Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, 26th July

My first, and probably last, bookend of the day

I love today's gif! :)

You look like you've been busy in here today. Anouk, have you got a schedule? What's your next deadline?

Todayfirst you seem to be doing well with your lists.

Pro you've probably gone now - I noticed you were taking your work with you, so I hope it get on with it well in a different environment - sometimes it helps to get away from the usual distractions.

Well, I've had a long day at work today and I'm nearly up-to-date with my paperwork there too. I'm up-to-date with all my client work, and I'm at the point where I'm able to start planning ahead rather than desperately trying to keep my head above water. Got home and CUOP, then took DDog for a walk, and I've just got one private client to prepare for for tomorrow then I'm off to bed - I find the long payroll days tiring, but the reason for them being so long is so I can fit 2.5 days' work into two days because I've been trying to fit 7 days into 4 because of being away on my course so often. I'm going to see how my new schedule works out - I might be OK just with two long days instead of three (because I've got shorter Mondays now - my last class now finishes at 8.00 pm. With the College job that I recently gave up I didn't get home till 10 pm, so it was three long days in a row). If I still find it tiring I can try going back to more 'normal' hours.

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I'm not sure if I started straight away after my last post, but if I did that one took me three hours to prep for a one hour session!

It's the first one I've done of this type though (yoga therapy for prolapsed cervical disc), and I can expect take the first few to take longer as I'm having to prepare handouts etc from scratch, and because I have to double check everything I do because it's essential to get it right.

Feels good to be well-prepared.

It's tomorrow here now (12.26 am) so I'm off to bed. Goodnight.

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Todayfirst's bookending section

What a cute little green guy bouncing around up there. Does he/she have a name? I'm just making up my list for today. I didn't feel like I made all that much progress yesterday but just before I left I had some good ideas. Maybe not the most ideal way of doing things but good enough and better I get something done than wait for a non-existent perfect solution.

Todayfirst CI - 12:20PM

Well,I made a little bit of progress and did the research :) As is often the case, everything is really freaking complicated and I have no idea where to begin. Even tried talking to a coworker to sort it out which made things MORE complicated and confusing. :? This is where I want to give up and go home.

- Implement program changes I planned yesterday - It worked!
- Make source control upgrades (20 min)
- Relaxation/Meditation (10 min)
- Research for a section of my program - meant to do yesterday (45 min)

- 2 meetings this afternoon

todayfirst 8:30AM EST

- Implement program changes I planned yesterday (45 min)
- Make source control upgrades (20 min)
- Relaxation/Meditation (10 min)
- Research for a section of my program - meant to do yesterday (45 min)
- 2 meetings this afternoon

pro's bookending section

I'm a little screwed up today because of what I didn't get done yesterday. I have to go out of town, and it looks like I'm not going to leave until later, which is unfortunate. I'm going to see how much I can get done this morning. I just got up.

pro's CI - 3:10pm (last for a while)

I'm about to leave - will pack up my computer after I post this, and then go get my car. I may be online again today, or maybe not. I don't always have internet access where I'm going. I'll be back Friday morning.

~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~

  • Made coffee.
  • Answered email.
  • Washed dishes.
  • Made bed. (Didn't fold futon into couch because I'll be back at bedtime on Thursday.)
  • Shower and dress.
  • Made and ate breakfast (or was that lunch?).
  • Packed for trip (and made a "to bring" list so it's easier next time).
  • Returned something I bought yesterday.
  • Picked up mail and did some other errands.
  • Washed breakfast dishes.

~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~

  • Get car and drive to destination.
  • Write report to Client B.
  • Write report to Client C.
  • Write report to Client D.
  • Write report to Client E.

pro's CI - 12:30pm

I'm answering email in between packing. That's okay because I'm waiting for something before I leave, so I'm not in a big hurry.

~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~

  • Made coffee.
  • Answered email.
  • Washed dishes.
  • Made bed. (Didn't fold futon into couch because I'll be back at bedtime on Thursday.)
  • Shower and dress.
  • Made and ate breakfast (or was that lunch?).
  • Packed for trip (and made a "to bring" list so it's easier next time).

~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~

  • Return something I bought yesterday.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Get car, load up stuff, and drive to destination.
  • Write report to Client B.
  • Write report to Client C.
  • Write report to Client D.
  • Write report to Client E.

pro's CI - 10:50am

I'm answering email in between packing. That's okay because I'm waiting for something before I leave, so I'm not in a big hurry.

~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~

  • Made coffee.
  • Answered email.
  • Washed dishes.
  • Made bed. (Didn't fold futon into couch because I'll be back at bedtime on Thursday.)
  • Shower and dress.

~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~

  • Make and eat breakfast.
  • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Pack for trip (and make a "to bring" list so it's easier next time).
  • Return something I bought yesterday (on the way to getting the car).
  • Drive to destination.
  • Write report to Client B.
  • Write report to Client C.
  • Write report to Client D.
  • Write report to Client E.

pro's CI - 9:45am

I'm checking in frequently now to keep myself moving. I was getting caught in email before.

~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~

  • Made coffee.
  • Answered email.
  • Washed dishes.
  • Made bed. (Didn't fold futon into couch because I'll be back at bedtime on Thursday.)

~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~

  • Shower and dress.
  • Pack for trip (and make a "to bring" list so it's easier next time).
  • Return something I bought yesterday (on the way to getting the car).
  • Drive to destination.
  • Write report to Client B.
  • Write report to Client C.
  • Write report to Client D.
  • Write report to Client E.

pro's CI - 9:35am

~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~

  • Made coffee.
  • Answered email.
  • Washed dishes.

~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~

  • Shower and dress.
  • Pack for trip (and make a "to bring" list so it's easier next time).
  • Return something I bought yesterday (on the way to getting the car).
  • Drive to destination.
  • Write report to Client B.
  • Write report to Client C.
  • Write report to Client D.
  • Write report to Client E.

pro's CI - 9:15am EDT US

~~~~~~~~Ta Da~~~~~~~~

  • Made coffee.
  • Answered email.

~~~~~~~~Ta Do~~~~~~~~

  • Pack for trip (and make a "to bring" list so it's easier next time).
  • Drive to destination.
  • Write report to Client B.
  • Write report to Client C.
  • Write report to Client D.
  • Write report to Client E.

Anouk's BEsection

I am up to a hard day of learning. I don't know how I am going to feel tonight as I know that I can't learn everything I need to know. But I will try to do my best and not start to panick.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

To Do:
brush teeth
get dressed
have breakfast
walk puppy dog
review the mindmaps I have done yesterday

got up (even if it was a bit late)
started new forum topic ;-)

Myspace LayoutsMyspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsMyspace CodesMyspace Codes, Myspace Graphics

Anouk's CI (3)

ta da:
- 2x 45 minutes of learning
- lunch
- nap

to do:
- soooo much more learning....

Anouk's CI (2)

Ta Da:

- learned (3x45 minutes)
- decluttered a bit
- vacuum cleaned the floors.

To Do:

- learn some more...

Anouk's CI (1)

Ta Da:
- brushed teeth
- got dressed
- swish & swipe
- prepared and had breakfast
- walked DDog
- reviewed mindmaps

To Do:
- learning, learning, learning

don't forget to take breaks!

Are you studying, Anouk? Give yourself some breaks now and then. I've found that when I do too much time bingeing, it makes it even harder for me to get started the next time because I have a memory of such a long, uninterrupted work period.

timer and breaks

I am studying. I am using my timer and learn for 30 - 45 minutes. Then I take a break.