Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 2 May 2008

major task

Got the stuff to the accountant - now to put back in the proper file all the stuff I drug out to find the stuff I needed - way too easy just to throw it on the table and deal with it another day - BUT I will tend to it after this post.

I tend to keep myself busy to other tasks that doing that tasks that need to be done or at least the ones I think need to be accomplished.

Before the day is through I will tackle my impossible table, which is 3/4 finished - something about the last of anything I tend to avoid.

Recycler CI 6pm EST


If the weekend will be All About Goofing Off, I'm ready! :)

Oops, that's why I'm here!! lol

OK, maybe a teeny bit of goofing off and a teeny bit of chores :)

Today with my landlord's approval, a locksmith came & traded out the Front Door Handle, lock, & deadbolt. OK, so this sequence took 2 months to accomplish; however, it is done! Yay! :) Time delay = another illustration of why I'm here. Next week: turn in receipts & 2 duplicate keys to landlord as requested.

Today: gym, treadmill, stretched, work, locksmith, work, drove home, cooked dinner.

Now: puttering to be ready for weekend :) I can run the clothes washer, brush teeth, & read recovery literature.

Can I run the dishwasher, floss teeth, & put away clothes? We'll see what happens in reality!!! :)

Have a great night, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Journey 2 pm

just finished my lunch, taking 15 more minutes then come back here and check in.


“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

Journey 2:20

Back to work! 


“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

journey 5:15

OK, I did all I can do on OPM for today.  I'm going to spend 15 minutes on my toastmasters club stuff then go home.  See you tomorrow!

Have a great weekend!




“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

today - major task

I have to get a prior year's tax return to my accountant today - I need to file an amended return - I should have called him on Monday and didn't get it done until yesterday.  I have an hour to get find the stuff - I don't know why I just didn't do it yesterday when I spoke with him on the phone.

I will save a couple grand with the refile - I should have dealt with this last year - :((:

I have ALWAYS been this way.

tax stuff

tax stuff is an issue for MANY of us!  Good luck!


“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

Never too late to get back on the wagon

Sooo, it's 4:40 pm now, had a fairly productive morning, but it didn't make it past lunch.

Now I'm left with two, no, three tasks, and can't choose between them. I wanted to keep my evening free but now I feel like I wasted the afternoon so I should catch up.

The weather is so nice today, I really would like to enjoy it. SO:

  • Work on Q (make list view)
  • Work on S (fix template)
  • Work on report
  • Prepare hiking tomorrow
  • Go out for walk while still sunny
  • Mail T (still not done)

Yesterday was a day of almost zero productivity. I got caught up in playing Settlers VI, which is one of those game that can last hours, which it did. I made it my choice to allow myself to play it for as long as I wanted that day. I guess that was what makes it possible for me to not feel bad about it, and not having the urge to play it now.

All right, I'm going to work on S for 1 hour, then go out for walk + get dinner, then check back for next tasks.

WDV - 8:42 pm

Ok, had nice walk + dinner. Feeling ready for some hours of work this evening.

  • Work on Q (make list view)
  • Work on S (fix template)
  • Work on report
  • Prepare hiking tomorrow
  • Go out for walk while still sunny
  • Mail T (still not done)

I'm going to continue work on S, and prepare tomorrow's hiking. Check back at 11pm CEST.

WDV CI - 10:55pm

Wow, finished with 5 minutes to spare :). Now I'm going to plan my hike tomorrow, then game till 12. Expect a checkout from me then!

WDV CO - 11:59pm

End of day check out. Worked quite a bit on S, I'm satisfied with that. Avoided working on report, also because I found out I have about 2 more days than I thought.

I just finished planning my hike. Had some time to spare to game but didn't, because I don't want to sleep late. A victory, because I used to be unable to resist the temptation even for just 10 minutes, which would lead to hours of uncontrolled gaming.

Good luck with the rest of the day everyone!

added your username to the message subject

I added your username to the message subject. Having just a time in there makes it hard to scan the recent comments list for who is saying what.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Thanks pro

I'll remember to do that from now on.

"You see, we're putting new coversheets on all TPS report before they go out, so if you could go ahead and do that from now on, that would be greeeaat..."

-- Bill Lumbergh in Office Space


Ok, must-stop-now, despite annoying markup-errors I want to get fixed.

Plan is to get food and clear head now, before chance has passed (i.e. I get hungry, store closes, sun sets).

scarlett CI 11:00 am EST

Another busy day - I've set 3 big tasks and 3 little ones, and I'm also going to be out of the office a good chunk of the afternoon. Next CI: 11:30 am

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Site visits

To do:
*MIT* Update license info
*MIT* Submit purchase info to DM (w/f email)
*pebble* Sched mtg w/ GB & GO
*pebble* Email DG re: flooring
*pebble* Look up conf

Become aware of resistance, and let go.

end of day CI

Hmm. Not as productive as I would have liked, but I already have to come in this weekend, so maybe I'll do some more then.

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Site visits
Email MS

*MIT* Update license info (started)
*MIT* Submit purchase info to DM (w/f email)
*pebble* Sched mtg w/ GB & GO (*MIT* for Tues)
*pebble* Email DG re: flooring
*pebble* Look up NAMC conf (6/18-6/21)

Become aware of resistance, and let go.

pro's CI - 9:20am

I'm back from the gym. I got a decent amount of sleep last night and I ate breakfast before going. My trainer said I was much stronger today. Maybe this means I should sleep and eat?

