Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Step 11 and my to-do list

Since joining PA, I've resumed the habit of keeping a to-do list. Like Jo, I find this helps relieve stress that I'll forget something. It is pretty long, and stuff gets added daily.  But if I practice Step 11 as described in Alcoholics Anonymous, the list is actually becoming more manageable. I'm sorry I don't know how to hyperlink this url:  Select the pdf of Chapter 6, and go to pgs 86-87.

I fall asleep during the evening review. But when I do the morning formula with my to-do list in hand, I get pretty clear "inspiration, intuitive thoughts and decisions" about what to do TODAY. Even though at the time, it rarely seems like "enough," and even though I may get crisis-ey interruptions that trash the daily plan, this method is somehow chipping away at my list. Most of all I get freedom - for at least this day - from the anxiety that is such a grinding and painful part of this compulsion.

Thanks for posting this Rita!

Having never made it as far as Step 11, I've never read this particular section of the Big Book!

"In our minds, we seek to be divine; but in our hearts, we know it's party time." - Rondo Bros in Aquarium Dreams


"Baby steps"

I'm only on Step 4 in my PA recovery, but I've worked them all on other issues. My early sponsors taught me that while it's important to work them in order, it's OK to take "baby steps" every day, applying all the steps as best I understand them.