put away. Not sure how much else I will try.

Have a great night, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Journey 5 pm

I had two conference calls this afternoon.  I could have multi-tasked and gotten today's project finished but instead I surfed the net while on the phone.  Now I still have to finish today's project.   I still think I can be done by 6, which is when I plan to call it a day!  I'll let you know if I made it . . .


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

Surfing instead of multi-tasking

Oh boy, that's one I can fall into a lot. I feel your pain :-)


Here's wishing you well as you head for the home stretch!



Journey 6:13 I made it! Now I'm on vacation . . .


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

Falcon windfall CI

Good news -- I have a windfall day!  There was a power failure at my office, and we were sent home.

Bad news -- I'm feeling emotionally crummy, and I have no idea why.  Not even sure if it's something bugging me that I need to deal with, or just that I need more exercise or something. 

Either way, it's very tempting to just disappear into surfing the net all day to anesthetize myself, but I'm not gonna.

Next up: eat some lunch, sit with myself a bit to center in & get clear, and then check back in here. 


Falcon -- got a plan

O.k., my body needs to be up & about.  So I'm going to finish tidying the kitchen, and then vacuum my place.

Meanwhile, my mind needs to empty out.  One reason I avoid household chores is that they don't occupy my mind much, so while I'm doing them it's easy for old, depressive thoughts to come up.

So, while I'm vacuuming, I'll do the type of meditation that consists of letting thoughts come up, and just naming them ("there's a thought") rather than pursuing & getting caught up in them.

Hey, if Buddhists can do walking meditations, I can do a vacuuming meditation, right?


I can probably get it all done in a couple of hours at the most.  I'll check in afterward.  Oh, and maybe while I'm at it I'll run a load of laundry. 



Falcon CI Wed. afternoon

Wow, I could NOT get myself to haul the vacuum cleaner out of the closet.  

But for some reason I was inspired to do something I'd been putting off forever.  I sorted out a huge file box of old papers and letters.  They were mostly from my college days and a few years after (I went to college back in the olden days before email, when people had to communicate with quill pens and parchment.)  

I ditched some old journals full of unhappiness from a rough time in my life, got rid of anything that made me sad, and kept all the notes & letters that made me smile.  Got a little tearful, but in a good way.  Took stock of the past and kept the good stuff from it. 

And presto!  My inner crumminess is gone! Laughing

However, I still don't feel like vacuuming.  But hey, this is a windfall day, and I don't have to!

Next up: maybe sort some books, maybe look up info for some upcoming excursions.   


Structured procrastination?

A while back I skimmed a piece on line called "structured procrastination" which basically suggested the chronic procrastinators (like the author of the piece) could find ways to make procrastination work for them. In a way, that's what you did. Putting off vacuuming, you found another task you'd been putting off and tackled it. Well, good for you! 

 Here's the link:

vaccuuming meditation!

Hmmmm maybe we could have a retreat for that . . . maybe at MY house . . . how much do you think I could charge people to come to my house and vacuum?  

I like to listen to audio books while I do housework.  My big complaint about housework is that it's boring, so the audio books make it go a little faster. 

Glad you were able to turn your day around and use it to good advantage!


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

Vacuuming, etc.

I have a friend who actually cleans compulsively when she's stressed out.  You can tell if she's having a rough time, because her home becomes immaculately scrubbed (unlike mine, which looks scruffier the more stressed I get.)  I have frequently wondered (aloud and plaintively) why she doesn't use all that compulsiveness to come clean MY place.  But she says she only feels compelled to clean her own place.  Sigh.  Wink


Falcon, did you get your day

Falcon, did you get your day a bit in gear? Sorry to hear about the crumminess.

Chickadee's Wednesday check-in

I worked on MIT number 1 and took a break.

Now to continue I need to assemble more materials, put others away and fish out some things from the files. That's stressful for me because I might not find the stuff I need to continue. So I'm posting this message and then wil commit to 30 minutes of finding and sorting.

Hi Chickadee

Welcome to the check-in boards!

Congrats on the work you did on your 1st MIT!  How did your file-fishing go? 


Hi Falcon, thanks for

Hi Falcon,

thanks for your supportive message :)! I was tempted to stop the file fishing several times. But I didn't, mainly because I knew it was only 30 minutes and I'd be back here. 

Well, I found one errant file, but not yet something else... Still, I am telling myself that all the sorting and organizing I did is also progress... So it was a start and that's something.

kromer 10:30 CI

A late first check in, but I got a fair amount done this morning (wrapped and mailed my brother's present, started looking into tax refund, finished sending house job emails, emailed about Costco run, emailed about reimbursement, tidied room).

Now I'm at work, and need to concentrate for the next 2 hours, then go to toastmasters.

I'm going to:
*Add fraenkel-node4 to cluster (5 min) DONE
*Start running clustering code (10 min) DONE
*Start running principled way of setting capacity (1 hr)
*spend 30 min brainstorming about possible experiments

kromer 1:50 CI

OK, not a very productive morning, lots of distactions.

I did the first 2 (small) tasks, started the 3rd, helped out a labmate, went to toastmasters, and dealt with reimbursement some more.

Now I'm going to:
*Keep working on task 3 (make trial job, write script, start script) (did 1st 2, can't start script because computer is down)
*Figure out bug in clustering code DONE
*Call about my tax refund DONE
*Spend 30 min brainstorming about possible expts DONE
*Spend 30 min researching/thinking about who I want to work with
*Write script for AL(DONE, still need to test)

I need to leave work at 5 (a friend is having a goodbye party tonight), so it's important that I focus until then. I'll work in the chatbox, update here frequently and get as much done as I can, then tonight I'll finish up + post 2 saturation experiments. 

kromer 5:25 CI

Going to friend's goodbye party, should get home by 9:30 if possible.

This evening, I need to start script (if computer is back up), talk to JB about lease (if he's around) and email SS, test script for AL, and post 2 saturation experiments. If at all possible, I'd also like to spend 30 min looking into who I want to work with, but if that doesn't get done it's not a disaster.

Will check back after I get back from good bye party. 

kromer 10:30 CI

Got back from party an hour ago, talked to JB, then wasted about 30 min websurfing, now it's time for me to get back on track.

I'm exhausted for some reason, so I'm going to commit to 30 min of productive work, then shower and go to bed.

Computer is still down, so I can't start script of test script for AL. I'm really nervous about the saturation experiments, so I'm going to use the microbursting idea--all I'm going to *allow* myself to do tonight is get out the folder of sat. experiments and look at what I've posted so far.

Then I'm going to email SS about lease, and spend 15 min looking in to who I want to work with.  

Edge's CI - 5:18pm

I'm not doing so well. =/

x hmed 1/2
x fmed 1/2
x dishes
x kitty litter
x ask friend about adsl service
- 6:30pm leave for meeting
- hmed 2/2
- fmed 2/2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 9:34pm

x hmed 1/2
x fmed 1/2
x dishes
x kitty litter
x ask friend about adsl service
x 6:30pm leave for meeting
x buy cat food
- work on remaining feedback and send
- hmed 2/2
- fmed 2/2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 12:52am (Thursday)

Still working, but at least I'm actually going to finish my list today.

x hmed 1/2
x fmed 1/2
x dishes
x kitty litter
x ask friend about adsl service
x 6:30pm leave for meeting
x buy cat food
- work on remaining feedback and send
- hmed 2/2
x fmed 2/2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 2:03am (Thursday)

In the processing of sending part of the feedback. Going to try finishing some more, but if I can't manage then I'll wake up early "tomorrow" and finish it up.

x hmed 1/2
x fmed 1/2
x dishes
x kitty litter
x ask friend about adsl service
x 6:30pm leave for meeting
x buy cat food
- work on remaining feedback and send
x hmed 2/2
x fmed 2/2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's Closing CI


x hmed 1/2
x fmed 1/2
x dishes
x kitty litter
x ask friend about adsl service
x 6:30pm leave for meeting
x buy cat food
x work on remaining feedback and send
x hmed 2/2
x fmed 2/2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

pro's CI - 9:45am

I'm back from the gym - very tiring today. I did some work from home, and now I want to get showered and dressed and go into the office. It's a beautiful day - not too hot, though it's August in NYC.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Lark @ 9:09am and 12:07am Thur.

I feel like I'm juggling chainsaws this week. Important stuff I need for work is backordered, I can't track down a client who owes me alot of money, and I seem to be "out of it". I hope today is a really good one---for all of us.
To do:
(X)morning routine
(X)spiritual time
(X)do what I can to work project A
(X)try to contact mystery client
(X)do as much as possible to work project B
do load of laundry
(X)get financial project ready for client C
(X)check in later

Journey 9 am UPDATE 9:30 10:51 1:30

Good morning!  Working from home again today.  I really got a lot done yesterday, and I have a lot more to do today, because I'm on vacation the rest of the week yay!  Not going anywhere, just spending the last few school-free days with dd.  She goes back to class on Monday.  

Once again, I did not get up and go to the gym - this is a drawback to working at home, because it's really, really, easy to stay in bed later.   After my vacation I'll have to address this issue, but not today . ..

I have read email, but have not set my MITs.  I'll go do that now.  I'll set a private appointment on my calendar for a half hour on the treadmill before lunch . . . that will not only encourage me to exercise, but will give the appearance of "being in a meeting" if anyone is looking for me from work.   Back at 9:30 with MITs in my hot little hand. 


Update 9:30 MITs done.  10 minute break, setting timer.

10:50  I have a small project that needs to be started and finished today.  It shouldn't be too difficult, but it's something I don't know how to do, so I'm having trouble getting started.  I need to add a new member to toastmasters, then I'm spending a devoted focused half hour on the task.  I've been flitting around the edges of it, sending a couple of emails, finding all the doc.  Now it's time to get down to work.  I would like to report back at 11:30 that I've made a good start on it, then I'll get on the treadmill.

Update 1:30  Well, I didn't report back at 11:30, but I did get started on my task, got on the treadmill for 1/2 hour, bathed the dog and took a bath myself.  I took a long lunch to do all that (2 hours), so I will plan to work four more hours this afternoon.  I work well in the afternoons so I think I can finish my task this afternoon and still have time to make a nice dinner.  I think we'll have chicken burritos.






"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

pro's first check-in - 7:45am

Good morning. I'm about to leave for the gym. I was awakened early by helicopters flying relentlessly overhead. I turned on NY1 to see what was going on, but they had no reports.

I went to bed late so I didn't get much sleep. On the plus side, I did some important things this morning - filled out a mailorder prescription form without procrastinating until I had no more medication, and sent in my auto insurance payment EARLY (yowzers!). I'll mail the envelopes on my way to work.

P.S. GS - I made the "good morning" in the thread starter bigger so people could see it was a thread starter.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


 Still getting the hang of protocols around here, so I welcome the enhancement on my post. I think I'll start a collection of nice greetings and inspriational messages in case I start future Daily threads... 

And good on ya about that prescription and insurance. We always end up hand delivering our insurance payment to the agent just as the 30-day grace period is about to expire--and I'm not bragging just telling the truth. I'd much rather we got to a place where we could pay it when it arrives!


e's Wednesday ci

Okay, this is not the best mood to be in for a first back check in, but for me, I have to do it, because otherwise I will implode. I have tenants who are being unreasonable and nasty and I don't know where to put my anger, so I am claiming it here so that I won't act out by eating, TVing, reading, computing, or basically procrastinating in response. Phew. I feel better all ready for having been able to 'say' it. 

To do:

get a job, get rid of tenants, find new tenants, repair the mess that the tenants made to the house, move stuff out of the attic, register C for school, get parking sticker for new town, investiage student loans, support my mother in cleaning up her house.prepare to be on vacation.

Be better about boundaries. Follow the 12 steps. pray. move my body. be here frequently. Keep my tempter and find a healthy place to put my emotions.

peace out, e

e's check back

 Hello to all you wonderful old friends and to the many new folks who I have yet to meet. It is great to be here! hugs!

I am going to go and show the house today. My tenants keep a guard dog and are not getting it out of the way to show new people the house, so pray that the new folks can see past that to what could be a great place. Lots of deep breaths.  Kay, higher power, lets go! Thy will be done, not mine....


Welcome back, e!

Hi e,

It's good to have you back, grumpy mood or no!

Sounds like you're doing great at catching your unwanted patterns before they start!  And at planning alternative behavior.

Sorry to hear about the messy annoying tenants!  We're here if you want to vent. 


E! Welcome Back!

I've missed you!


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

GS CI 6:04 AM

This is a very early check-in for me.

Today's MITs

1) Work on Client J Writing Coaching docs

2) Call Dentist

3) Confer w/ broker RE Index fund

4) Corral projects for client C

5) Several tasks for Project R

I plan to check in and report progress along the way--and acknowledge stumbles as well. Checkin in here really is helpful for keeping me on task. 

Good first hour: GS at 8 AM

I know that seems like two hours, but from 6 to 7 was getting breakfast, showering, etc. and I started in the saddle at work shortly after 7. Worked steadily on the writing coaching. Now just here for a check in and then getting a snack before I plunge in to my second hour.



GS 9:15 AM

Made good headway on Client J's writing coaching. Didn't finish it all at this time, so I'll need to re-jigger schedule to make time for more later today. I want to get all back by noon.


Waiting on my broker to call RE Index fund. Have made plans to do cleanup work while on the phone. 


Well, what a day.

 My broker was 45 minutes late in calling. I was about to email him to say I could no longer take the time today when he called, and I figured I'd get it out of the way. But we have to talk more tomorrow. 

I used the time waiting for him to clean up the paper files on Project A, which I closed the books on yesterday. I also used that time to clean up my Outlook In-box. at 11 I resumed work on the project for Client J.

In the meantime, I'd called my dentist about a localized gum pain and was told he could work me in at noon, so I went in. He decided it was an old filling cracking the tooth, and offered to fix it then and there. I agreed.

So when I came home at 1 my mouth was numb and I had to finish up the work for client J. I completed that at 2:30. Then I took a break, which has stretched on for 40 minutes now.

Several tasks I had planned for this afternoon involved phone calls and interviews, and still recovering from the minor dental work I'd rather skip those. I have plenty of other things I can do instead.

I still have those two projects to get organized for Client C, along with Project M (also for client C) to get started. Those are my next MIT's. 

 I'll report back in 50 minutes with a progress report.



That was longer than I intended

Almost an hour longer.

One the one hand, it felt like mostly putting things at right angles. On the other hand, it was stuff that needed to be put at right angles (metaphorically speaking). A couple of times I drifted into mindless mode, but mostly I stayed on task and got a lot organized for the next several weeks, bringing my Outlook task list up to date, etc.

Also knocked off a couple of "next things" (as in GTD) on the teaching project I do w/ Mrs. GS. So that was good.

Tomorrow will be a short day because of a number of out-of-the house tasks and because I have a sporadic part-time job with a shift tomorrow afternoon/evening.

Today was my first day of printing out home tasks to do this evening since setting up my separate home task list. 6 items on it and I've already done one! 

Have a good evening everyone!