I need to shower and dress now before the plumber, handyman, and exterminator get here. All else can wait.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

sleeping and eating . . .

Yep, those two things are probably a good idea lol



“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

9:05am for Lark, and 10:28pm

Hi folks. I hope you all have a good day today. There's one tedious but important job on my program--one which I only have one chance at, and a screw-up will lose time and money. Other than that, there's not much new. Oh yeah, my grass is starting to scream for attention.
(X)morning routine
(X)spiritual time
(X)major task
general clean up and pick up
sweep out garage
organize shelves in workshop
(X)try to fix mailbox lid
(late)check in around lunch time

Journey 8:50

Well, traffic was quite back to normal this morning.  But that's ok.  Coffee, then email and daily planning.

No meetings today

No chores tonight

Let's make this a great day!




“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

journey 10:45

I realized I made a mistake in my budget for this month.  Not in my favor, of course.  So I just recalculated .  . . it's still not pretty but it's ok and it's done.  Facing it and doing something about it is actually less stressful than just worrying about it and doing nothing.  Who woulda thunk it?  lol.

My MITs are done and I'm starting on my OPM project now, and will work on that until lunchtime. 

 See you noonish






“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

Hi Journey!

Hi Journey!

Those pesky budgets!!! Good luck with all! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

journey 12:30

Worked on OPM for an hour or so, then took a 15 min break.  Going to work another 1/2 hr. then eat lunch.



“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

kromer 8 CI

This morning, already had breakfast+cleaned the bathroom.

I need to:
*Make a big push on getting test results for my senior thesis:
**Finish getting data for liver test dataset MIT
**Filter graph MIT
**Run job MIT Started
**Run MoD MIT Started
**pre-process datafiles for 2 estrogen response datasets MIT
**get data for estrogen response datasets MIT
**filter graph 2 times
**run jobs MIT
**Run MoD
**Find my supervisor and talk about test results/where to go next MIT MIT!
**Look at connections to CREBBP

I also need to do my econ pset and go to biochem class
Then, this evening I'm going to go to a friends graduation party!

All right, I'm going to work in the chatbox with my website blocker *on*. I'll start
with the first 2 tasks for senior thesis (and work on pre-processing estrogen datasets in any downtime). Check back when those are done.

kromer 12:30 CI

Made pretty good, focused progress on my senior thesis stuff this morning, went to biochem, had a healthy lunch.

I'm going to check on my running calculations, look up 15 proteins with connections to CREBBP, pre-process one of the estrogen response datasets, and look at the MoD results on liver if they're done.

Then I need to do my econ pset (due at 5), so I'll work on that.

I'll work in the chatbox with my internet blocker *on* while I'm doing the senior thesis stuff, then I'll print out the econ pset and work *away* from the computer.  

kromer 1:45

Finished the above senior thesis goals, now going to do my econ pset, needs to be done in 3 hrs, I'd like to get it done in 2 if possible.

Edge's CI - 1:46PM

No more procrastination today. Feeling good, doing well in my studies, going to finish the stuff I need to finish and be done with it. A few reminders:

- email Ayhan specimen papers
- finish and send profil

Other to-dos:
- H.W. Ar paper 2
- H.W. biz for later; place reminder in to-do notes

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 7:47PM

Came home an hour ago. Went out to lunch with my sisters and cousin after class then headed over to gran's and came back a short while ago. Sent Ayhan the papers, now need to finish my profile and my Ar paper.

x email Ayhan specimen papers
- finish and send profile

What I did today:
x 12pm business class
x afternoon med 2
x H.W. biz for later; place reminder in to-do notes
x forwarded takiyet um charity email to family and T

Other to-dos:
- H.W. Ar paper 2
- H.O.
- bh:a
- shower
- evening med 1
- evening med 2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 8:10PM

x email Ayhan specimen papers
- finish and send profile

What I did today:
x 12pm business class
x afternoon med 2
x H.W. biz for later; place reminder in to-do notes
x forwarded takiyet um charity email to family and T
x H.O.

Other to-dos:
- H.W. Ar paper 2
- bh:a
- shower
- evening med 1
- evening med 2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 11:10PM

Starting to feel sleepy and not in the in the mood. But I want to finish before I head to bed, so I'm going to concentrate on finishing what's left of the Ar. paper and my profile then will take my meds and go sleep.

x email Ayhan specimen papers
- finish and send profile

What I did today:
x 12pm business class
x afternoon med 2
x H.W. biz for later; place reminder in to-do notes
x forwarded takiyet um charity email to family and T
x H.O.
x dishes

Other to-dos:
- H.W. Ar paper 2
- bh:a
- shower
- evening med 1
- evening med 2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 12:17AM (Saturday)

Back to finish my paper. Coffee might be a good idea at this moment, as I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

x email Ayhan specimen papers
- finish and send profile

What I did today:
x 12pm business class
x afternoon med 2
x H.W. biz for later; place reminder in to-do notes
x forwarded takiyet um charity email to family and T
x H.O.
x dishes
x shower
x evening med 1
x evening med 2

Other to-dos:
- H.W. Ar paper 2
- bh:a

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson


Thinking of taking that shower, making a cup of strong coffee and then getting back to my paper. I just have two questions left - one translation and the other a short writing essay, but I need to wake up. I think the shower and coffee will help. Will be back in a bit and finish my paper. Shouldn't have watched TV =/

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson


Must not forget to note down tomorrow coffee with Raghad.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson